The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
3 Count Bout (Fire Suplex) |
1993 | No summary. | |
9-Ball Shootout |
1993 | So, you think you can play pool, huh? Then challenge 9 BALL SHOOTOUT'S Dirty Dozen. | |
Air Boardin' |
1993 | No summary. | |
Air Combat エアコンバット |
1993 | No summary. | |
Alien 3: The Gun エイリアン3 ザ・ガン |
1993 | Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. | |
Alien vs. Predator エイリアンvsプレデター |
1993 | Humans and Predators team up in Final Fight style to vanquish the necronom aliens that have invaded earth. | |
Batsugun |
1993 | No summary. | |
Batsugun SPECIAL |
1993 | No summary. | |
Beat Head |
1993 | No summary. | |
Best Bout Boxing |
1993 | No summary. | |
Big Bang |
1993 | No summary. | |
Big Fight |
1993 | No summary. | |
Blue Hawk |
1993 | No summary. | |
Bomb Jack Twin ボンジャックツイン |
1993 | No summary. | |
Button Hayaoshi Championship |
1993 | No summary. | |
Cachat |
1993 | No summary. | |
Captain Flag |
1993 | No summary. | |
Captain Zodiac |
1993 | No summary. | |
Challenge Hitter |
1993 | No summary. | |
Chimera Beast (prototype) |
1993 | No summary. | |
Columns 2 コラムス2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Crayon Shin-chan |
1993 | No summary. | |
Crime Patrol |
1993 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
Crime Patrol 2: Drug Wars |
1993 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
CyBattler |
1993 | No summary. | |
Cyber Sled サイバースレッド |
1993 | Move through a 3D envirnoment to destroy a single enemy with missiles and bullets | |
Cyber Storm |
1993 | No summary. | |
Daioh |
1993 | A vertical-scrolling space shooter with some unique features. | |
Dark Edge ダークエッジ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Deadly Sport |
1993 | Unreleased. Also known as Street Brawl and Deadly Splode | |
Dramatic Adventure Quiz Keith & Lucy |
1993 | No summary. | |
Driver's Edge ドライバーズエッジ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Dyna Gear |
1993 | No summary. | |
Dynamic Trial 7 |
1993 | Racing game by Toaplan Co., Ltd. | |
Earth Joker |
1993 | No summary. | |
Entapous |
1993 | No summary. | |
Exciting Animal Land |
1993 | No summary. | |
Exciting Speed Hockey |
1993 | No summary. | |
F-1 World Racing |
1993 | No summary. | |
Fatal Fury special 餓狼伝説スペシャル |
1993 | No summary. | |
Fighters History ファイターズヒストリー |
1993 | No summary. | |
Final Lap R ファイナルラップR |
1993 | No summary. | |
Fire Barrel |
1993 | No summary. | |
First Funky Fighter, The |
1993 | No summary. | |
Gaia Police ガイアポリス |
1993 | No summary. | |
Gal's Panic ギャルズ・パニック |
1993 | A simple Qix-like game (you draw areas that once completed fill the playfield locking the monsters away) with a cute girl appearing on the background after each level. | |
Glass |
1993 | No summary. | |
Godzilla |
1993 | No summary. | |
Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder |
1993 | A walk-around-and-kill-everything-that-moves game with the exact same gameplay as the first Golden Axe. | |
Goldex Axe the Duel ゴールデンアックスザデュエル |
1993 | No summary. | |
Grand Prix Star 2 |
1993 | Jaleco | |
Grand Striker |
1993 | No summary. | |
Great Sluggers '93 グレートスラッガーズ’93 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Grind Stormer |
1993 | No summary. | |
Ground Effects |
1993 | No summary. | |
Guardian 3D Battle Simulator |
1993 | No summary. | |
Gun Lock ガンロック |
1993 | No summary. | |
Gunnail |
1993 | A vertical scrolling shoot 'em up. | |
Gussun Oyoyo ぐっすんおよよ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Hard Drivin's Airborne |
1993 | No summary. | |
Hard Yardage |
1993 | No summary. | |
Hat Trick Hero '93 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Hat Trick Hero'93 ハットトリックヒーロー’93 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Hill Climber |
1993 | No summary. | |
Hyper Disco Taifun DX |
1993 | No summary. | |
Hyper Duel |
1993 | No summary. | |
In the Hunt 海底大戦争 |
1993 | No summary. | |
IQ Block |
1993 | No summary. | |
Kaitei Daisensou |
1993 | No summary. | |
Kaokki |
