The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
Adventure Quiz: Capcom World 2 アドベンチャークイズ カプコンワールド2 |
1992 | Quiz game, sequel to Adventure Quiz: Capcom World. | |
Aero Fighters ソニックウイング |
1992 | US name for Sonic Wings | |
Andro Dunos アンドロデュノス |
1992 | No summary. | |
Arabian Fight アラビアンファイト |
1992 | No summary. | |
Arabian Magic アラビアンマジック |
1992 | No summary. | |
Arcade Classics (prototype) |
1992 | No summary. | |
Arm Champs 2 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Art of Fighting 龍虎の拳 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Asterix & Obelix |
1992 | A 2 player fighting game like Final Fight, the 2 characters you can choose are Asterix and Obelix. | |
Atomic Punk 2 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Balloon Brothers バルーンブラザーズ |
1992 | No summary. | |
Baseball Stars 2 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Baseball Stars Pro 2 ベースボールスターズプロ2 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Battle Blaze |
1992 | No summary. | |
Big Striker ビッグストライカー |
1992 | No summary. | |
Blandia |
1992 | No summary. | |
BlaZeon: The Bio-Cyborg Challenge |
1992 | R-Type-ish shooter where your ship can fire a projectile that freezes enemy vehiicles and take their form and power. Innovative idea. | |
Bomber Man World |
1992 | No summary. | |
Boogie Wings |
1992 | No summary. | |
BOTTS (Battle of the Solar System) |
1992 | 2-pc cabinet w/seat - mechanized warrior action | |
Bubble Trouble: Golly! Ghost! 2 バブルトラブル: ゴーリー! ゴースト! 2 |
1992 | Bubble Trouble: Golly! Ghost! 2 is the sequel to Golly! Ghost! but with an aquatic theme | |
Bucky O'Hare バッキーオハラのスチャラカ空中戦 |
1992 | Bucky's mission is to destroy each planet boss and rescue his crews and infiltrate into the Toad's spaceship and stop their ambition of universe domination. | |
Bugs Bunny |
1992 | No summary. | |
Burning Rival バーニングライバル |
1992 | No summary. | |
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs キャデラックス&ディノサウルス |
1992 | Typical Double Dragon style fighting game | |
Cool Pool |
1992 | No summary. | |
Cosmo Gang the Puzzle コズモギャングザパズル |
1992 | Tetris-like puzzle game featuring the Cosmo Gang. | |
Cosmo Gang the Video コズモギャングザビデオ |
1992 | No summary. | |
D-Con D-Con |
1992 | No summary. | |
Danger Express |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dangerous Dungeons |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dark Tower |
1992 | A Bubble Bobble variant | |
Dead Connection デッドコネクション |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dead Eye (1978) |
1992 | Gangsters trying to rid city of crime, starting with the pipsqueeks all the way up to the big boss. | |
Dessert Breaker デザートブレイカー |
1992 | No summary. | |
Diet Gogo |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dino Rex ダイノレックス |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dinorex |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dogyuun |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dragon Gun |
1992 | No summary. | |
Drive Out ドライブアウト |
1992 | No summary. | |
Emeraldia エメラルディア |
1992 | Tetris play-alike with a new twist. | |
Euro Champ 92 ユーロチャンプ'92 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Exbania エクスバニア |
1992 | No summary. | |
F-1 Grand Prix Part 2 F-1グランプリパート2 |
1992 | No summary. | |
F/A |
1992 | No summary. | |
F1 Super Lap F1スーパーラップ |
1992 | No summary. | |
Fatal Fury 2 餓狼伝説2-新たなる闘い- |
1992 | No summary. | |
Fighter & Attacker F/A |
1992 | No summary. | |
Final Lap 3 ファイナルラップ3 |
1992 | Two player racing sitdown. | |
Final Starforce ファイナルスターフォース |
1992 | Pilot your spaceship, shooting enemy spacecraft and ground targets. Grab the pulsator capsules for extra fire power. | |
Fix Eight |
1992 | Sequel to Outzone. | |
Fortress of Tile |
1992 | No summary. | |
