The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker |
1999 | Sega driving game. | |
AIRLINE PilotS エアラインパイロッツ |
1999 | No summary. | |
Airplanes Pilote |
1999 | No summary. | |
America's Bravest |
1999 | Virtual firefighting. | |
Battle Bakraid バトルバクレイド |
1999 | No summary. | |
1999 | No summary. | |
beatmania 2DX 2nd style ビートマニアIIDX2nd style |
1999 | No summary. | |
beatmania 2DX substream ビートマニアIIDXサブストリーム |
1999 | No summary. | |
beatmania 4th MIX ビートマニア4thMIX |
1999 | No summary. | |
beatmania 5thMIX ビートマニア5thMIX |
1999 | No summary. | |
beatmania completeMIX ビートマニアコンプリートミックス |
1999 | No summary. | |
Brave Fire Fighters |
1999 | No summary. | |
Buriki One |
1999 | No summary. | |
BURIKI ONE in TOKYO 武力 ブリキ・ワン |
1999 | No summary. | |
Captain Tomaday |
1999 | No summary. | |
CarnEvil |
1999 | Shoot to kill at the carnival. By Midway. | |
Change Air Blade |
1999 | No summary. | |
Charge 'N Blast |
1999 | No summary. | |
Crazy Taxi クレイジータクシー |
1999 | Pick up fares and drive them to their destination. | |
Cyvern |
1999 | No summary. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix ダンスダンスレボリューションセカンドミックス |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix and Beatmania IIDX Substream Club Version 2 |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix Link Version ダンスダンスレボリューションセカンドミックスリンクバージョン |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix with Beatmania IIDX Club Version |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMix ダンスダンスレヴォリューション3rdMIX |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Best of Cool Dancers ダンスダンスレボリューション ベストオブクールダンサーズ |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Karaoke Mix |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Solo 2000 ダンスダンスレボリューションソロ2000 |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Solo Bass Mix ダンスダンスレボリューションソロベースミックス |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dancing Stage featuring Dreams Come True ダンシングステージフィーチャリングドリームズカムトゥルー |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. Game's song list is composed of songs by the J-POP band Dreams Come True and Konami's in-house artists. | |
Dancing Stage Internet Ranking |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dead or Alive 2 デッドオアアライブ2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
drummania ドラムマニア |
1999 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Baseball '99 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Deka 2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Emergency Call Ambulance |
1999 | No summary. | |
F355 Challenge |
1999 | Racing simulation with just the one car type. | |
Fatal Fury Wild Ambition |
1999 | No summary. | |
Ferrari F-335 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Final Fight Revenge ファイナルファイトリベンジ |
1999 | No summary. | |
Fisherman's Bait: A Bass Challenge |
1999 | Big game fishing. | |
Flash Beats フラッシュビーツ |
1999 | No summary. | |
Formation Battle in May |
1999 | No summary. | |
Ganryu |
1999 | No summary. | |
Garou: Mark of the Wolves |
1999 | No summary. | |
Gauntlet Dark Legacy ガントレット ダークレガシー |
1999 | Gauntlet Dark Legacy, as an expansion to Gauntlet Legends, plays similarly, but with new levels, items, characters, and combat capabilities. | |
Giga Wing ギガウイング |
1999 | Old-school style shoot 'em up. | |
Guilty Gear 2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Guitar Freaks ギターフリークス |
1999 | Konami | |
Guitar Jam ギタージャム |
1999 | No summary. | |
GuitarFreaks 2ndMIX LINK version ギターフリークス2ndMIX LINKバージョン |
1999 | No summary. | |
GUITER FREAKS 2ndMIX ギターフリークス2ndMIX |
1999 | No summary. | |
Gun Beat ガンビート |
1999 | No summary. | |