1993 | No summary. | |
Keroker Keropi |
1993 | No summary. | |
Knuckle Bash ナックルバッシュ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Knuckle Heads ナックルヘッズ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Lady Killer |
1993 | No summary. | |
Layer Section |
1993 | No summary. | |
League Man |
1993 | No summary. | |
Lethal Crash Race |
1993 | No summary. | |
Lethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters |
1993 | No summary. | |
Lethal Enforcers II - The Western |
1993 | No summary. | |
Light Bringer ライトブリンガー |
1993 | No summary. | |
Lucky & Wild ラッキー&ワイルド |
1993 | Drivin' and shootin'. | |
Lunaria |
1993 | No summary. | |
Mad Shark |
1993 | No summary. | |
Mahjong 麻雀狂列伝-西日本編- |
1993 | No summary. | |
Mahou Daisakusen |
1993 | No summary. | |
Martial Champions マーシャルチャンピオン |
1993 | No summary. | |
Match-It 2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Mechwarrior |
1993 | No summary. | |
Metamorphic Force メタモルフィックフォース |
1993 | Fighting game, similar to Golden Axe. | |
Mobile Suit Gundam |
1993 | No summary. | |
Monster Maulers |
1993 | No summary. | |
Muscle Bomber Duo マッスルボマーデュオ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Muscle Bomber Duo (Jap) |
1993 | No summary. | |
Mystic Warriors ミスティックウォーリアーズ |
1993 | No summary. | |
NBA Jam |
1993 | Two on two basketbrawl using real NBA teams and players. | |
Netto Gekito Quiz-to |
1993 | No summary. | |
Neuman Athletics ニューマンアスレチックス |
1993 | No summary. | |
New Atomic Punk |
1993 | No summary. | |
Night Slashers - 285 Made |
1993 | No summary. | |
Nostradumus |
1993 | No summary. | |
Numan Athletics |
1993 | Track and Field type button-slapper. | |
Oh My God! |
1993 | No summary. | |
Out Runners アウトランナーズ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Pac Attack パックアタック |
1993 | No summary. | |
Paint 'N' Puzzle |
1993 | No summary. | |
Pastel Island |
1993 | No summary. | |
Peek a Boo |
1993 | By Jaleco. This game plays similar to Arkanoid, but at a seemingly smaller resolution. It runs on an 68000 chip. It should be noted that this is an "adult" game. | |
Perestroika Girls |
1993 | Like Qix, uncover scantily clad women | |
Perfect Soldiers |
1993 | No summary. | |
Ping Pong Masters |
1993 | No summary. | |
Play Girls |
1993 | No summary. | |
Play Girls 2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Polynet Comm. |
1993 | No summary. | |
Power Instinct |
1993 | No summary. | |
Premier Soccer プレミアサッカー |
1993 | No summary. | |
Prime Time Fighter |
1993 | No summary. | |
Project Dragoon プロジェクトドラグーン |
1993 | No summary. | |
Punisher, The |
1993 | No summary. | |
Punky Doodle |
1993 | A PacMan-style game where Punky Doodle and his brother Curly Doodle defend the pumpkin patch against enemy monsters by drawing magic doodles using magic markers. | |
PuyoPuyo ぷよぷよ(コンパイル) |
1993 | Tetris variant puzzle game. | |
Quiz Back to School クイズ学問のススメ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Quiz Channel Question |
1993 | No summary. | |
Quiz Gakumon No Susume |
1993 | No summary. | |
Quiz Island 激闘!熱闘!クイズ島 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Quiz Kokorogy |
1993 | No summary. | |
Quiz Life Theater |
1993 | No summary. | |
Quiz Race Kokorogy |
1993 | No summary. | |
Quiz School Paradise II |
1993 | No summary. | |
Quiz Sekai Wa Show By |
1993 | No summary. | |
Quiz Theather of Live |
1993 | No summary. | |
Raiden 2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Raiden II 雷電Ⅱ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Ray Force |
1993 | No summary. | |
Reality Rocket |
1993 | No summary. | |
Rebellion X |
1993 | No summary. | |
Redemption |
1993 | No summary. | |
Risky Challenge |
1993 | No summary. | |
Run & Gun |
1993 | Run and gun is a life-like basketball game with high flying dunks, in your face rejections and much much more. | |
Samurai Aces |
1993 | No summary. | |
Samurai Showdown サムライスピリッツ |
1993 | The first in a popular line of fighters in which the combatants wield various weapons. Known as "Samurai Spirits" in Japan. | |
