The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
19XX: The War Against Destiny 19XX |
1996 | No summary. | |
Ace Driver Victory Lap エースドライバー ビクトリーラップ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Alpen Surfer アルペンサーファー |
1996 | No summary. | |
Alpine Racer 2 アルペンレーサー2 |
1996 | 3D ski racing | |
Alpine Surfer アルペンサーファー |
1996 | 3D snowboarding race | |
Aqua Jet アクアジェット |
1996 | Jet-ski racing game | |
Aquarium |
1996 | Puzzle Game in the Crazy Cross vein. | |
Art of Fighting 3 龍虎の拳3 |
1996 | Third in the Art of Fighting Series. | |
Athlete Kings |
1996 | See DecAthlete | |
Avengers in Galactic Storm |
1996 | Marvel Comics characters in a one-on-one fighting game | |
BatMan Forever |
1996 | No summary. | |
Battle Balls |
1996 | No summary. | |
Battle Garegga バトルガレッガ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Beat the Champ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Big Tournament Golf |
1996 | Golf game for the Neo Geo, AKA Neo Turf Masters. Licensed from Nazca. | |
Breakers ブレイカーズ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Classics Collection 2 クラシックスコレクション2 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Cleopatra Fortune クレオパトラフォーチュン |
1996 | No summary. | |
Columns 97 コラムス97 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Cruis'n World クルージンワールド |
1996 | No summary. | |
Crystal Legacy |
1996 | Created by Visco. | |
Dancing Eyes ダンシングアイ |
1996 | 3D Pac-Man like game, with an Anime twist. | |
Dead Eye (1996) |
1996 | Police-style target shooting | |
Dead or Alive デッドオアアライブ |
1996 | 3D fighting game | |
DecAthlete デカスリート |
1996 | Newer and more 3D version of Track & Field | |
Die Hard |
1996 | Shooter. 3D. Based on a movie. | |
Die Hard - Arcade ダイハード |
1996 | No summary. | |
Dirt Dash ダートダッシュ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Dunk Mania ダンクマニア |
1996 | No summary. | |
Dunk Mania Prime GoalEX ダンクマニア プライムゴールEX |
1996 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Baseball ダイナマイトベースボール |
1996 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Cop ダイナマイト刑事 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Deka |
1996 | No summary. | |
Fighters' Impact ファイターズインパクト |
1996 | No summary. | |
Gal's Panic 2 Quiz Version ギャルズ・パニック2(クイズバージョン) |
1996 | No summary. | |
Gal's Panic 3 ギャルズ・パニック3 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Gal's Panic 4 |
1996 | No summary. | |
GalsPanic 4 you ギャルズパニック 4遊-for you- |
1996 | No summary. | |
Ghostlop |
1996 | Prototype game, similar to Magical Drop | |
Gratia |
1996 | No summary. | |
Gun Blade N.Y. |
1996 | No summary. | |
Gun Blade NY ガンブレードNY |
1996 | No summary. | |
International Track and Field |
1996 | No summary. | |
Intro Don Don |
1996 | No summary. | |
JacHammer |
1996 | No summary. | |
Jan Jan Paradise |
1996 | No summary. | |
Jet Wave ジェットウェーブ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Karate Ninja Sho |
1996 | unreleased beat 'em up game developed by Yumekobo for the Neo Geo MVS. | |
Killer Instinct 2 |
1996 | Ten fighters duke it out in one-on-one battles, in order to reach the boss, Gargos, and win the Ultratech Tournament. | |
King of Fighters '96 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Kiss Off キッスオフ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Kizuna Encounter Super Tag Battle 風雲スーパータッグバトル |
1996 | Kizuna Encounter is a 1996 competitive fighting game produced by SNK for the Neo Geo arcade and home platform. It is the sequel to Savage Reign. | |
Kosodate Quiz My Angel |
1996 | No summary. | |
Last Bronx ラストブロンクス東京番外地 |
1996 | No summary. | |
LayStorm レイストーム |
1996 | No summary. | |
Lovely Pop Mahjong Jan Jan Shimashyo |
1996 | No summary. | |
Macross Plus |
1996 | No summary. | |
Magical Date |
1996 | No summary. | |
Magical Drop 2 マジカルドロップ2 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Maniac Square |
1996 | No summary. | |
Manx TT マンクスTT |
1996 | No summary. | |
Meosis Magic |
1996 | Slots. | |
Metal Slug メタルスラッグ |
1996 | A side-scrolling shooter with lush graphics and comical 2D animations. | |
Midnight Run ミッドナイトラン |
1996 | Road racing | |
NBA Hangtime |
1996 | Four-player action basketball with real NBA players (or at least their faces). | |
NBA Jam Extreme |
1996 | No summary. | |
NBA Maximum Hangtime |
1996 | Action-oriented basketball featuring real NBA player faces and spectacular dunks. | |
Neo Drift Out |
1996 | No summary. | |
Neo Turf Masters |
1996 | Golf game for the Neo Geo, AKA Big Tournament Golf. Licensed from Nazca. | |
Neratte Cyuh! |
1996 | No summary. | |
Ninja Masters |
1996 | No summary. | |
Operation Ragnagard (Shin-Oh-Ken) |
1996 | No summary. | |
Over the Top オーバーザトップ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Pebble Beach ペブルビーチ(T&E SOFT) |
1996 | No summary. | |
Pebble Beach Golf |
1996 | No summary. | |
PhychicForce サイキックフォース |
1996 | No summary. | |
Pleasure Goal |
1996 | No summary. | |
Pocket Racer ポケットレーサー |
1996 | No summary. | |
Pocket Racer '96: Super World |
1996 | No summary. | |
Prop Cycle プロップサイクル |
1996 | Bike racing on a flying bike. | |
Purikura Daisakusen |
1996 | No summary. | |
Puzzle Bobble 3 パズルボブル3 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Quiz Magical Brain マジカル頭脳パワー |
1996 | No summary. | |
Quiz My Angel 子育てクイズ マイエンジェル |
1996 | No summary. | |
