The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
19th Hole |
1986 | No summary. | |
720 |
1986 | Skateboarding game. | |
Alcon |
1986 | Another Xevious-like shooter. Released as Slap Fight outside of the US. | |
Alex Kid アレックスキッド |
1986 | No summary. | |
Alex Kidd |
1986 | No summary. | |
All Fox Z |
1986 | No summary. | |
Alpha Z, The |
1986 | No summary. | |
Amaterass アマテラス |
1986 | A.K.A. Amatelass - rare game. | |
Amazon |
1986 | No summary. | |
Argus アーガス |
1986 | No summary. | |
Arkanoid アルカノイド |
1986 | Breakout-style game with a futuristic twist. | |
Arrow Bingo |
1986 | No summary. | |
Astro Flash アストロフラッシュ |
1986 | No summary. | |
Athena アテナ |
1986 | No summary. | |
Baby Boom Challenge |
1986 | No summary. | |
Battle Lane! Vol. 5 バトルレーン |
1986 | No summary. | |
Big Bucks Trivia |
1986 | No summary. | |
Big Event Golf ビッグイベントゴルフ |
1986 | No summary. | |
Birdie King 3 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Block |
1986 | Arkanoid bootleg | |
Bo Pup |
1986 | No summary. | |
Bobble Bobble ボブルボブル |
1986 | Bootleg of Bubble Bobble. | |
Body Slam ダンプ松本 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Brain |
1986 | No summary. | |
Break Thru 強行突破 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Bronx |
1986 | No summary. | |
Bubble Bobble バブルボブル |
1986 | As Bub and Bob, you try to capture enemies in bubbles and pop them to complete all 100 levels and rescue your girlfriends. | |
Buggy Challenge バギーチャレンジ |
1986 | No summary. | |
Calorie vs Moguranian カロリー君VSモグラニアン |
1986 | No summary. | |
Championship Sprint チャンピオンシップスプリント |
1986 | race tiny cars around a course, special short-cuts appear here and there.. | |
Championship Wrestling |
1986 | No summary. | |
Charlie Ninja |
1986 | No summary. | |
Chiller |
1986 | A shooting game set in a dungeon/"Chamber of Horrors" atmosphere. | |
City Love |
1986 | No summary. | |
Clash Road クラッシュロード |
1986 | No summary. | |
Clay Pigeon |
1986 | No summary. | |
Colt 86 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Crackshot |
1986 | No summary. | |
Cycle Shooting サイクルシューティング |
1986 | No summary. | |
Dai-ressya Goutou |
1986 | No summary. | |
Dangar |
1986 | No summary. | |
Danger Zone デインジャーゾーン |
1986 | No summary. | |
Darius ダライアス |
1986 | Multiple-monitor game. Scrolls from Left to Right for most of the game, except when choosing the next level to go to, which scrolls Up and Down. Can gain power-ups along the way for stronger Bombs and (laser?) Shots.. | |
Darwin 4078 ダーウィン4078 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Desolator |
1986 | No summary. | |
Dogou Souken |
1986 | No summary. | |
Double Dragon ダブルドラゴン |
1986 | Your girlfriend has been kidnapped, and you must rescue her. Fight alone or with a friend as a team. | |
Double Dribble ダブルドリブル |
1986 | Basketball, either 1 player or head-to-head. | |
Double Play ダブルプレイ |
1986 | No summary. | |
Dragon Buster II |
1986 | No summary. | |
Enduro Racer エンデューロレーサー |
1986 | No summary. | |
Exerizer エクセライザー |
1986 | No summary. | |
Express Raiders |
1986 | No summary. | |
Far West |
1986 | No summary. | |
Fire Trap ファイアートラップ |
1986 | Climb burning buildings, avoid falling objects, put out fires, and rescue people and animals. All at the same time. | |
Flower フラワー |
1986 | No summary. | |
Flower Power |
1986 | No summary. | |
Freedom Fighter |
1986 | Help free the world from robot tyrany! Grab your laser and shoot anything mechanical. | |
Fun Casino |
1986 | No summary. | |
Galaga Express 999 |
1986 | No summary. By Taito. | |
Galdia ガルディア |
1986 | No summary. | |
Gardia |
1986 | No summary. | |
Gauntlet II ガントレット2 |
1986 | Sequel to Gauntlet. Multiplayer (up to 4) exploration/shooting game with RPG elements. More varied monsters/walls/items and higher difficulty than its predecessor. | |
Gempei Tomaden 源平討魔伝 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Genji and the Heike Clans, The |
1986 | No summary. | |
Get Star |
1986 | No summary. | |
