The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
All Japan Prowrestl |
1997 | No summary. | |
All Japan Prowrestling 全日本プロレス featuring Virtua |
1997 | No summary. | |
Arkanoid Returns アルカノイド リターンズ |
1997 | No summary. | |
Armadillo Racing アルマジロレーシング |
1997 | An armadillo racing game - try not to let your armadillo have a heart attack | |
Battle Circuit |
1997 | No summary. | |
beatmania ビートマニア |
1997 | No summary. | |
Bloody Roar ブラッディロア |
1997 | No summary. | |
Brand New Stars |
1997 | No summary. | |
California Speed カリフォルニアスピード |
1997 | No summary. | |
Dodonpachi |
1997 | No summary. | |
Dragon World 2 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Baseball '97 ダイナマイトリーグ |
1997 | No summary. | |
Fighters' Impact A ファイターズインパクト・アー |
1997 | No summary. | |
Fighting Bujutsu ファイティング武術 |
1997 | A 3D fighting game. | |
Final Furlong ファイナルハロン |
1997 | No summary. | |
Find Love |
1997 | No summary. | |
G Darius Gダライアス |
1997 | The galactic fish bosses return for another go in this latest game in the classic Darius series of shooters. | |
G Darius Ver.2 GダライアスVer.2 |
1997 | See G Darius. | |
Gal's Panic S |
1997 | No summary. | |
Gallop Racer 2 |
1997 | No summary. | |
1997 | No summary. | |
Get Bass ゲットバス |
1997 | No summary. | |
Groove On Fight GROOVE ON FIGHT |
1997 | No summary. | |
GTI Club GTIクラブ |
1997 | Rally-style racing through Cote D'Azur. | |
Hanagumi Taisen Columns |
1997 | No summary. | |
Hang Pilot ハングパイロット |
1997 | Hang gliding simulation | |
Harley-Davidson & L.A. Riders |
1997 | No summary. | |
House of the Dead, The |
1997 | No summary. | |
Hyper Olympic in Nagano |
1997 | Konami's Olympic-themed followup to 1996's 'International Track and Field' | |
Irritating Maze |
1997 | No summary. | |
Jan Jan Paradise 2 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Joryuu Syougi Kyoushitsu |
1997 | No summary. | |
Justice Gakuen |
1997 | No summary. | |
King of Fighters '97 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Kirameki Star Road |
1997 | No summary. | |
Koi Koi Shimashyo 2: Super Real Hanafuda |
1997 | No summary. | |
Kosodate Quiz My Angel 2 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Kuru Kuru Attack くるくるアタック |
1997 | No summary. | |
Last Blade (Gekka no Kenshi) |
1997 | No summary. | |
Le Mans 24 ルマン24 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Libero Grande リベログランデ |
1997 | No summary. | |
Lost World, The |
1997 | Based on the film "The Lost World" with high detailed dinosaurs. | |
Mace: The Dark Age メイス・ザ・ダーク・エイジ |
1997 | No summary. | |
Magical Drop 3 マジカルドロップ3 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Gakuensai |
1997 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Hyper Reaction 2 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Maruchan De Goo! |
1997 | No summary. | |
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter |
1997 | No summary. | |
Marvel Vs. Capcom |
1997 | The 5th game by Capcom to utilize their insanely popular Xmen fighting game engine. Players select 2 characters out of a possible 15 (plus 5 hidden) and battle it out. | |
Maximum Force マキシマムフォース |
1997 | Target shooting for 1 or 2 players | |
Money Idol Exchanger |
1997 | English title: Money Puzzle Exchanger. Magical Drop with money denominations. | |
Monster Slider |
1997 | No summary. | |
Moriguchi Hiroko no Quiz de Hyuuhyuu |
1997 | No summary. | |
Mortal Kombat 4 モータルコンバット4 |
1997 | Weapon-based hand-to-hand combat in 3D | |
Motor Raid モーターレイド |
1997 | No summary. | |
Neo Bomber Man |
1997 | The arcade released Neo*Geo version of Bomberman. Similiar to the other versions. Also released for the Neo*Geo home cart system. | |
NFL Blitz |
1997 | Action-oriented 7-on-7 football. A.k.a. NFL Blitz. | |
Off Road Challenge オフロードチャレンジ |
1997 | Off road racing BAJA style. | |