GUNBARREL ガンバァール |
1999 | No summary. | |
GUNMEN WARS ガンメンウォーズ |
1999 | No summary. | |
Guwange |
1999 | No summary. | |
Hiphopmania Complete Mix 2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Hydro Thunder |
1999 | Midway. | |
Idol Mahjong Suchipai |
1999 | No summary. | |
Invasion |
1999 | No summary. | |
Jambo! Safari |
1999 | African safari, Crazy-Taxi style. | |
Jumo Safari |
1999 | No summary. | |
King of Fighters '99 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Knights of Valour |
1999 | Fighter in the style of the AD&D games. | |
Landing High Japan |
1999 | No summary. | |
Magical Tetris Featuring Mickey Mouse |
1999 | Tetris featuring Mickey Mouse, what else? | |
Metal Slug X メタルスラッグX |
1999 | The third in the Metal Slug series of extreme 2D animated, side-scrolling shooters. | |
Mr. Driller ミスタードリラー |
1999 | No summary. | |
Musashi Ganryuki |
1999 | No summary. | |
Out Riggers |
1999 | No summary. | |
PacapacaPassion パカパカパッション |
1999 | No summary. | |
PacapacaPassion2 パカパカパッション2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Panic Street |
1999 | No summary. | |
Pilot KIDS パイロットキッズ |
1999 | No summary. | |
Pocket Shooting |
1999 | No summary. | |
Pop'n music ポップンミュージック |
1999 | No summary. | |
pop'n music 2 ポップンミュージック2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Pop'n music 3 ポップンミュージック3 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Pop'n stage ポップンステージ |
1999 | No summary. | |
Power Smash パワースマッシュ |
1999 | No summary. | |
Power Stone |
1999 | No summary. | |
Prehistoric Isle 2 |
1999 | Sequel to the 1989 game "Prehistoric Isle in the 1930s." | |
Puyo Da! |
1999 | No summary. | |
Quest For Fame with AEROSMITH クエストフォーファイム |
1999 | No summary. | |
QUICK & CRASH クイック&クラッシュ |
1999 | No summary. | |
RAP FREAKS ラップフリークス(仮称) |
1999 | No summary. | |
RAVE MASTER レイブマスター |
1999 | No summary. | |
RC de Go! |
1999 | No summary. | |
Ring Out 4x4 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Rock'n MEGASESSION ロックンメガセッション |
1999 | No summary. | |
Rock'n Tread ロックントレッド |
1999 | No summary. | |
Rock'n Tread 2 ロックントレッド2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Rolling Extreme |
1999 | No summary. | |
Samba de Amigo |
1999 | No summary. | |
Sega Rescue |
1999 | No summary. | |
Sen-Know |
1999 | No summary. | |
Silent Scope サイレントスコープ |
1999 | Gun game with color LCD display built into the scope. | |
SNK vs Capcom |
1999 | No summary. | |
Spawn |
1999 | No summary. | |
SPAWN In The Demon's Hand スポーン イン ザ デーモンズ ハンド |
1999 | No summary. | |
SPIKEOUT スパイクアウト |
1999 | No summary. | |
Star audition スタアオーディション |
1999 | No summary. | |
Step Champ ステップチャンプ |
1999 | No summary. | |
STEPPING STAGE ステッピングステージ |
1999 | No summary. | |
STEPPING STAGE Special ステッピングステージスペシャル |
1999 | No summary. | |
SteppingStage2 SUPREME ステッピングステージ2スプリーム |
1999 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter 3 : 3rd Strike Fight For the Future |
1999 | No summary. | |
Strider 2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Strider Hiryu 2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Super Puzzle Bobble |
1999 | No summary. | |
The King of Fighters '99 キングオブファイターズ'99 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Top Skater 2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Toy Fighters |
1999 | No summary. | |
UmJammerLammy ウンジャマラミー |
1999 | No summary. | |
Uopoko |
1999 | No summary. | |
Virtue Striker 2000 |
1999 | No summary. | |
VJ Stepping Stage |
1999 | No summary. | |
VJ Visual & Music Slap VJ Visual&Music Slap |
1999 | No summary. | |
Waffupu |
1999 | No summary. | |
1999 | No summary. | |
Zombie Zone |
1999 | No summary. |