The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
1941 - Counter Attack |
1990 | 1941 is... | |
4 Trax |
1990 | No summary. | |
A.B. Cop |
1990 | Air Bike Cop - futuristic racing | |
Acrobat Mission アクロバットミッション |
1990 | No summary. | |
Air Buster エアバスター |
1990 | A horizontal-scrolling shoot-em-up | |
Air Inferno エアインフェルノ |
1990 | No summary. | |
Alien Storm エイリアンストーム |
1990 | No summary. | |
Aliens エイリアンズ |
1990 | No summary. | |
American Horseshoes アメリカンホースシュー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Arlington Horse Racing |
1990 | No summary. | |
Ashura Blaster 阿修羅ブラスター |
1990 | No summary. | |
Ataxx アタックス |
1990 | A variation on the Othello boardgame. You control either the blue or red blobs (pieces). You can either jump over one space, or "multiply" to an adjacent space. Then, all blobs in adjacent spaces change to your color. | |
Atomic Point |
1990 | Tetris-like puzzler. | |
Aurail オーライル |
1990 | No summary. | |
Baseball Stars ベースボールスターズ |
1990 | No summary. | |
Baseball Stars Professional ベースボールスターズ |
1990 | Standard baseball game with unique themed teams and stats. Has photos for every single player. | |
Battle Shark バトルシャーク |
1990 | No summary. | |
Beast Busters ビーストバスターズ |
1990 | 3 Gun Game where players try to destroy the mutants that have taken over the city. | |
Big Run ビッグラン |
1990 | No summary. | |
Bio-Ship Paladin |
1990 | No summary. | |
Birdie Try 2 バーディトライ2 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Birdie Try I バーディトライ |
1990 | No summary. | |
Blockseed ブロクシード |
1990 | No summary. | |
Blood Brothers ブラッドブラザーズ |
1990 | Wild West themed crosshair shooter. Sequel to "Cabal." | |
Blue's Journey |
1990 | No summary. | |
BMX Heat (unreleased) |
1990 | No summary. | |
Bonanza Bros. ボナンザブラザーズ |
1990 | One or two bank robbers move up and down floors collecting treasures and avoiding the cops. | |
Borench |
1990 | No summary. | |
Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash part 2 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Bowl-O-Rama |
1990 | No summary. | |
Boxy Boy |
1990 | No summary. | |
Brute Force |
1990 | No summary. | |
Burokushiido |
1990 | No summary. | |
Capcom Question |
1990 | No summary. | |
Carrier Air Wing USネイビー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Champion Wrestler チャンピオンレスラー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Chase H.Q. 2 |
1990 | police chasing baddies and running them off the road. Just like C-HQ1 except you had a man jump out of the sun roof and fired a machine gun when you pressed a button. | |
Chikie Chikie Boys |
1990 | Platform game with comical, cartoon characters. | |
Cisco Heat シスコヒート |
1990 | No summary. | |
Columns コラムス |
1990 | No summary. | |
Combatribes |
1990 | No summary. | |
Crude Buster クルードバスター |
1990 | No summary. | |
Cyber Lip サイバーリップ |
1990 | SNK's answer to Contra. Not a bad game, but the later released Metal Slug blew it away. | |
D D Crew DDクルー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Daiku no Gensan |
1990 | No summary. | |
Dark Seal ダークシール |
1990 | No summary. | |
Doshi |
1990 | No summary. | |
Dottori Kun どっとりくん |
1990 | No summary. | |
Double Dragon 3 : The Rosetta Stone ダブルドラゴン3 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Downtown ダウンタウン |
1990 | No summary. | |
Dr. Mario Dr.マリオ |
1990 | A version of Tetris with Mario doing pills and destroying viruses. | |
Dragon Saber ドラゴンセイバー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Driver's Eye ドライバーズアイ |
1990 | No summary. | |
Dyno Bop |
1990 | No summary. | |
EDF: Earth Defense Force E.D.F |
1990 | No summary. | |
Edward Randy |
1990 | No summary. | |
1990 | No summary. | |
Euro Football Champ |
1990 | No summary. | |
F-Zero |
1990 | No summary. | |
Fantasy Land |
1990 | No summary. | |
Football Champ |
1990 | No summary. | |
1990 | No summary. | |
G-LOC Air Battle |
1990 | Hi-tech follow-up to Afterburner series. | |
Gal's Panic 2 ギャルズ・パニック2(スペシャルエディション) |
1990 | No summary. | |
Galaxian3: Project Dragoon ギャラクシアン3 プロジェクトドラグーン |
1990 | Play just once to experience it. | |
Gate of Doom サンダーゾーン? |
1990 | No summary. | |
Gp Rider GPライダー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Growl ルナーク |
1990 | No summary. | |
