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X-Men vs. Street Fighter (エックスメンVSストリートファイター)

Released in 1996

Developer: Capcom
Manufacturer: Capcom
Distributor: Capcom

***** (2 total votes)

Game Summary

A 2 player fighter game in the Street Fighter/X-Men vein.

Hardware Platform

CP System II (CPS2)

Game Details

No info. Member Ratings / Comments

***** by akuma_slamma. Comment: "This game was the Kingdom Hearts of its day, think about it! fusing classic computer game charactors with comic/cartoon charactors, it works! The graphics were very cartoony and this was good considering that the x-men had possibily the best cartoon series around at the time. This game was amazing, I actually completed the arcade version 2 years ago, apocalypes was the toughest boss and he was larger than life, but I beat him and life was easier, until I had to fight my partner in the "Final battle" My team was wolverine/akuma and I was stuck with wolverine. By the way, the original voice actors for wolverine and rogue in the x-men 90's cartoon series did the voices for those charactors in the game, what about that? I am a devoted street fighter maniac still today, kingdom hearts does not compare to this little beauty!" 2003-01-22 23:38:21Z

***** by a1r. Comment: "A classic crossover: the mature beat-em-up gameplay of the SF series combined with the big, bold and flashy cartoon effects of the Marvel games. Combined with a easy-to-pick up chain/combo system (mash light -> strong) and cool air battles, this is one of my all-time favourites." 2003-04-30 03:33:27Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/13/2021 7:06:25 AM