The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
Agent X (prototype) |
1983 | No summary. | |
Albegas |
1983 | No summary. | |
Alpha |
1983 | No summary. | |
Alpha One |
1983 | Prototype of Major Havoc. | |
Alvegas アルベガス |
1983 | No summary. | |
Ambush アンブッシュ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Antarctic Adventure |
1983 | No summary. | |
Arabian アラビアン |
1983 | Arabian - collect jugs to spell ARABIAN | |
Astron Belt アストロンベルト |
1983 | Space - destroy air and ground targets | |
Aztarac |
1983 | No summary. | |
Baby Pac-Man ベビーパックマン |
1983 | Gobble the dots like Pac-Man, integrated with a pinball playfield where you must earn energizers, advance fruits, and earn extra Baby Pacs. | |
Banbolin |
1983 | No summary. | |
BattleCruiser M-12 バトルクルーザーM-12 |
1983 | Drop bombs on submarines from a boat | |
Bega's Battle 幻魔大戦 |
1983 | No summary. | |
Big Paw's Cave |
1983 | No summary. | |
Big Pro Wrestling!, The |
1983 | No summary. | |
Bio-Attack バイオアタック |
1983 | No summary. | |
Birdie |
1983 | No summary. | |
Birdy バーディ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Black Widow |
1983 | Spiders | |
Blaster ブラスター |
1983 | Space - blast through 20 levels to Paradise. Quasi-sequel to Robotron. | |
Boggy '83 |
1983 | No summary. | |
Bounty, The ザ・バウンティ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Brix |
1983 | See ZZYZZYXX. | |
Bubbles バブルス |
1983 | Guide bubble round sink collecting dirt | |
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom |
1983 | Space - Fly through space and over planets | |
Bug Man |
1983 | No summary. | |
Car Action |
1983 | No summary. | |
Casino Games - 4 in 1 |
1983 | No summary. | |
Chack'n Pop ちゃっくんぽっぷ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Chameleon カメレオン |
1983 | Jaleco platformer - eat all hen's eggs, placed in nests on platforms and girders. | |
Champion Baseball チャンピオンベースボール |
1983 | Baseball. | |
Champion Boxing チャンピオンボクシング |
1983 | No summary. | |
Change Lanes ハイウェイレース |
1983 | No summary. | |
Cinemat-System |
1983 | No summary. | |
Cloud 9 |
1983 | Shoot raining clouds before water level gets too high. | |
Congo Bongo ティップタップ |
1983 | Jungle adventure | |
Cosmic Chasm |
1983 | Infiltrate and destroy underground complex | |
Countercade |
1983 | No summary. | |
Crazy Blocks |
1983 | No summary. | |
Crossbow クロスボウ |
1983 | Shoot beasties - protect your adventurers | |
Crystal Castles クリスタルキャッスル |
1983 | The Brothers Grimm go 3-d. Pac-man style game in which you move Bentley Bear through a series of dazzling 3-d landscapes, collecting gems and avoiding balls, trees, and other bad guys. | |
Cube Quest |
1983 | No summary. | |
Cybernaut サイバーノーツ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Dacholer ダチョラー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Desert Race デザートレース |
1983 | No summary. | |
Destiny Horoscope 幻魔タロット |
1983 | No summary. | |
Dig Dug 2 ディグダグ2 |
1983 | No summary. | |
Discs of Tron ディスクオブトロン |
1983 | Duel with discs in futuristic arena. | |
Dog Fight |
1983 | No summary. | |
Dommy |
1983 | No summary. | |
Dr.Micro Dr.ミクロ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Dragon's Lair ドラゴンズレア |
1983 | Rescue Princess Daphne - kill the dragon | |
Dribbling |
1983 | No summary. | |
Dynasty |
1983 | No summary. | |
Eggs |
1983 | Free your chicks contained in Eggs while avoiding the Bad Guys. | |
Eon & the Time Tunnel |
1983 | No summary. | |
Espial イスパイアル |
1983 | No summary. | |
Exciting Soccer エキサイティングサッカー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Faster Harder More Challenging Q-Bert |
1983 | AKA FHMC Q*Bert. Title says it all. | |
Fax |
1983 | 1 or 2 player trivia game. | |
Fax 2 |
1983 | No summary. | |
Fighting Glory |
1983 | No summary. | |
Fighting Roller |
1983 | No summary. | |
FightingRoller ファイティングローラー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Firefox ファイアーフォックス |
1983 | Flying - shoot planes and ground targets | |
Food Fight フードファイト |
1983 | Throw food at evil chefs | |
Gazuma |
1983 | No summary. | |
Genesis |
1983 | No summary. | |
Glob, The |
1983 | Retrofit kit for Pac-man, made by Epos Corporation. | |
Goal to Go ゴールトゥゴー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Grand Prix グランプリ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Granny and the Gators |
1983 | strange.. | |
Great Guns グレートガン |
1983 | No summary. | |
Grey Plop |
1983 | No summary. | |
Guzzler ガズラー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Gyruss ジャイラス |