Operation Thunder Hurricane |
1997 | High Caliber Machine Gun War Simulation | |
Over Rev オーバーレブ |
1997 | No summary. | |
OverREV オーバーレブ |
1997 | No summary. | |
Poly Stars - Tobe! |
1997 | No summary. | |
Pop 'n Bounce |
1997 | No summary. | |
Pop 'n Pop |
1997 | No summary. | |
Print Club 2 |
1997 | A classic photo booth that can be reconfigured to print stickers. Has two verified styles of printers and can print one, four or sixteen pictures to a page in beautiful photo-quality images. Has overlays that are applied to the frame of the image. | |
Puchi Carat |
1997 | No summary. | |
PuchiCarat プチカラット |
1997 | No summary. | |
PuyoPuyo Sun ぷよぷよSUN(コンパイル) |
1997 | No summary. | |
Puzzle & Action: Treasure Hunt |
1997 | No summary. | |
Quiz My Angel 2 子育てクイズ マイエンジェル2 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Raiden Fighters II: Operation Hell Dive |
1997 | One of the best vertical scrolling shooters yet. Great music, spectacular sound effects, and tons of multi-layer parallax, bright, vivid colors, and huge detailed bosses make this game a keeper. | |
Rampage World Tour |
1997 | No summary. | |
Rampage WorldTour ランページワールドツアー |
1997 | No summary. | |
Realbout Fatal Fury Special リアルバウト餓狼伝説スペシャル |
1997 | No summary. | |
Rival School |
1997 | No summary. | |
Rushing Heroes |
1997 | No summary. | |
San Francisco Rush: The Rock - Alcatraz Edition |
1997 | No summary. | |
Saru-Kani-Hamu-Zou |
1997 | No summary. | |
Sarukanihamuzou |
1997 | Kaneko Super Nova System (paddle control). | |
Scud Race Plus スカッドレースプラス |
1997 | No summary. | |
Sega Water Ski |
1997 | No summary. | |
Sengeki Striker |
1997 | No summary. | |
Shienryu |
1997 | No summary. | |
Shock Troopers |
1997 | No summary. | |
Skating Shot スケーティングショット |
1997 | No summary. | |
Sol Divide ソルディバイド |
1997 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter EX Plus ストリートファイターEXプラス |
1997 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter III: New Generation ストリートファイター3 |
1997 | Sequel to Street Fighter 2 | |
Super Death Chase |
1997 | No summary. | |
Super Gem Fighter / Pocket Fighter |
1997 | No summary. | |
Super GT スーパーGT |
1997 | No summary. | |
Super GT 24h スーパーGT24h |
1997 | No summary. | |
Super Real Mahjong P7 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Super World Stadium '96 スーパーワールドスタジアム'96 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Super World Stadium '97 スーパーワールドスタジアム'97 |
1997 | No summary. | |
SuperGT24h スーパーGT24h |
1997 | No summary. | |
Surf Planet |
1997 | No summary. | |
Taisen Tanto-R 'Sasshissu!' |
1997 | No summary. | |
Tekken 3 鉄拳3 |
1997 | Third in Namco's Tekken series. | |
Tetris plus 2 テトリスプラス2 |
1997 | No summary. | |
The House of the Dead ハウスオブデッド |
1997 | No summary. | |
The King of Fighters'97 キングオブファイターズ'97 |
1997 | No summary. | |
The Lost World ロストワールド |
1997 | No summary. | |
Tokimeki Memorial Tell Me Your Heart |
1997 | No summary. | |
TokimekiMemorialTellMeYourHeart ときめきメモリアルおしえてYourHeart |
1997 | No summary. | |
Top Skater トップスケーター |
1997 | Pull off the craziest tricks ever to score major points and become the best Top Skater in town. | |
Total Vice トータルヴァイス |
1997 | No summary. | |
Vampire Savior バンパイアセイバー |
1997 | No summary. | |
Virtua Fighter 3tb バーチャファイター3 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Virtua Striker 2 バーチャストライカー2 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Virtual Mahjong |
1997 | No summary. | |
Wedding Rhapsody ウェディングラプソディ |
1997 | No summary. | |
Winning Spike ウィニングスパイク |
1997 | No summary. | |
Winter Heat ウィンターヒート |
1997 | No summary. | |
World Class Bowling |
1997 | Video Bowling | |
World PK Soccer V2 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Zen Nippon Pro-Wrestling Featuring Virtua |
1997 | No summary. | |
Zero Gunner ゼロガンナー |
1997 | lock on targeting - rotate around targets |