Ghosts 'n Goblins 魔界村 |
1986 | Adventure - rescue sweetheart | |
Gigas ギガス |
1986 | No summary. | |
Gigas mk-II ギガスmkII |
1986 | No summary. | |
Golden Castle |
1986 | No summary. | |
Golden Star |
1986 | No summary. | |
Goonies グーニーズ |
1986 | No summary. | |
Guardian |
1986 | No summary. | |
Gumshoe |
1986 | Very odd blend of the light-gun game mechanic with a platform game. Gangster themed. | |
Halley's Comet ハレーズコメット |
1986 | Scrolling space shooter with good gameplay. | |
Hex Pool |
1986 | Seiko - Coin Machine Dist. | |
Hi Ho |
1986 | No summary. | |
Hit 'n Miss |
1986 | No summary. | |
Hopping Mappy ホッピングマッピー |
1986 | No summary. | |
Hot Rockin' for You 恋のホットロック |
1986 | No summary. | |
Ikari Warriors |
1986 | Jungle combat with guns and grenades against an army of evildoers. Lots of powerups and an eight-direction turning joystick/knob to control you fighter. Plus you get to jump into tanks! A classic two player reminiscent of Front Line. | |
Iron Horse 大列車強盗 |
1986 | Side scrolling platform cowboy train-robber fighter game. | |
Joust II - Survival of the Fittest ジャウスト2 |
1986 | Follow up to Joust, quite rare. | |
Kaiketsu Yanchamaru |
1986 | No summary. | |
Kick & Run キック&ラン |
1986 | No summary. | |
Kid Niki: Radical Ninja |
1986 | No summary. | |
Kiki KaiKai 奇々怪界 |
1986 | 2D over-the-head rambo3 style game with the little girl Sayo Chan as the hero. | |
Knight Boy |
1986 | No summary. | |
Koi no Hotrock |
1986 | No summary. | |
Land Sea Air Squad |
1986 | No summary. | |
Last Mission ラストミッション |
1986 | No summary. | |
Legend レジェンド |
1986 | No summary. | |
Legendary Wings アレスの翼 |
1986 | Two Player game similar to Xevious. Unique combination of vertical scroller (main game) and side scroller (underground sequences). | |
Life Force ライフフォース |
1986 | No summary. | |
Lightning Round Tic Tac Trivia 1-3 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Lock On ロックオン |
1986 | No summary. | |
LSA Squad |
1986 | L.S.A. Squad | |
Mahjong Academy 2 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Kyou Jidai |
1986 | No summary. | |
Mahjong Sisters |
1986 | No summary. | |
Manhattan マンハッタン |
1986 | No summary. | |
Mania Challenge エキサイティングアワー |
1986 | No summary. | |
Mappy II マッピー2 |
1986 | See Also: Hopping Mappy. | |
Match 'em Up |
1986 | No summary. | |
Max RPM |
1986 | No summary. | |
Mexico 86 メキシコ86(キック&ラン) |
1986 | No summary. | |
Mighty Guy マイティガイ |
1986 | No summary. | |
Momoko 120% モーモーコー120% |
1986 | No summary. | |
Mr. Goemon |
1986 | No summary. | |
Mr. Kabuki |
1986 | No summary. | |
Mr.Goemon Mr.五右衛門 |
1986 | No summary. | |
MTV Trivia |
1986 | No summary. | |
Mundialito '86 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun |
1986 | No summary. | |
New York Captor |
1986 | Light gun shooting fun; nail the gangsters before they get you or your loved ones. | |
Night Stocker |
1986 | No summary. | |
Ninja Emaki 妖魔忍法帳 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Out Run アウトラン |
1986 | A car racing game. Features a realistic steering wheel. | |
Panic Road パニック·ロード |
1986 | Scrolling video pinball | |
Phraze Craze |
1986 | No summary. | |
Pitfall II ピットフォールⅡ |
1986 | Sequel to the popular Pifall. | |
Playchoice 10 Cabinet |
1986 | A hardware design that reused the Punch Out!cabinet. A Nintendo Entertainment System with some hardware that handles changing/selecting games and buying game time. | |
Pleybirian |
1986 | No summary. | |
Prebillian プレビリアン |
1986 | No summary. | |
Predators プレデター |
1986 | No summary. | |
Quartet カルテット |
1986 | Gauntlet-style shoot-em-up. | |
Quartet 2 カルテット2 |
1986 | Gauntlet-style shoot-em-up. | |
Rack 'N Roll |
1986 | No summary. | |
Rafflesia |
1986 | No summary. | |
Rafulecia ? |
1986 | No summary. | |
Rampage ランページ |
1986 | Destroy all the buildings and move to the next city. | |
Real Mahjong Paipai Seichouhen |
1986 | No summary. | |
Redline Racer レッドラインレーサー |
1986 | No summary. | |
Reel Fun |
1986 | No summary. | |
Reflex |
1986 | No summary. | |
