The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
1945 Strikers |
1995 | No summary. | |
Ace Driver エースドライバー |
1995 | No summary. | |
ADK World |
1995 | No summary. | |
Aero Fighters 3 ソニックウイング3 |
1995 | US name for Sonic Wings 3 | |
Air Combat 22 エアコンバット22 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Akkanbeedaa |
1995 | No summary. | |
Alligator Hunt |
1995 | No summary. | |
Alpine Racer アルペンレーサー |
1995 | No summary. | |
Area 51 エリア51 |
1995 | Kill the Aliens and their Mothership. | |
Back Fire バックファイアー |
1995 | No summary. | |
Baku Baku Animal |
1995 | Also BakuBaku. Sega's Baku Baku Animal is a nice variation on the very often copied Tetris/Columns type of game. | |
BakuBaku Animal ばくばくアニマル |
1995 | No summary. | |
Battle Arena Toshinden 2 バトルアリーナ闘神伝2 |
1995 | 3D fighting based on Battle Arena Toshinden series on the Sony PlayStation game console. | |
Bio-Mechanical Toys |
1995 | No summary. | |
Blue Star |
1995 | No summary. | |
Bubble Memories バブルメモリーズ |
1995 | Bubble Memories: The Story of Bubble Bobble III (バブルメモリーズ, Baburu Memorīzu) | |
Chotetsu Brikinger |
1995 | No summary. | |
Classics Collection 1 クラシックスコレクション1 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Command & Conquer |
1995 | No summary. | |
Cool Riders クールライダース |
1995 | No summary. | |
Crazy Cross 2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Crossed Swords 2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Crypt Killer ヘンリーエクスプローラーズ |
1995 | No summary. | |
Cyber Commando サイバーコマンド |
1995 | No summary. | |
Cyber Cycles サイバーサイクルズ |
1995 | No summary. | |
Cyber Troopers Virtual On 電脳戦機バーチャロン |
1995 | Two-player linked robotic combat. First in a series | |
Cyberbots サイバーボッツ |
1995 | 2-D robot fighting game with highly maneuverable mecha and the usual special moves and combos. | |
Daisukiss だい好キッス |
1995 | No summary. | |
Dangerous Curves |
1995 | No summary. | |
Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk - Extra Version |
1995 | An official ROM swap by Taito with increased rapid fire and swapped bosses | |
Desert War |
1995 | No summary. | |
Don Pachi |
1995 | No summary. | |
Double Dragon (Neo Geo) ダブルドラゴン |
1995 | No summary. | |
Dragon Might |
1995 | No summary. | |
Dragoon Might ドラグーンマイト |
1995 | No summary. | |
Ejihon Detective Office エジホン探偵事務所 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Ejihon Tantei Jimusyo |
1995 | No summary. | |
Excelsior |
1995 | Adult - uses a powertool to drill away at the blocks obstructing the view of the nude girl underneath | |
Far East of Eden (Kabuki Klash) |
1995 | No summary. | |
Fatal Fury 3 餓狼伝説3-遥かなる闘い- |
1995 | No summary. | |
Fighting Vipers ファイティングバイパース |
1995 | No summary. | |
Final Arch ファイナルアーチ |
1995 | No summary. | |
Five a Side Soccer |
1995 | No summary. | |
Fullmetal Madness フルメタルマッドネス |
1995 | No summary. | |
Funky Head Boxers ファンキーヘッドボクサーズ |
1995 | No summary. | |
Galaxy Fight ギャラクシーファイト |
1995 | No summary. | |
Game Paradise |
1995 | Fun, whimsical shooter that contains some mesmerizing special effects and backgrounds. | |
Ganbare Ginkun |
1995 | No summary. | |
Gekerin-Dan |
1995 | No summary. | |
Gekirindan 逆鱗弾 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Ghosthunter |
1995 | No summary. | |
1995 | No summary. | |
Great 1000 Miles Rally 2 グレート1000マイルラリー2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Henry Explorers ヘンリーエクスプローラーズ |
1995 | No summary. | |
Hiroko Moriguchi's Quiz Woo! Hoo! |
1995 | No summary. | |
Hoop It Up |
1995 | No summary. | |
Hoops |
1995 | No summary. | |
Indy 500 インディ500 |