Gumball Rally |
1990 | No summary. | |
Gun Dealer |
1990 | Poker/Card puzzle game that "rewards" the player with naked ladies. | |
Gun Frontier |
1990 | No summary. | |
GunFrontier ガンフロンティア |
1990 | No summary. | |
Hammering Harry 大工の源さん |
1990 | No summary. | |
Hat Trick Hero ハットトリックヒーロー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Hatris ハットリス |
1990 | No summary. | |
High Impact Football |
1990 | No summary. | |
Hydra ヒドラ |
1990 | No summary. | |
Joy Joy Kid |
1990 | No summary. | |
JOYJOYKID ジョイジョイキッド |
1990 | No summary. | |
JT 104 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Junction |
1990 | No summary. | |
Koushien |
1990 | No summary. | |
Kyukai Dochuki 球界道中記 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Kyuukai Douchuuk |
1990 | No summary. | |
Laser Ghost |
1990 | No summary. | |
Laugh Racer |
1990 | No summary. | |
Lazer Ghost レーザーゴースト |
1990 | No summary. | |
League Bowling リーグボーリング |
1990 | No summary. | |
Lightning Fighters |
1990 | No summary. | |
Liquid Kids |
1990 | No summary. | |
1990 | No summary. | |
Magic Sword マジックソード |
1990 | No summary. | |
Magician Lord マジシャンロード |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mah Jongg Academy |
1990 | No summary. | |
MahjangQuest マージャンクエスト |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Channel Zoom In |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Chinmoku no Hentai |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Club 90's |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Kakumei |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Kyoretsuden |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Quest |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Story |
1990 | No summary. | |
Major Title |
1990 | No summary. | |
Marble Land |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mega Twins チキチキボーイズ |
1990 | No summary. | |
1990 | updated version of Commando. | |
Mercs (Commando 2) 戦場の狼2 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Michael Jackson's Moon Walker マイケルジャクソンムーンウォーカー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker ムーンウォーカー |
1990 | Michael Jackson goes round saving children from evil-doers.. | |
Minasan No Okagesamadesu! ミナサン ノ オカゲサマデス! |
1990 | No summary. | |
Minivader ミニベーダー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Minnasen no Okagesamadesu |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mizubaku Adventure |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mizubaku Daibouken (= Liquid Kids) |
1990 | No summary. | |
MJ-12 マジェスティックトウェルブ |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mustache Boy |
1990 | No summary. | |
Mustang ムスタング |
1990 | No summary. | |
Nam 1975 ナム1975 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Nam-75 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Nemo ネモ |
1990 | No summary. | |
Neo Geo |
1990 | No summary. | |
New Zealand Story, The |
1990 | Basic horizontal platform game - help a little kiwi save his friends from an evil walrus who intends to have them for dinner. | |
Ninja Combat ニンジャコンバット |
1990 | No summary. | |
Nitro Ball |
1990 | No summary. | |
Outzone アウトゾーン |
1990 | Vertical scrolling shooter. | |
Over Drive オーバドライブ |
1990 | No summary. | |
Paladin |
1990 | No summary. | |
Palamedes パラメデス |
1990 | No summary. | |
Pang パン |
1990 | No summary. | |
Parodius パロディウスだ! |
1990 | A horizontal shooter. Full name: Parodius! From Myth to Laughter (Parodius Da! Shinwa kara Owarai e) | |
Pig Out |
1990 | Platform game. | |
Pigskin 621 A.D. |
1990 | Football with fantasy races. You and your opponent use weapons, traps, and magic to score touchdowns. | |
Pistol Daimyo no Bouken |
1990 | No summary. | |
Pistol Shogun |
1990 | No summary. | |
Pit Boss Superstar |
1990 | No summary. | |
Pit Fighter ピットファイター |
1990 | First (maybe only) entirely digitized fighter game, for up to 3 players. | |
Pound For Pound パウンドフォーパウンド |
1990 | No summary. | |
Punk Shot パンクショット |
1990 | No summary. | |
Pushman |
1990 | No summary. | |
Puzzle Club (prototype) |
1990 | No summary. | |
Quest of Pistol Daimyo ぴすとる大名の冒険 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Quiz Torimonochou |
1990 | No summary. | |
R-Type II R-Type II |
