The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
Darius Extra |
1987 | No summary. | |
1943 (kai) 1943改 |
1987 | No summary. | |
1943: The Battle of Midway 1943ミッドウェイ海戦 |
1987 | American planes fly against the might of the Japanese Imperial Navy. | |
A. P. B. |
1987 | Overhead driving game. Catch criminals, force confessions, eat doughnuts, avoid demerits, meet quotas. (No, it's not a sim, even if it sounds that way.) | |
After Burner アフターバーナー |
1987 | Fly through Multiple Levels destroying Enemy Aircraft and Motherships. | |
After Burner II アフターバーナーII |
1987 | No summary. | |
Air Raid |
1987 | No summary. | |
Airwolf エアウルフ |
1987 | No summary. | |
Alien Syndrome エイリアンシンドローム |
1987 | Third-person shooter where you get to blast all kinds of aliens and rescue people. You can also find power-ups for better blasting power! | |
American Football アメリカンフットボール |
1987 | Football game similar to John Elway's Quarterback. | |
American Speedway |
1987 | No summary. | |
APB (All-Point Bulletin) APB |
1987 | No summary. | |
Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh アルカノイドII |
1987 | Breakout-style game with a futuristic twist. Sequel to Arkanoid. | |
Atlantic City |
1987 | No summary. | |
Avengers 必殺無頼拳 |
1987 | US version of Hissatsu Buraiken | |
Baseball II |
1987 | Baseball game. | |
Baseball The Season II ベースボールシーズン2 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Bases Loaded |
1987 | No summary. | |
Battlantis バトランティス |
1987 | Defend your castle from monster attacks. | |
Battle Chopper |
1987 | No summary. | |
Battlefield |
1987 | No summary. | |
1987 | No summary. | |
Beast Kingdom 魔獣の王国 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Bermuda Triangle バミューダトライアングル |
1987 | No summary. | |
Big Apple Poker |
1987 | No summary. | |
Black Dragon ブラックドラゴン |
1987 | Black Dragon is the Japanese version of Black Tiger. | |
Black Panther ブラックパンサー |
1987 | No summary. | |
Black Tiger ブラックドラゴン |
1987 | Scrolling fighter with great music and great medieval monsters. U.S. version of Black Dragon. | |
Blades of Steel |
1987 | No summary. | |
Blasted |
1987 | No summary. | |
Blasteroids ブラステロイド |
1987 | Space - Destroy rocks, saucers etc. | |
Blazer ブレイザー |
1987 | No summary. | |
Block Gal ブロックギャル |
1987 | No summary. | |
Boot Camp コンバットスクール |
1987 | Boot Camp is Track & Field with "Boot-Camp-type" activities, instead of olympic games. | |
Bullet バレット |
1987 | No summary. | |
Butasan |
1987 | No summary. | |
Captain Silver |
1987 | No summary. | |
Casino 5 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Casino Classic |
1987 | No summary. | |
Castlevania 悪魔城ドラキュラ |
1987 | As Simon Belmont, travel the crypts to kill Drakula. | |
Championship Arkanoid |
1987 | No summary. | |
Chase H.Q. チェイスH.Q. |
1987 | No summary. | |
City Bomber シティボンバー |
1987 | No summary. | |
Colony 7 コロニー7 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Combat School コンバットスクール |
1987 | No summary. | |
Continental Circuit |
1987 | US version of Continental Circus; comes in vertical or sit-down models. | |
Continental Circus コンチネンタルサーカス |
1987 | No summary. | |
Contra |
1987 | Run, jump and shoot your way to the alien base. A.K.A. "Gryzor." | |
Cross Shooter |
1987 | Cross Shooter is the North American name of Air Raid. | |
DakkoChan Janshon (DakkoChan House) |
1987 | No summary. | |
Dark Adventure 魔獣の王国 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Dark Mist ダークミスト |