1995 | Indy 500 racing. | |
Jackie Chan |
1995 | No summary. | |
Kabuki Klash カブキクラッシュ |
1995 | No summary. | |
King of Fighters '95 |
1995 | Sequel to The King of Fighters 94. This game once again uses characters from SNK's other fighters but this time you can edit you teams to your liking. | |
Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari |
1995 | No summary. | |
Kyukyoku Tiger 2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Landing Gear ランディングギア |
1995 | No summary. | |
Let's Go! Puzzle Dama 進め!対戦ぱずるだま |
1995 | No summary. | |
Mach Breakers マッハブレイカーズ |
1995 | No summary. | |
Magical Drop |
1995 | No summary. | |
Magical Drop plus1 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Magical Twinbee マジカルツインビー |
1995 | No summary. | |
Magix |
1995 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Doukyuhsei |
1995 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Hyper Reaction |
1995 | No summary. | |
Manx マンクスTT |
1995 | No summary. | |
Maruko Deluxe Quiz チビ マルコチャン |
1995 | "Chibi Marukochan" | |
Marvel Super Heroes マーベルスーパーヒーローズ |
1995 | No summary. | |
Master of Shogi |
1995 | No summary. | |
Mazer |
1995 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
MK 3 Ultimate |
1995 | No summary. | |
Mobile Suit Gundam Final Shooting |
1995 | No summary. | |
Neo Mister Do! |
1995 | An updated Mr. Do! for the Neo Geo MVS. "Taking, throwing, or crushing... Mr. Do! is very active!!" | |
Open Ice オープンアイス |
1995 | No summary. | |
Open Ice 2-on-2 Challege |
1995 | NHL Jam. :) | |
Orbatak |
1995 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
Outfoxies, The |
1995 | A one or two player game in which you choose from a wide variety of characters and battle to the death with your opponent. | |
Outlaws of the Last Dynasty |
1995 | No summary. | |
P-47 Aces |
1995 | Also known as P-47: Ace Attacker. | |
Pac in Time |
1995 | No summary. | |
Pang 3 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Platoon |
1995 | No summary. | |
Point Blank |
1995 | No summary. | |
Premier Soccer '95 プレミアサッカー'95 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Prime Goal EX |
1995 | No summary. | |
Pro Mahjong Kiwame S |
1995 | No summary. | |
Psychic Force サイキックフォース |
1995 | No summary. | |
Pulstar パルスター |
1995 | eradicate the Solar System of a hostile race of aliens that threaten mankind | |
Puzzle Bobble 2 (Bust-A-Move Again) パズルボブル2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Puzzle Bobble 2x パズルボブル2X |
1995 | No summary. | |
Puzzle De Pon! |
1995 | No summary. | |
Quiz Do Re Mi Fa Grand Prix 2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Quiz DoReMiFa GrandPrix2 クイズドレミファグランプリ2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Quiz King of Fighters |
1995 | No summary. | |
Quiz Theater:3 Stories |
1995 | No summary. | |
Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2 Zenkoku-ban |
1995 | No summary. | |
R-Shark |
1995 | No summary. | |
Rave Racer レイブレーサー |
1995 | No summary. | |
Rockman - the Power Battle (Japan) ロックマン |
1995 | No summary. | |
Salamander 2 沙羅曼蛇2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Salter |
1995 | No summary. | |
Samurai Showdown 3 サムライスピリッツ斬紅郎無双剣 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Samurai Showdown 3: Blades of Blood |
1995 | One or two player fighting game with various weapons. Series known as "Samurai Spirits" in Japan. | |
SandoArl サンドアール |
1995 | No summary. | |
Savage Reign |
1995 | No summary. | |
Sega Rally セガラリー |
1995 | No summary. | |
Sega Rally Championship |
1995 | No summary. | |
