dino, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World)
dinoj, Cadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki (Japan)
Game Details
The game follows the plot of the comic book and short-lived cartoon series. You play as one of the three main characters (Jack, Mustafa and a woman whose name eludes us) and your goal is to save the dinosaurs from the poachers. Each level contains the usual amount of ennemies as well as a certain number of dinosaurs (the number varies per level). Weapons and power-ups are plentifull and varied. The guns are particularily innovative. Each level is guarded by a boss character taken strait fron the pages of the comic books. At the end of the game, you must face of against the leader of the poachers.
title screen
gameplay screen
promotional flyer
Coinop.org Member Ratings / Comments
by zebow.
Comment: "Great fun game, love the cartoonish fighting style. Many different guns and things to throw with.
2001-04-12 02:48:36Z
by Hellnation.
Comment: "It's one of my favourite games! It has what every videogame should have, history, action, great sound and a great team behind it!
One on my top games list!"
2002-12-06 12:08:53Z
by lupine_ragdoll.
Comment: "I remember this from when I was a kid! This has to be one of the most addictive games I've ever come across, practically all the time I spent in Spain was spent playing this game in a pub near our apartment. Definitely worth a go if you can find a working one!"
2005-11-03 08:08:23Z
by wrxpoon.
Comment: "good good goood"
2006-02-26 02:11:42Z