Fujiyama Buster |
1992 | Japanese version of Shogun Warrior | |
Funky Jet |
1992 | No summary. | |
G.I. Joe G.I.ジョー |
1992 | No summary. | |
Galactic Storm ギャラクティックストーム |
1992 | No summary. | |
Galemedes |
1992 | No summary. | |
Gallagher |
1992 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games starring comedian Gallagher | |
Golden Axe : Return of Death Adder ゴールデンアックス |
1992 | No summary. | |
Great Ragtime Show (aka Boogie Wing) |
1992 | No summary. | |
Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer グリッドシーカー |
1992 | No summary. | |
Guardians of the 'Hood ガーディアン・オブ・ザ・フッド |
1992 | No summary. | |
Gun Ball |
1992 | No summary. | |
Gun Buster ガンバスター |
1992 | No summary. | |
Gun Hohki |
1992 | No summary. | |
Heated Barrel |
1992 | No summary. | |
Hexion ヘクシオン |
1992 | No summary. | |
Holosseum |
1992 | No summary. | |
Hook フック |
1992 | No summary. | |
Irem Skins |
1992 | No summary. | |
Karate Tournament |
1992 | No summary. | |
King of the Monsters 2 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Last Resort ラストリゾート |
1992 | No summary. | |
Last Resort, The |
1992 | No summary. | |
Legionnaire |
1992 | A run through the city and beat up all the bad giys game in the same vein as games like Final Fight. Judy has been kidnapped by the crime syndicate and Frank, Chris, and Alfred must save her. | |
Lethal Enforcers リーサルエンフォーサーズ |
1992 | Eliminate criminals at a crime scene. | |
Macross |
1992 | No summary. | |
Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold マッドドッグ2 |
1992 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
Mad Dog McCree マッドドッグマックリー |
1992 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
Mahjong Kakumei 2 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Major Title 2 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Monkey Mole Panic |
1992 | No summary. | |
Mortal Kombat モータルコンバット |
1992 | Gore-fest head to head fighting. Seven awesome warriors go head to defeat the evil Shang Sung to win back control over the earth and restore peace. | |
Moto Frenzy モトフレンジー |
1992 | No summary. | |
Moto Frenzy Deluxe |
1992 | No summary. | |
Mutation Nation ミューテーションネイション |
1992 | No summary. | |
Mystic Riders ミスティックライダー? |
1992 | No summary. | |
NCAA Basketball |
1992 | No summary. | |
Neck & Neck |
1992 | No summary. | |
New Dyna Blaster: Global Quest |
1992 | Follow-up to Irem's 1991 game Dynablaster (known as bomberman in Japan). | |
Nexzr |
1992 | No summary. | |
Ninja Commando ニンジャコマンドー |
1992 | No summary. | |
Ninja Taro |
1992 | As a ninja in ancient Japan, you are on a mission to find out if rumors are true about an evil emperor. | |
Olympic Soccer 92 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Operation Gunbuster |
1992 | No summary. | |
Pass |
1992 | No summary. | |
PiPi & BiBis |
1992 | No summary. | |
Pocket Gal Deluxe |
1992 | No summary. | |
Pocket Gal DX ポケットギャルDX |
1992 | No summary. | |
Potopoto ポトポト |
1992 | No summary. | |
Potrio |
1992 | No summary. | |
Quiz and Dragons クイズ&ドラゴンズ |
1992 | A Capcom Quiz/Trivia game based on the atmosphere of their "King of Dragons" and "Dungeons and Dragons" games. | |
Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan onl |
1992 | No summary. | |
Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan only) カプコンワールド2 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Quiz F-1 Race |
1992 | No summary. | |
Quiz Hell Squadron |
1992 | No summary. | |
Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh |
1992 | No summary. | |
Quiz Mayku's Adventure |
1992 | No summary. | |
Quiz TV Variety Show |
1992 | No summary. | |
R-Type Leo R-Type LEO |
1992 | The last arcade game in the R-Type Trilogy by IREM. Rare, energetic, but lacks the skills and inteligence that the former R-Types require. | |
