The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
'88 Games |
1988 | No summary. | |
Ajax |
1988 | Helicopter action game. | |
Akuma-Jou Dracula |
1988 | No summary. | |
Alice in Wonderland |
1988 | No summary. | |
Alien Crush |
1988 | No summary. | |
Altered Beast 獣王記 |
1988 | You are risen from the dead to save Zeus' Daughter. Fight your way through five levels collecting power ups to defeat the Evil Magician. | |
Angel Kids エンジェルキッズ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Aquaria |
1988 | No summary. | |
Ark Area アークエリア |
1988 | No summary. | |
Assault アサルト |
1988 | Tank game played from overhead. | |
Assault Plus アサルトプラス |
1988 | Tank game played from overhead. Sequel to "Assault". | |
Asuka 'N' Asuka 飛鳥&飛鳥 |
1988 | A classic air combat shooter. | |
Atomic Robo-Kid アトミック・ロボキッド |
1988 | Horizontally scrolling shooter - avenge the desperate terran colonists | |
Bad Dudes ドラゴンニンジャ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Bad Dudes Vs. Dragon Ninja ドラゴンニンジャ |
1988 | A horizontal scrolling fighter for 1 or 2 simultaneous players. | |
Bakutotsu Kijuutei 爆突機銃艇 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Battle Rangers |
1988 | No summary. | |
Beraboman 超絶倫人ベラボーマン |
1988 | No summary. | |
Big Fighter 戦え!ビッグファイター |
1988 | No summary. | |
Bionic Commando トップシークレット |
1988 | A side scrolliing action game. As the hero you have a bionic grappling hook and try to defeat an evil army of soldiers. | |
Birdie Try バーディトライ |
1988 | Fantastically produced golf game. Extremely replayable. | |
Birdie Try Golf バーディトライゴルフ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Blastaball |
1988 | No summary. | |
Bloody Wolf ブラッディウルフ |
1988 | Rescue captured soldiers in Southeast Asia and destroy the enemy's weapon base. | |
Bonze Adventure |
1988 | No summary. | |
Bull's Eye ブルズアイ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Championship V'Ball |
1988 | No summary. | |
Checker Flag チェッカーフラグ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Chelnov: The Atomic Runner チェルノブ-戦う人間発電所- |
1988 | No summary. | |
Chequered Flag |
1988 | No summary. | |
China Gate 中華大仙? |
1988 | You (and optional teamate) choose 1 of 3 characters, battle many different enemies with different abilities, and beat various bosses. The goal is to retrieve a book which the enemies have stolen from your master (as you see in the attract screens). | |
Chinese Exorcist |
1988 | No summary. | |
Chopper I 航空騎兵物語 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Chuka Taisen |
1988 | No summary. | |
Counter Run カウンターラン |
1988 | No summary. | |
Crazy Cop クレイジーコップ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Cyber Tank |
1988 | No summary. | |
Dash |
1988 | No summary. | |
Dead Angle リードアングル |
1988 | Shooting game with a 1930s gangster theme. | |
Devastators 餓流禍? |
1988 | No summary. | |
Double Dragon 2 : The Revenge ダブルドラゴン2 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Dracula-X 悪魔城ドラキュラ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Dragon Ninja ドラゴンニンジャ |
1988 | No summary. | |
F-1 Dream F-1ドリーム |
1988 | A difficult overhead racing game with fake ads like "Coco-Colo" and your choice of a normally-aspirated or turbocharged car. | |
Face Off フェイスオフ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Fighting Golf |
1988 | Golf! | |
Fighting Hawk ファイティングホーク |
1988 | No summary. | |
Fighting Soccer |
1988 | No summary. | |
Final Lap ファイナルラップ |
1988 | Start of classic racing series- spiritual successor to the Pole Position series. | |
Final Lap UR ファイナルラップUR |
1988 | No summary. | |
Final Round, The ハードパンチャー |
1988 | Boxing head to head, training rounds in between fights to build up either strength, stamina or speed.. | |
Flying Hawk フライングホーク |
1988 | No summary. | |
Forgotten Worlds ロストワールド |
1988 | Multi-directional scrolling shooter | |
Formation Armed F フォーメーション アームドF |
1988 | Vertically scrolling shoot 'em up - control the Vowger spaceship - shoots enemies, collect power-ups - defeat bosses to advance levels - Vowger can be changed to shoot in a multitude of formations and directions | |
Galaga '88 ギャラガ’88 |
1988 | The official sequel to Galaga gets updated with new graphics, in-game-music for bonus stages, and scrolling stages--not just stars. | |
Galaxy Force ギャラクシーフォース |
1988 | No summary. | |