1987 | No summary. | |
Deep, The |
1987 | No summary. | |
Demon's World 魔獣の王国 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Devil Worlds 魔獣の王国 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Dr. Toppel Tankentai |
1987 | No summary. | |
Dragon Spirit ドラゴンスピリット |
1987 | No summary. | |
Dump Matsumoto ダンプ松本 |
1987 | Female wrestling | |
Dunk Shot ダンクショット |
1987 | 4 Player basketball game. | |
Empire City 1931 エンパイヤーシティー1931 |
1987 | First-person gangster-shooting game set during the Prohibition. | |
Extermination エクスターミネーション |
1987 | No summary. | |
Exzisus |
1987 | No summary. | |
Fantasy Zone 2 ファンタジーゾーン2 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Fast Lane |
1987 | No summary. | |
Flack Attack フラックアタック |
1987 | No summary. | |
Flak Attack |
1987 | No summary. | |
Flying Shark 飛翔鮫 |
1987 | Airplane shooting game - ground, sea, and air targets | |
Flying Tiger 究極タイガー |
1987 | No summary. | |
Free Kick フリーキック |
1987 | No summary. | |
Full Throttle |
1987 | No summary. | |
FullThrottle フルスロットル |
1987 | No summary. | |
Garyo Retsuden |
1987 | No summary. | |
Gemini Wing ジェミニウイング |
1987 | fly against swirls of bug-like craft. | |
Ghost Busters 迷宮ハンターG |
1987 | No summary. | |
Ghostly Spirits |
1987 | No summary. | |
Ginga NinkyouDen |
1987 | No summary. | |
Goindol ゴインドル |
1987 | No summary. | |
Golden Axe ゴールデンアックス |
1987 | Fantasy / medieval hack 'n' slash.. | |
Gondomania 魔境戦士 |
1987 | Decent vertical scrolling shooter. | |
Great Gurianos |
1987 | 2-D Fighting. | |
Great Train Gang |
1987 | No summary. | |
Gryzor |
1987 | Run, jump and shoot your way to the alien base. A.K.A. "Contra." | |
Gryzor (Contra) 魂斗羅 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Guardians of SNK |
1987 | No summary. | |
Guerilla War ゲバラ |
1987 | No summary. | |
Guevara |
1987 | No summary. | |
Halley's Comet '87 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Hana-Yayoi |
1987 | No summary. | |
Heavy Barrel ヘビーバレル |
1987 | Ikari Warriors clone. Shoot-em-up platform scroller, with a war theme. | |
Heavyweight Champ |
1987 | No summary. | |
Hi Ho 2 |
1987 | No summary. | |
HIHOO! ハイホー! |
1987 | No summary. | |
HIHOO!2 ハイホー!2 |
1987 | No summary. | |
HishouZame (aka Flying Shark) |
1987 | No summary. | |
Holy Holy Kid |
1987 | No summary. | |
Homo |
1987 | No summary. | |
Hot Smash (Vs.) |
1987 | No summary. | |
House Mannequin |
1987 | No summary. | |
Hyper Crush ハイパークラッシュ |
1987 | No summary. | |
Jong Bou |
1987 | No summary. | |
Karnov カルノフ |
1987 | No summary. | |
Keith Courage In Alpha Zones |
1987 | No summary. | |
Kodure Ookami |
1987 | No summary. | |
Koshime |
1987 | No summary. | |
Kyros カイロス |
1987 | No summary. | |
Kyukyoku Tiger |
1987 | "Ultimate Tiger", the original version of Twin Cobra, sequel of Tiger Heli. | |
Labyrinth Runner ラビリンスランナー |
1987 | No summary. | |
Legion 超時迷宮レジオン |
1987 | No summary. | |
Little Casino I |
1987 | No summary. | |
Lotto Fun |
1987 | No summary. | |
Mahjongkyo-Jidai |
1987 | No summary. | |
Majuu no Ohkoku |
1987 | No summary. | |
Master Boy |
1987 | No summary. | |
Mekyo Sensi |
1987 | No summary. | |
Metroid |
1987 | No summary. | |
Midnight Landing |
1987 | No summary. | |
MidnightLanding ミッドナイトランディング |
1987 | No summary. | |
Mission 660 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Mission: XX XXミッション |
1987 | No summary. | |
Monster Land モンスターランド(ウエストン) |