Relief Pitcher リリーフピッチャー |
1992 | No summary. | |
Revenge of Death Adder 戦斧 デスアダーの復讐 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Riding Fight ライディングファイト |
1992 | No summary. | |
RidingFight ライディングファイト |
1992 | No summary. | |
Ring Rage |
1992 | Professional wrestling. Royal Rumble, Cage Matches, etc. | |
RingRage リングレイジ |
1992 | No summary. | |
S.S. Mission |
1992 | No summary. | |
Sangokushi II |
1992 | No summary. | |
Scud Attack |
1992 | No summary. | |
Search Wally ウォーリーをさがせ! |
1992 | No summary. | |
Silent Dragon サイレントドラゴン |
1992 | No summary. | |
Sim Drive シムドライブ |
1992 | No summary. | |
Soldam ソルダム |
1992 | No summary. | |
Space Ace II スペースエース2 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Space Lords スペースロード |
1992 | No summary. | |
Space Pirates |
1992 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
Sparkz (prototype) |
1992 | No summary. | |
Speed Basket スピードバスケット |
1992 | No summary. | |
Splash スプラッシュ |
1992 | No summary. | |
Stadium Cross スタジアムクロス |
1992 | No summary. | |
Strahl |
1992 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition |
1992 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter 2: Championship Edition ストリートファイター2チャンピオンシップエディショ |
1992 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter 2: Championship Edition (Japan) ストリートファイター2 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting |
1992 | Choose from the original eight characters plus new boss characters in a speed-up version of Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition. | |
Street Fighter 2: Turbo Hyper Fighting ストリートファイター2ダッシュターボ |
1992 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter 2: World Warriors (Japan) ストリートファイター2ダッシュ |
1992 | No summary. | |
Super Dimensional Fortress Macross |
1992 | No summary. | |
Super Sidekick 得点王 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Super Sidekicks |
1992 | No summary. | |
Super Spacefortress Macross |
1992 | A rather tough, action-packed vertical scrolling space sci-fi shooter. | |
Super World Stadium '92 スーパーワールドスタジアム’92 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Suzuka 8 Hours 鈴鹿8アワーズ |
1992 | No summary. | |
Tail to Nose |
1992 | No summary. | |
Taito Cup Finals |
1992 | Football (soccer) game where you can kick in opponents as well as score goals. | |
Tant-R |
1992 | No summary. | |
Tatsujin 2 (Truxton 2) |
1992 | No summary. | |
Tenchi II (Warrios of Fate 2) |
1992 | No summary. | |
The King of Monsters 2 キングオブモンスター2-ザ・ネクスト・シング- |
1992 | No summary. | |
Thunder Hoop |
1992 | No summary. | |
Thunder Strike |
1992 | No summary. | |
Time Killers |
1992 | A fighting game which includes 8 characters from different time periods. | |
Total Carnage |
1992 | Midway's sequel to their ever popular hit, Smash TV. | |
Truxton 2 (Tatsujin 2) |
1992 | No summary. | |
Turtles Lost in Time |
1992 | No summary. | |
Twilight Zone |
1992 | No summary. | |
Twin Squash ツインスカッシュ |
1992 | No summary. | |
Undercover Cops アンダーカバーコップ |
1992 | No summary. | |
Varth: Operation Thunderstorm |
1992 | No summary. | |
Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Japan) バース |
1992 | No summary. | |
View Point ビューポイント |
1992 | No summary. | |
Violence Fight II |
1992 | No summary. | |
Virtua Formula |
1992 | No summary. | |
Virtua Racing バーチャレーシング |
1992 | Formula 1 style racing game. 3d-graphics, but no textures. | |
Warriors of Fate 三国志 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Where's Wally |
1992 | No summary. | |
Witch |
1992 | No summary. | |
Wizard Fire ウィザードファイアー |
1992 | No summary. | |
World Heroes ワールドヒーローズ |
1992 | No summary. | |
X-Men エックスメン |
1992 | Multi-player fighting game featuring X-Men characters. | |
Yes! No Mental Tokimeki Chart |
1992 | No summary. | |
Zing Zing Zip |
1992 | No summary. |