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Star Trek (スタートレック)

Released in 1983

Developer: Sega
Manufacturer: Sega
Distributor: Sega

***.5 (3 total votes)

Star Trek marquee
game marquee

Game Summary

Space battle simulator - destroy the Klingons while protecting the star bases.

Hardware Info

Controls: Knob / Button(s)
Horizontal-mounted Vector monitor
0 x 0 Resolution
Colors: 256 Color

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

Z80 cpu @ 3 Mhz
* Samples audio
Custom audio
* Information was extracted from Mame, so "Samples audio" may indicate the game has analog sound hardware.

Hardware Platform

Sega G80 Vector

Mame ROMs

startrek, Star Trek

Game Details

40 different simulation levels - buttons for Warp Drive, Shields, and Photon Torpedoes and Thrust - screen split into 3 sections - tactical map - Resource meter - 1st person action.

Speech synthesis of actual Star Trek characters (Spock, Scotty, etc.) "Be the caption of the starship Enterprise" "Entering Sector 1"

Electrohome G-08 monitor infamous for bursting into flames. Available as standup dedicated, sitdown, and conversion kit. One of the Sega Convert-A-Game releases. Uses same controls as Sega's Tac/Scan (encoder wheel + 4 buttons).

Star Trek control panel
control panel

Star Trek cabinet photo
cabinet photo
Star Trek title screen
title screen
Star Trek gameplay screen shot
gameplay screen
Star Trek promotional flyer
promotional flyer Member Ratings / Comments

***** by condor. Comment: "I played this game back.. WAY back, when startrek 2 came out. I loved it and have been searching for the upright for a LONG time, if anyone has it I would be happy to negotiate a price. Please email me @, happy Trekin." 2003-01-14 04:47:09Z

***** by startrekfan. Comment: " I am looking for the sit down version. This was a truly awesome game of its time." 2003-10-09 11:15:23Z

*    by fulltilt. Comment: "I have the sit down arcade game that works great! It is even PACKED in a totally secure crate. I got the game working before I moved it and even have a complete spare circut board set. This game is great. If anyone is interested in buying this collectors item drop me a line at" 2004-11-29 22:30:01Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/13/2021 6:51:18 AM