Gang Busters ギャングバスターズ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Garuka 餓流禍 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Ghouls 'n Ghosts 大魔界村 |
1988 | Sequel to Ghosts and Goblins. | |
Gladiator グラディエーター |
1988 | A fighting game where objects are hurled at you so you will gain practice when you fight others to be the best. Or something. | |
Gold Medalist ゴールドメダリスト |
1988 | No summary. | |
Goonies, The |
1988 | Slow moving platformer; "run" and jump through creepy stages, with ineffectual weapons at the ready. | |
Gradius 2(VulcanVenture) グラディウスII |
1988 | No summary. | |
Gradius II: Vulcan Venture |
1988 | Called Gradius II in Japan, Vulcan Venture in the West. | |
Hard Head ハードヘッド |
1988 | No summary. | |
Hard Puncher ハードパンチャー |
1988 | No summary. | |
Haunted Castle ラビリンスランナー? |
1988 | Haunted Castle is an Arcade Version of Castle Vania. | |
Hot Chase ホットチェイス |
1988 | No summary. | |
Hot Rod ホットロッド |
1988 | Four player cocktail disk-based racing game from Sega. | |
Hot Shots Tennis ホットショットテニス |
1988 | No summary. | |
Hyper Sports Special ハイパースポーツスペシャル |
1988 | No summary. | |
Hyper Sports Special Edition |
1988 | No summary. | |
Ice Climber アイスクライマー |
1988 | No summary. | |
Iga Ninjutsuden |
1988 | No summary. | |
Image Fight イメージファイト |
1988 | No summary. | |
Insector X |
1988 | No summary. | |
Jigoku Meguri (aka Bonze Adventure) |
1988 | No summary. | |
John Elway's Team Quarterback |
1988 | No summary. | |
Jyuohki |
1988 | No summary. | |
Kabuki Z 歌舞伎Z |
1988 | Fighting. | |
Kageki 火激 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Kickle Cubicle |
1988 | No summary. | |
King of Rings リングの王者 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Kitten Kaboodle |
1988 | No summary. | |
Konami 88 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Kuri Kinton 功里金団 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Last Apostle Puppet Show |
1988 | No summary. | |
Last Duel ラストデュエル |
1988 | No summary. | |
Leaderboard Golf |
1988 | No summary. | |
LED Storm |
1988 | No summary. | |
Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf リートレビノのファイティングゴルフ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Legend of Makai |
1988 | No summary. | |
Legend of the Air Cavalry |
1988 | No summary. | |
Lost World |
1988 | No summary. | |
Lost World (Japan) ロストワールド |
1988 | No summary. | |
Magic Johnson's Fast Break |
1988 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Electronic Base |
1988 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Gakuen |
1988 | No summary. | |
Main Event (The) リングの王者 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Main Event, The |
1988 | 4 player wrestling action. | |
Makai Densetsu |
1988 | No summary. | |
Marchen Maze メルヘンメイズ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Masters of Kin, The |
1988 | No summary. | |
Meikyu Jima |
1988 | developed by NANAO CORP. (?) manufactured by IREM (?) distributed by IREM (?) Genre: Puzzle Display: 384x256@55 Screen orientation: horizontal | |
Metal Hawk メタルホーク |
1988 | No summary. | |
Midnight Resistance ミッドナイトレジスタンス |
1988 | No summary. | |
Mirai Ninja 慶雲機忍外伝未来忍者 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Mirai Ninja 慶雲機忍外伝未来忍者 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Narc |
1988 | A game where you play a hero trying to arrest the dope dealers and to catch the big guy, named Mr. BIG. | |
New Assault ニューアサルト |
1988 | No summary. | |
New Zealand Story ニュージーランドストーリー |
1988 | No summary. | |
New Zealand Story 2, The |
1988 | No summary. | |
New Zealand Story Extra, The |
1988 | No summary. | |
Ninja Gaiden 忍者龍剣伝 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Ninja Spirit 最後の忍道 |
1988 | Ninja fighter. | |
Nyan Nyan Panic ニャンニャンパニック |
1988 | No summary. | |
Oh! Pyepee |
1988 | No summary. | |
Ojanko High School |
1988 | No summary. | |
Ordyne オーダイン |
1988 | A classic horizontal shooter with excellent graphics and sound. | |
P-47 Freedom Fighter P-47 |
1988 | No summary. | |
P-47: The Freedom Fighter |
1988 | This is the Japanese release of P-47: The Phantom Fighter. | |
P-47: The Phantom Fighter |
1988 | World version of P-47: The Freedom Fighter. | |
P.O.W. Prisoners of War 脱獄 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Pac-Man '88 パックマン'88 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Pac-Mania |