Saturday Night Slam Masters |
1993 | A wrestling game with many characters, including some from Street Fighter. | |
Sengoku 2 (Sengoku Densyo 2) 戦国伝承2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Sengoku Ace |
1993 | No summary. | |
Shadow Force シャドーフォース |
1993 | No summary. | |
Shanghai III 上海3 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Shoot Away シュータウェイ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Shoot Out at Old Tucson |
1993 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
Slam Dunk |
1993 | No summary. | |
Slam Masters |
1993 | No summary. | |
Slum Dunk スラムダンク |
1993 | No summary. | |
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ソニックヘッジホッグ2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Sonic The Hedgehog Arcade |
1993 | No summary. | |
Sorcery Fighter |
1993 | No summary. | |
Speed Chase |
1993 | No summary. | |
Speed King - King of Quiz |
1993 | No summary. | |
Spin Master スピンマスター |
1993 | No summary. | |
Spin Master (Miracle Adventure) |
1993 | No summary. | |
Stack Columns スタックコラムス |
1993 | No summary. | |
Storm Blade |
1993 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter 2 ストリートファイター2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Street Viper |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super Champ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super Chase |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super Ground Effects |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super Marksman |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super Real Mahjong PIV |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super Sonic Blastman |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super Street Fighter 2 スーパーストリートファイター2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super Street Fighter 2 : New C |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super Street Fighter 2: New Challengers スーパーストリートファイター2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super Strong Warriors |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super Tank Wars |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super World Court スーパーワールドコート |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super World Court;93 Great Sluggers スーパーワールドコート |
1993 | No summary. | |
Super World Stadium '93 スーパーワールドスタジアム’93 |
1993 | No summary. | |
SuperChase スーパーチェイス |
1993 | No summary. | |
SuperGrandEffects スーパーグランドエフェクト |
1993 | No summary. | |
Superior Soldiers |
1993 | No summary. | |
Survival Arts |
1993 | Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight. | |
Tanto Arle タントアール |
1993 | No summary. | |
Tao Taido |
1993 | No summary. | |
The Punisher パニッシャー |
1993 | No summary. | |
Tinkle Pit ティンクルピット |
1993 | No summary. | |
Title Fight タイトルファイト |
1993 | No summary. | |
Tokorosan's Mahjong |
1993 | No summary. | |
Top Ranking Stars |
1993 | No summary. | |
TopRankingStars トップランキングスターズ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Ultimate Battler Dada |
1993 | No summary. | |
Ultimate Battler Dadandahn! 究極戦隊ダダンダーン! |
1993 | No summary. | |
Ultimate Tennis |
1993 | No summary. | |
Urban Surfin' II |
1993 | No summary. | |
V-Five V-Ⅴ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Violent Storm バイオレントストーム |
1993 | No summary. | |
Virtua Fighter バーチャファイター |
1993 | Real 3d-fighter, but no texture. 8 Characters. | |
Virtual Combat |
1993 | No summary. | |
War of Aero - Project MEIOU |
1993 | No summary. | |
Wild Pilots |
1993 | No summary. | |
Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa |
1993 | Sidescrolling shooter, but as a cow. | |
Wolfenstein VR |
1993 | No summary. | |
World Heroes 2 ワールドヒーローズ2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
World Rally ワールドラリー |
1993 | Top-down rally race | |
Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man |
1993 | No summary. | |
Zero Team U.S.A. |
1993 | No summary. | |
Zero Zone |
1993 | No summary. | |
Zorton Brothers |
1993 | No summary. |