1983 | Space - fly through the solar system shooting enemies. Made by Konami and Centuri. | |
Hammer Car ハンマーカー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Heart Attack |
1983 | Fill the maze with dots before time runs out | |
High Way Race |
1983 | No summary. | |
Hoccer |
1983 | Hoccer is a future sport combining elements of hockey and soccer. | |
Hopper Robo ホッパーロボ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Hyper Olympic ハイパーオリンピック |
1983 | Japanese version of Hyper Sports. | |
Inter Stellar Fantasy インターステラ・ザンガス |
1983 | Space - Shoot things! | |
Interstellar |
1983 | Laserdisc game, sometimes referred to as Interstellar Fantasy. | |
Intrepid |
1983 | Chase and maze game. | |
Ixion |
1983 | No summary. | |
Journey |
1983 | The first (and last?) rock-n-roll game. | |
Joyful Road ジョイフルロード |
1983 | No summary. | |
Jr. Pac-Man ジュニアパックマン |
1983 | Gobble dots and avoid ghosts | |
Jump Coaster |
1983 | No summary. | |
Jump Shot |
1983 | No summary. | |
Jumping Jack ジャンピングジャック |
1983 | Jump your way to raft | |
Juno First ジュノーファースト |
1983 | Space - Shoot everything | |
Kick Boy キックボーイ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Krull |
1983 | Adventure - slay the Beast | |
Laser Grand Prix レーザーグランプリ |
1983 | Driving to a laserdisc background | |
Levers |
1983 | Move from lever to lever to collect the flowers. | |
Libble Rabble リブルラブル |
1983 | An obscure Namco release, Libble Rabble was designed by Toru Iwatani after his huge success with Pac-Man. Although it was not particularly popular, Iwatani claimed that it was his own personal favorite of the games he designed. | |
Lucky Wander Boy ラッキー男の子はさまよう |
1983 | Game was designed by Uzumaki Corporation. | |
M.A.C.H. 3 |
1983 | Flying - Destroy ground and air targets. Has a fighter game and a bomber game. AKA Mach 3, M.A.C.H. III | |
M.A.C.H.3 マッハ3 |
1983 | No summary. | |
Mad Planets マッドプラネット |
1983 | Space - Blast "living planets" | |
Major Havoc メジャーハボック |
1983 | Space - destroy space stations | |
Make Trax メイクトラックス |
1983 | Maze game, similar to Pac-Man, but instead of eating dots, you had to paint the street. | |
Mappy マッピー |
1983 | Travel through a house to collect items and avoid the cats trying to get you. | |
Mappy マッピー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Mario Bros. マリオブラザーズ |
1983 | Mario and his brother Luigi must battle even creatures in the sewers. | |
Markham |
1983 | No summary. | |
Marvin's Maze マービンズメイズ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Masao マサオ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Matsuha 3 |
1983 | No summary. | |
Mazer Blazer メイザーブレイザー |
1983 | Shooting - zap creatures in maze | |
Mega Zone メガゾーン |
1983 | Tank - journey to enemy base | |
Mermaid マーメイド |
1983 | No summary. | |
Mine Field マインフィールド |
1983 | No summary. | |
Minefield |
1983 | No summary. | |
Mini Boy 7 |
1983 | No summary. | |
Mini Vegas - 4 in 1 |
1983 | No summary. | |
Money Money マネーマネー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Motorace USA モトレースUSA |
1983 | AKA Zippy Racer. | |
Mouser |
1983 | No summary. | |
Mr. Do! vs. the Unicorns ミスタードゥVSユニコーンズ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Mr. Do! Vs. Unicorns |
1983 | Another name for Mr. Do's Castle. | |
Mr. Do's Castle version 2 ミスタードゥキャッスル |
1983 | No summary. | |
Mr. Jong |
1983 | No summary. | |
Mr. TNT |
1983 | By Telko. | |
Munch Mobile マンチモービル |
1983 | Drivin' and Eatin'. | |
Net Wars |
1983 | No summary. | |
New Sinbad 7 |
1983 | See Sinbad 7. | |
NFL Football |
1983 | No summary. | |
Night Gal |
1983 | No summary. | |
Night Star |
1983 | No summary. | |
Noah's Ark [Mini] |
1983 | No summary. | |
Nudge |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pac & Pal パック&パル |
1983 | Another in the series of Pac-Man titles. | |
Pac-Man & Chomp Chomp | 1983 | Pac & Pal with slight mod | |
Penguin-Kun Wars |
1983 | You are Penguin fighting to win | |
Phozon フォゾン |
1983 | Collect floating pieces to match a given pattern while avoiding a solitary enemy. | |
Pickin' |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pig Newton |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pirate Pete |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pit ピット |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pit Boss Jr. |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pitchman ピッチマン |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pootan プータン |
1983 | A Pooyan bootleg. | |
Pooyan プーヤン |