1988 | Gobble the dots. | |
Paddle Mania パドルマニア |
1988 | No summary. | |
Passing Shot パッシングショット |
1988 | No summary. | |
Pick-N-Play |
1988 | No summary. | |
Pinbot ピンボット |
1988 | No summary. | |
Pocket Gal 2 ポケットギャル2 |
1988 | pool game. | |
Pot Shot |
1988 | No summary. | |
1988 | No summary. | |
Power Drift パワードリフト |
1988 | One player first-person sprite based driving game. | |
Power Surge |
1988 | No summary. | |
Purotenisuwa Rudoko To |
1988 | No summary. | |
Raiden 雷電 |
1988 | A classic shoot 'em up. | |
Raimais レイメイズ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Rainbow Island Extra レインボーアイランド(エクストラ) |
1988 | No summary. | |
Rally Bike ダッシュ野郎 |
1988 | Over-the-head motorbike racing game | |
Ring no Ohja |
1988 | No summary. | |
Robocop ロボコップ |
1988 | Side scrolling shoot 'em up movie tie-in, casting you as the murdered and resurrected supercop. | |
Rough Ranger |
1988 | No summary. | |
Round Up 5 - Delta Force |
1988 | No summary. | |
Run Deep |
1988 | No summary. | |
S Attacker |
1988 | No summary. | |
Sai Yu Gou Ma Roku |
1988 | No summary. | |
Scramble Spirits スクランブルスピリッツ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Shadow Warriors シャドーウォーリアー |
1988 | European version of Ninja Gaiden. | |
Showdown |
1988 | No summary. | |
Silk Worm |
1988 | No summary. | |
SilkWorm シルクワーム |
1988 | No summary. | |
Skate or Die |
1988 | No summary. | |
Sky Soldiers |
1988 | One or two future pilots time warp through important historical air battles to prevent the evil organization Amondule from changing history. | |
Space Harrier 2 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Spinal Breakers |
1988 | No summary. | |
Splatter House スプラッターハウス |
1988 | No summary. | |
Star Base Omega |
1988 | No summary. | |
Strike Zone Baseball |
1988 | No summary. | |
Sukeban Jansi Ryuko |
1988 | No summary. | |
Super Formula |
1988 | No summary. | |
Super League スーパーリーグ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Super Mario 3 スーパーマリオ3 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Super Mario Bros. 2 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Super Mario Bros. 3 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Superman |
1988 | No summary. | |
Syvalion サイバリオン |
1988 | No summary. | |
Takeda Shingen |
1988 | No summary. | |
Tatsujin (Truxton) |
1988 | See Truxton. | |
Thunder Cross サンダークロス |
1988 | Standard shooter: progress by levels, options and various weapon powerups. | |
Toobin' ツービン |
1988 | Rubber tubin' down a water course.. | |
Top Gun トップガン |
1988 | No summary. | |
Top Landing |
1988 | No summary. | |
Top Shooter トップシューター |
1988 | No summary. | |
TopLanding トップランディング |
1988 | No summary. | |
Touchdown Fever II |
1988 | No summary. | |
Truxton 達人 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Truxton (Tatsujin) |
1988 | One in a series of Toaplan space shoot'em-up games. | |
Tsukikage: The Legend of the White Wolf |
1988 | No summary. | |
Turbo Outrun ターボアウトラン |
1988 | Checkpoint based driving game | |
Turtle Ship |
1988 | No summary. | |
Twin Eagle ツインイーグル |
1988 | 2 plyer simultaneous helicoptor shooter. | |
UFO Fighter Yoko UFO戦士ようこちゃん |
1988 | No summary. | |
UFO Senshi Yohko Chan |
1988 | No summary. | |
UFO Warrior Youkochan |
1988 | No summary. | |
Urban Surfin' |
1988 | No summary. | |
V'Ball バレーボール |
1988 | Beach bums - play volleyball tournament to win $2,500,000 | |
Vigilante ビジランテ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Vindicators ビンジケーターズ |
1988 | tank game - overhead view | |
Vindicators Part II |
1988 | tank game - overhead view | |
Viper バイパー |
1988 | No summary. | |
Vs. Castlevania |
1988 | No summary. | |
Vs. Freedom Force フリーダムフォース |
1988 | No summary. | |
Vs. Gradius グラディウス |
1988 | No summary. | |
Vs. Ice Climber |
1988 | No summary. | |
Vs. Platoon |
1988 | No summary. | |
Vs. Sky Kid スカイキッド |
1988 | No summary. | |
Vs. The Goonies |
1988 | No summary. | |
Vs. Top Gun トップガン |
1988 | No summary. | |
Vulcan Venture |
1988 | No summary. | |
WhoDunit |
1988 | Shoot at things with a gun and "solve" a murder mystery, of sorts. | |
Winning Run ウィニングラン |
1988 | No summary. | |
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair ワンダーボーイ3モンスターレア |
1988 | No summary. | |
World Court ワールドコート |
1988 | No summary. | |
World Stadium ワールドスタジアム |
1988 | No summary. |