1987 | No summary. | |
Moon Quake |
1987 | No summary. | |
Mr. Heli ミスターヘリの大冒険 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Mutant Night ミュータントナイト |
1987 | No summary. | |
MX5000 |
1987 | No summary. | |
New Dragon Spirit ニュードラゴンスピリット |
1987 | Vertical Scrolling shooter in the spirit of (and by the makers of) Xevious. | |
New Rolling Thunder ニューローリングサンダー |
1987 | No summary. | |
Ninja Kid 2 (Ob 2) ニンジャキッド2 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Ninja Kids II |
1987 | No summary. | |
Ninja Taro II |
1987 | No summary. | |
Nobochaka |
1987 | No summary. | |
Ojanko-Yakata |
1987 | No summary. | |
Olympiad |
1987 | No summary. | |
Opa-Opa オパオパ |
1987 | Possibly alternate/Japanese title for Fantasy Zone? | |
Operation Bear |
1987 | Operation Wolf bootleg. | |
Operation Wolf オペレーションウルフ |
1987 | Pick off enemy soldiers while trying to rescue hostages. Seques are Operation Thunderbolt and Operation Wolf 3. | |
Oscar サイコニクスオスカー |
1987 | No summary. | |
Pac Mania パックマニア |
1987 | No summary. | |
Perfect Billiard パーフェクトビリヤード |
1987 | No summary. | |
Plump Pop |
1987 | No summary. | |
Pocket Gal ポケットギャル |
1987 | No summary. | |
Pokkutokyaru |
1987 | No summary. | |
Psychic 5 サイキック5 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Psycho - Nics Oscar サイコニクスオスカー |
1987 | Control a yellow robot named Oscar, collect shield and weapon power-ups, shoot bad guys until you get to a massive boss-monster at the end. | |
Psycho Soldier サイコソルジャー |
1987 | No summary. | |
Pyros ワードナーの森? |
1987 | Steer the little dude through levels of evil mobs to get to the castle and rescue your chick. | |
Quarterback |
1987 | No summary. | |
Quest Of Pythagoras ピタゴラスの謎 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Quester クエスター |
1987 | No summary. | |
Quiz Hyhoo |
1987 | No summary. | |
R-Type R-Type |
1987 | Irem's classic Giger-esque blaster. Battle against the fearsome, unrelenting Bydo Empire. | |
Rabbit Punch |
1987 | As space rabbits, shoot, box and collect carrots, in space. yikes. | |
Rabio Lepus |
1987 | No summary. | |
Rack'em Up ザ・ハスラー |
1987 | No summary. | |
Rad Action |
1987 | No summary. | |
Rainbow Island (extra version) レインボーアイランド |
1987 | No summary. | |
Rainbow Islands レインボーアイランド |
1987 | The sequel of the Taito hit "Bubble Bobble." Full name: Rainbow Islands: The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 | |
Rastan ラスタンサーガ |
1987 | No summary. | |
Rastan Saga |
1987 | No summary. | |
Real Ghostbusters, The |
1987 | No summary. | |
Rescue Raider |
1987 | No summary. | |
Revenge of Doh : Arkanoid 2 アルカノイドリベンジオブDOH |
1987 | No summary. | |
Riviera High Score |
1987 | No summary. | |
Road Blasters |
1987 | Finish each course and shoot enemies en route before running out of fuel. | |
Roadblasters ロードブラスター |
1987 | No summary. | |
Rolling Thunder ローリングサンダー |
1987 | side-scrolling shooter | |
S.R.D. S.R.D.スーパーリアルダーウィン |
1987 | No summary. | |
Samurai 侍 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Sauro |
1987 | Horizontal shooter, kinda like a simpler/older version of Gradius. | |
1987 | No summary. | |
Second Love |
1987 | No summary. | |
Shadowland |
1987 | No summary. | |
Shinobi 忍 |
1987 | You play a ninja on a one man mission out to destroy a evil force and save kidnapped hostages. | |
Shooting Zone シューティングゾーン |
1987 | No summary. | |
Shure Shot |
1987 | No summary. | |
Sky Fox |
1987 | No summary. | |
Soldier of Light ザインドスリーナ |