Quiz Naneiro Dreams |
1996 | No summary. | |
Ragnagard |
1996 | No summary. | |
Raiden Fighters |
1996 | A very intense action shooter. | |
Ray Storm |
1996 | No summary. | |
Realbout Fatal Fury リアルバウト餓狼伝説 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Red Earth |
1996 | No summary. | |
Rockman 2 - The Power Fighters ロックマン2 |
1996 | One or two players fight their way through one of three scenarios. | |
Run & Gun 2 (aka Slam Dunk 2) |
1996 | No summary. | |
Samurai Showdown 4 サムライスピリッツ天草降臨 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Samurai Showdown 4: Amakusa's Revenge |
1996 | One or two player fighting game with various weapons. Series known as "Samurai Spirits" in Japan. | |
San Francisco Rush - Extreme Racing サンフランシスコラッシュ |
1996 | Sports car driving game through San Francisco-based tracks, albeit with relaxed physics | |
Savege Reign 2 (Kizuna Encount |
1996 | No summary. | |
Scud Race スカッドレース |
1996 | Brilliant and addictive arcade game. Especially good in multiplayer mode. | |
Second Earth Gratia |
1996 | No summary. | |
Sega Ski Super G |
1996 | No summary. | |
Sega Touring Car |
1996 | No summary. | |
1996 | No summary. | |
Sengoku Blade |
1996 | No summary. | |
Ski Super G スキースーパーG |
1996 | No summary. | |
Slam Dunk 2 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Snow Board |
1996 | No summary. | |
Sokyu Grentai / Terra Diver |
1996 | No summary. | |
Sonic Blast Man 2 ソニックブラストマン2 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Sonic Championship |
1996 | Humorous 3D Fighting game by Sega. Uses the Sega Model 2B board. | |
Sonic the Fighters ソニックザファイターズ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Sonic Wings Limited |
1996 | No summary. | |
Soukyugurentai / Terra Diver |
1996 | No summary. | |
Soul Blade |
1996 | You've been killed by and evil ruler, and become a vampire. Now you need to eat souls to live. | |
Soul Edge ソウルエッジ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Soul Edge Ver. 2 ソウルエッジVer.II |
1996 | No summary. | |
Soul Edge ver. II |
1996 | No summary. | |
Speed Up |
1996 | No summary. | |
Stadium Hero スタジアムヒーロー |
1996 | No summary. | |
Stadium Hero '96 スタジアムヒーロー'96 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Stakes Winner 2 |
1996 | Pick your horse and race through both the US and European race circuits in this Neo Geo . | |
Star Gladiator: Episode 1 スターグラディエイター |
1996 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter Alpha 2 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter Zero 2 ストリートファイターZero2 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha ストリートファイターZero2α |
1996 | This is a Japanese only release after Street Fighter Alpha 2 to please the Japanese pundits with the addition of Evil Ryu and other new modes of play. | |
Super Dodge Ball |
1996 | No summary. | |
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 スーパーパズルファイター2 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo スーパーパズルファイター2ターボ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 X スーパーパズルファイター2X |
1996 | No summary. | |
Super Sidekicks 4: the Ultimat |
1996 | No summary. | |
Super Tag Battle |
1996 | Also known as: Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle, Fu'un Super Tag Battle (JPN) | |
SuperFootbollChamp スーパーフットボールチャンプ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Susume! Taisen Puzzle Dama |
1996 | No summary. | |
Taisen Tokkaedama |
1996 | No summary. | |
Tecmo World Soccer '96 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Tekken 2 鉄拳2 |
1996 | Second in the Tekken series. | |
Tengai |
1996 | No summary. | |
The King of Fighters'96 キングオブファイターズ'96 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Time Crisis タイムクライシス |
1996 | Time Crisis is a first person shooter in which there is a pedal used for ducking/reloading. | |
Titan Titles |
1996 | No summary. | |
Tokyo Wars トーキョーウォーズ |
1996 | Head to head tank battle game. | |
Touring Car |
1996 | No summary. | |
Touring Car Championship ツーリングカーチャンピオンシップ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Turf Masters |
1996 | No summary. | |
Twinkle Star Sprites |
1996 | No summary. | |
Ultimate Tiger 2 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Versus Net Soccer |
1996 | No summary. | |
Vicious Circle |
1996 | No summary. | |
Victory Lap - Ace Driver II |
1996 | No summary. | |
Virtua Fighter 3 バーチャファイター3 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Virtua Fighter Kids バーチャファイターキッズ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Waku Waku 7 |
1996 | Standard arcade fighter. | |
War Gods ウォーゴッド |
1996 | 3-D Fighting Game. Play as a wide variety of Gods and Deities with Special Powers and Moves. | |
War-Xard |
1996 | No summary. | |
Wave Runner ウェーブランナー |
1996 | No summary. | |
Wave Shark |
1996 | No summary. | |
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey |
1996 | No summary. | |
Wazard |
1996 | No summary. | |
Winding Heat ワインディングヒート |
1996 | No summary. | |
Winding Heat Twin ワインディングヒートツイン |
1996 | No summary. | |
World Soccer '96 |
1996 | No summary. | |
X-Men vs. Street Fighter エックスメンVSストリートファイター |
1996 | A 2 player fighter game in the Street Fighter/X-Men vein. | |
Xevious 3D/G ゼビウス3D/G |
1996 | No summary. | |
Zintrick |
1996 | Known as Oshidashi Zentrix in Japan. A game like Puyo Puyo |