Sexy Parodius セクシーパロディウス |
1995 | Konami's parody of the all too serious Gradius shooters. | |
Sky Target スカイターゲット |
1995 | No summary. | |
Soccer Super Stars サッカースーパースターズ |
1995 | No summary. | |
Sokonuke Taisen Game |
1995 | No summary. | |
Solar Assault ソーラーアサルト |
1995 | No summary. | |
Sonic Wings Special 3 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Space Invaders '95 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Speed King スピードキング |
1995 | No summary. | |
Speed King 360 Degrees |
1995 | No summary. | |
Speed Racer スピードレーサー |
1995 | No summary. | |
Sports Fishing 2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Stakes Winner |
1995 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter Alpha |
1995 | Yet another fighter. | |
Street Fighter Alpha: The Warriors Dream |
1995 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter Zero ストリートファイターZero |
1995 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter: the Movie ストリートファイターザムービー |
1995 | No summary. | |
Strikers 1945 ストライカーズ1945 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Suihoenbu |
1995 | No summary. | |
Super Football Champ |
1995 | No summary. | |
Super Major League |
1995 | No summary. | |
Super Sidekick 3: the Ultimate 11 得点王3 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Super Sidekicks 3 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Super World Stadium '95 スーパーワールドスタジアム'95 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Syougi No Tatsujin - Master of Syougi |
1995 | No summary. | |
Tekken 鉄拳 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Tekken 2 Ver.beta 鉄拳2Ver.β |
1995 | No summary. | |
Tetris Plus テトリスプラス |
1995 | No summary. | |
The King of Fighters'95 キングオブファイターズ'95 |
1995 | No summary. | |
The Outfoxies アウトフォクシーズ |
1995 | No summary. | |
Thunder Blade サンダーブレード |
1995 | No summary. | |
Tokimeki Memorial Puzzle Dama ときめきメモリアル対戦ぱずるだま |
1995 | No summary. | |
Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzledama |
1995 | No summary. | |
ToRyuMon 登竜門 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Toy |
1995 | No summary. | |
Twin Bee Yahoo! |
1995 | No summary. | |
Twin Cobra II |
1995 | Twin Cobra II is a military-themed vertically scrolling shoot 'em up game that plays similarly to the previous Twin Cobra. | |
Twin Qix |
1995 | No summary. | |
Twinbee Yahoo! ツインビーヤッホー! |
1995 | No summary. | |
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Ultra Sports |
1995 | No summary. | |
Ultra X Weapons |
1995 | Also known as Ultra Keibitai. | |
Vampire Hunter (Japan - Dark Stalkers) バンパイアハンター |
1995 | No summary. | |
Vampire Hunter: Darkstalker's Revenge |
1995 | No summary. | |
Vic Viper |
1995 | No summary. | |
Virtua Cop 2 バーチャコップ2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Virtua Fighter 2.1 バーチャファイター2.1 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Virtua Fighter Remix バーチャファイターリミックス |
1995 | No summary. | |
Voltage Fighter - Gowkaizer ボルテージファイターゴーカイザー |
1995 | No summary. | |
Warlords of the Fates, The |
1995 | No summary. | |
World Cup VolleyBall |
1995 | Classic Volleyball action for the NeoGeo. | |
World Cup Volleyball '95 ワールドカップバレーボール'95 |
1995 | No summary. | |
World Heroes Perfect ワールドヒーローズパーフェクト |
1995 | No summary. | |
World Rally 2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
WWF WrestleMania |
1995 | A WWF-licensed wrestling game, with digitized stars like Bret Hart, the Undertaker, and Doink the Clown. | |
X-Men: Children of the Atom エックスメンチルドレンオブジアトム |
1995 | No summary. | |
Zombie Raid |
1995 | No summary. |