1987 | See also Xain'd Sleena for additional info. | |
Sonic Boom ソニックブーム |
1987 | No summary. | |
Speed Ball |
1987 | No summary. | |
Sports Trivia |
1987 | No summary. | |
Star Guards |
1987 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter ストリートファイター |
1987 | The First in a long series of mega-popular fighting games. | |
Super Baseball Double Play Home Run Derby |
1987 | No summary. | |
Super Bowl '87 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Super Contra スーパー魂斗羅 |
1987 | Sequel to Gryzor/Contra. Featured horizontal scrolling and Gauntlet-style overhead view levels. | |
Super Duper Casino |
1987 | No summary. | |
Super Hang-On SD スーパーハングオンSD |
1987 | No summary. | |
Super Piero スーパーピエロ |
1987 | Japanese release of Do Run Run! with a few cosmetic changes. | |
Super Poker |
1987 | No summary. | |
Super Qix スーパーQIX |
1987 | A sequel to Qix. | |
Super Real Darwin |
1987 | No summary. | |
Super Real Mahjong |
1987 | No summary. | |
Super Real Mahjong P2 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Sure Shot |
1987 | No summary. | |
Taisen Quiz HYHOO |
1987 | No summary. | |
Taisen Quiz HYHOO 2 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Tales of a Monsterpath |
1987 | No summary. | |
Tecmo Bowl テクモボウル |
1987 | No summary. | |
Terra Force テラフォース |
1987 | No summary. | |
Tetris テトリス |
1987 | Classic Tetris game. | |
The Hustler ザ・ハスラー |
1987 | No summary. | |
Thundercade |
1987 | Motorbike and sidecar shooting game. | |
Tiger Road 虎への道 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Time Scanner タイムスキャナー |
1987 | No summary. | |
Time Soldiers タイムソルジャー |
1987 | Travel through time saving your comrads. | |
Time Warriors タイムウォーリア |
1987 | No summary. | |
TKO Boxing |
1987 | No summary. | |
Toki no Senshi (Chrono Soldier) |
1987 | No summary. | |
Top Speed |
1987 | No summary. | |
Tora eno Michi |
1987 | No summary. | |
Touchdown Fever タッチダウンフィーバー |
1987 | No summary. | |
Tournament Arkanoid トーナメントアルカノイド |
1987 | No summary. | |
Tricky Doc |
1987 | No summary. | |
Twin Cobra ツインコブラ |
1987 | Single or dual player helicopter flying/bombing game. | |
Typhoon A-JAX |
1987 | No summary. | |
Ultra Quiz |
1987 | No summary. | |
Up Scope |
1987 | No summary. | |
Up Your Alley |
1987 | No summary. | |
Up Your Alley Sea II |
1987 | No summary. | |
Vs. Atari R.B.I. Baseball |
1987 | No summary. | |
Vs. Excitebike エキサイトバイク |
1987 | Compete in motorcross circuit with either 3 computer bikes, other human racers or a combination of human and computer opponents. Winners advance to more difficult courses. | |
Vs. Gumshoe |
1987 | No summary. | |
Vs. TKO Boxing |
1987 | No summary. | |
Wardner ワードナーの森 |
1987 | Scrolling platform adventure, similar to Wonder Boy. | |
Wardner no Mori |
1987 | No summary. | |
Winter Games |
1987 | Rather tricky lil' game w/8 diffrent levels of snow slashin' atari action | |
Wonder Boy in Monster Land ワンダーボーイモンスターランド |
1987 | Fantasy platform adventure RPG kinda game.. | |
Wonder Momo ワンダーモモ |
1987 | No summary. | |
Wonder Planet |
1987 | No summary. | |
World Wars |
1987 | vertically scrolling shoot em up | |
Xenophobe |
1987 | Side view alien shoot-em up. | |
XX Mission ダブルエックスミッション |
1987 | No summary. | |
Xybots ザイボット |
1987 | Battle evil robots to find goodies and clear the maze. | |
Yokai Dochuki 妖怪道中記 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Yokai Douchuuki |
1987 | No summary. |