1990 | The Byo return for revenge! 6 Levels of absolute nightmare, as the successor to the original brings more infamous sideways scrolling action. | |
Race Drivin' レースドライビン |
1990 | Enhanced version of Hard Drivin'. | |
Racing Hero レーシングヒーロー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Rad Mobile ラッドモービル |
1990 | Very quick road racing game. With oncoming traffic, weather effects, and a fluffy Sonic swinging from the rear view mirror. | |
Raiden DX 雷電DX |
1990 | No summary. | |
Rampart ランパート |
1990 | This is a simple strategy game that can be addicting. It involves fortifying a castle with walls and cannons, defending from cannon attacks, rebuilding, etc. | |
Riding Hero ライディングヒーロー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Rodland ロッドランド |
1990 | No summary. | |
Roller Games ローラーゲームズ |
1990 | No summary. | |
Rolling Thunder 2 ローリングサンダー2 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Rough Racer ラフレーサー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Runark ルナーク |
1990 | No summary. | |
RyuKyu 琉球 |
1990 | No summary. | |
1990 | No summary. | |
Search & Rescue |
1990 | No summary. | |
Shuuz |
1990 | Horseshoe competition for 1-4 players, decent graphics and speech | |
Smash TV |
1990 | In the "distant" future of 1999, you are a contestant on the most violent game show of all – Smash TV. On this game show anything goes, as you attempt to collect prizes, cash, and keys by fighting off a host of enemies with your array of weapons. In some versions, if you collect enough keys, you are rewarded with a trip to the Pleasure Dome. | |
Snow Bros. スノーブラザーズ |
1990 | Also called Snow Bros. Nick & Tom | |
Soccer Finals |
1990 | No summary. | |
Solvalou |
1990 | No summary. | |
Sonic Blast Man ソニックブラストマン |
1990 | No summary. | |
Souko Ban Deluxe |
1990 | No summary. | |
Space Gun スペースガン |
1990 | No summary. | |
Special Criminal Investigation S・C・I |
1990 | No summary. | |
Strata Bowling |
1990 | No summary. | |
Super Burger Time |
1990 | No summary. | |
Super Buster Bros. |
1990 | No summary. | |
Super Champion Baseball スーパーチャンピオンベースボール |
1990 | No summary. | |
Super Pang |
1990 | No summary. | |
Super Space Invaders '91 |
1990 | Classic gameplay but with souped up graphics. | |
Super Space Invaders 91 スーパースペースインヴェーダー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Super Spy ザ・スーパースパイ |
1990 | No summary. | |
Surprise Attack |
1990 | Rolling Thunder in space. | |
Surprize Attack サプライズアタック |
1990 | No summary. | |
Taito Tetris |
1990 | No summary. | |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles T.M.N.T |
1990 | Play as one of the famous foursome and eliminate the baddies on your quest to save the girl and the day. | |
The New Zealand Story ニュージーランドストーリー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Thunder & Lightning |
1990 | No summary. | |
Thunder Force AC サンダーフォースAC |
1990 | No summary. | |
Thunder Fox サンダーフォックス |
1990 | No summary. | |
Thunder Jaws |
1990 | An underwater platform scroller. | |
Tic Tac |
1990 | No summary. | |
Top Players Golf トッププレイヤーズゴルフ |
1990 | No summary. | |
Trigon トライゴン |
1990 | No summary. | |
Trog |
1990 | Trog is a 1 to 4 player Pacman style game. Each player controls a dinosaur who must move around the island collecting their colored eggs and then making it back home first. There are 51 different levels. | |
Two Crude |
1990 | No summary. | |
UN Squadron |
1990 | Fight for the UN by choosing three jets. An F-16, A-10 and F14(?) Many optional weapons throughout. | |
USAAF Mustang USAAFムスタング |
1990 | WW2 planes flying against the 'Huns'. | |
Violence Fight バイオレンスファイト |
1990 | Primitive two player fighting game. Two players can duke it out in this 2d fighter similar to Pit Fighter. | |
Vs. Dr. Mario Dr.マリオ |
1990 | No summary. | |
W.G.P W・G・P |
1990 | No summary. | |
W.G.P 2 W・G・P2 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Warrior Blade |
1990 | No summary. | |
WGP 2 |
1990 | Taito World Grand Prix 2 | |
Winter Bobble |
1990 | Bootleg Snow Bros | |
Wise Guy |
1990 | No summary. | |
World Soccer Finals |
1990 | No summary. | |
World Stadium '90 ワールドスタジアム’90 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Yam Yam |
1990 | No summary. | |
Yuyu no Quiz de Go!Go! |
1990 | No summary. |