1983 | Shoot arrows to pop wolves' balloons. Licensed from Konami by Stern for USA | |
Popper ポッパー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Portraits |
1983 | Find and take photos of animals | |
Pro Bowling プロボウリング |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pro Soccer プロサッカー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pro Sports |
1983 | No summary. | |
Professor Pac-Man プロフェッサーパックマン |
1983 | Trivia game with Pac-Man branding. | |
Q*Bert Qバート |
1983 | Jump around pyramid, changing the color of cube faces. | |
Q*Bert Qubes |
1983 | Sequel to Q*Bert. | |
Q*Bert's Qubes Qバートキューブス |
1983 | No summary. | |
Razzmatazz |
1983 | No summary. | |
Regulus レグルス |
1983 | Tank - destroy enemy fortress | |
Roc'n Rope ロックンロープ |
1983 | Adventure - capture eggs | |
Rocket Racer ロケットレーサー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Roller Aces ローラーエース |
1983 | No summary. | |
Rootin' Tootin' |
1983 | No summary. | |
Rope Man |
1983 | No summary. | |
Ropeman ロープマン |
1983 | No summary. | |
Route 17 ルート17 |
1983 | No summary. | |
Rug Rats ラグラッツ |
1983 | You are a woman with a vacuum cleaner cleaning a room while being attacked by monsters. | |
Runaway ランナウェイ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Saturn |
1983 | No summary. | |
Scrambled Egg |
1983 | Free your chicks contained in Eggs while avoiding the Bad Guys. | |
Sega Ninja セガニンジャ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Senjyo センジョウ |
1983 | No summary. | |
1983 | No summary. | |
Sinbad 7 |
1983 | Maze / Collection game. | |
Sindbad Mystery シンドバッドミステリー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Sinistar シニスター |
1983 | Space - Mine rocks, kill warriors, destroy Sinistar | |
Skater |
1983 | No summary. | |
Skelagon |
1983 | No summary. | |
Sky Lancer スカイランサー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Snap Jack スナップジャック |
1983 | Eat dots over scrolling landscape | |
Space Ace スペースエース |
1983 | Guide hero through cartoon | |
Space Tank |
1983 | No summary. | |
Sparkie |
1983 | No summary. | |
Spy Hunter スパイハンター |
1983 | Espionage - car chase | |
Star Blazer スターブレイザー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Star Jacker スタージャッカー |
1983 | Pretty standard scrolling shooter. | |
Star Jaguar スタージャガー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Star Rider スターライダー |
1983 | Race through alien landscapes | |
Star Trek スタートレック |
1983 | Space battle simulator - destroy the Klingons while protecting the star bases. | |
Star Wars スターウォーズ |
1983 | Space - Destroy the Death Star | |
Starn サターン |
1983 | No summary. | |
Stinger |
1983 | No summary. | |
Suntory Tapper |
1983 | No summary. | |
Super Blackjack [Upright] |
1983 | No summary. | |
Super Crush |
1983 | No summary. | |
Super Doubles Tennis |
1983 | No summary. | |
Super Draw スーパードロー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Super Rider |
1983 | No summary. | |
Tactician 101 |
1983 | No summary. | |
TangramQ タングラムQ |
1983 | No summary. | |
The Big Prorestling ザ・ビッグプロレスリング |
1983 | No summary. | |
Time Limit |
1983 | No summary. | |
Tin Star ティンスター |
1983 | No summary. | |
Tip Top |
1983 | No summary. | |
Tollian's Web |
1983 | No summary. | |
TopRoller トップローラー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Track & Field ハイパーオリンピック |
1983 | Athletics - compete in six events | |
Traverse U.S.A. |
1983 | Race bike to New York | |
Traverse USA |
1983 | No summary. | |
Tropical Angel |
1983 | No summary. | |
Up 'n' Down アップンダウン |
1983 | No summary. | |
Van Van Car |
1983 | No summary. | |
Varkon |
1983 | A mini-electromechanical pinball machine in an upright cabinet... | |
Vastar バスター |
1983 | No summary. Made by Sesame Japan? | |
Venus |
1983 | No summary. | |
Wacko ワコー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Water Match ウォーターマッチ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Water Ski ウォータースキー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Wheels Runner |
1983 | Electorcoin's copy of Atari's Super Sprint, but with lower resolution graphics. | |
Xevious ゼビウス |
1983 | Space - Fly over planet, destroy Solvalou mothership | |
Yamato ヤマト |
1983 | No summary. | |
Zeke's Peak |
1983 | Video pinball variant | |
Zippy Race ジッピーレース |
1983 | No summary. | |
Zodiac ゾディアック |
1983 | No summary. | |
Zoo Keeper ズーキーパー |
1983 | As a zookeeper, try to keep the runaway animals at bay by building a cage. Two stage game. | |
Zzyzzyxx |
1983 | Collect gifts for your sweetie and reach her at the top. Known as "Brix" prior to the Cinematronics release. |