Renegade 熱血硬派くにおくん |
1986 | It's 2am. You're in the subway. The wrong place to be unless you're looking for trouble. They've got sticks, chains and your girlfriend. It's up to you to fight your way through the thug infested city to save her. | |
Return of Ishtar |
1986 | No summary. | |
Riddle of Pythagoras |
1986 | No summary. | |
Ring King II リングキング2 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Riviera |
1986 | No summary. | |
Robo-Wrestle 2001 ロボレス2001 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Rock 'n Rage |
1986 | No summary. | |
Rush & Crash |
1986 | No summary. | |
Rygar アルゴスの戦士 |
1986 | You play the Legendary Warrior "Rygar" in the side scrolling platform game. The aim is to make it though 27 levels picking up power ups and bonuses along the way. | |
S.R.D. Mission |
1986 | No summary. | |
Salamander |
1986 | Space - progress through levels | |
Shackled ブレイウッド |
1986 | No summary. | |
Side Arms サイドアーム |
1986 | No summary. | |
Side Pocket サイドポケット |
1986 | No summary. | |
Sidearms |
1986 | No summary. | |
Sky Kid Deluxe |
1986 | No summary. | |
Slalom スラローム |
1986 | No summary. | |
Slap Fight スラップファイト |
1986 | First space shoot'em-up created by Toaplan. Released as Alcon in the US. | |
Slap Shooter スラップシューター |
1986 | No summary. | |
Solar Warrior |
1986 | platform / shooter - pseudo-clone of Xain'D Sleena | |
Solar Warrior (Xain'D Sleena) ザインドスリーナ |
1986 | No summary. | |
Solomon's Key ソロモンの鍵 |
1986 | Wizard adds blocks to make stairs to get the key. | |
Space Harrier スペースハリアー |
1986 | Space - battle with evil fantasy creatures | |
Space Position スペースポジション |
1986 | No summary. | |
Special Force Jackal 特殊部隊ジャッカル |
1986 | No summary. | |
Spectra |
1986 | No summary. | |
Speed Buggy スピードバギー |
1986 | Third-person perspective dune buggy off-road driving game. | |
Speed Rumbler ラッシュ&クラッシュ |
1986 | Save your family from terrorists by running and shooting, or driving and shooting. Earn bonus as you save each person. Somewhat graphic. | |
Spelunker 2 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Spiker |
1986 | No summary. | |
Spin-a-Ball |
1986 | A game designed to appeal to people who typically play Skee-Ball. | |
Spy Hunter II スパイハンター2 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Stompin' |
1986 | No summary. | |
Storming Party |
1986 | No summary. | |
Street Fight |
1986 | No summary. | |
Street Football |
1986 | No summary. | |
Super Bobble Bobble |
1986 | No summary. | |
Super Bobble Bobble (Bubble Bobble bootleg) スーパーボブルボブル |
1986 | No summary. | |
Super Hang On スーパーハングオン |
1986 | No summary. | |
Super Mario Bros. スーパーマリオブラザーズ |
1986 | Mario and Luigi stamp out the evil Koopas through 8 levels to kill the Koopa King and save the Princess. | |
Super Sprint スーパースプリント |
1986 | An overhead racing game for 1 or 2 players. | |
Super Stingray |
1986 | No summary. | |
Super Triv Quiz |
1986 | No summary. | |
Sure Shot Pool |
1986 | No summary. | |
The Return of Ishtar イシターの復活 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Thunder Captor II |
1986 | No summary. | |
Thunder Cepter |
1986 | No summary. | |
Thunder Cepter II |
1986 | No summary. | |
Thunder Ceptor サンダーセプター |
1986 | No summary. | |
Thunder Ceptor 2 サンダーセプターII |
1986 | No summary. | |
Tokio スクランブルフォーメーション |
1986 | No summary. | |
Tokio / Scramble Formation スクランブルフォーメーション |
1986 | You can change between 3 shadow formations flying over Tokyo city. | |
Tokushu Butai Jackal |
1986 | No summary. | |
Top Gunner トップガンナー |
1986 | No summary. | |
Top Secret トップシークレット |
1986 | Drive well-equipped spy car through enemy territory, doing combat with a variety of enemies along the way. | |
Tough Turf タフターフ |
1986 | No summary. | |
Toy Pop トイポップ |
1986 | Go through rooms filled with gift boxes and destroy the toys that emerge and attack. | |
Transformer |
1986 | No summary. | |
Trivia Whiz IV |
1986 | No summary. | |
Trojan 闘いの挽歌 |
1986 | No summary. | |
UFO Robo Dangar UFOロボダンガー |
1986 | No summary. | |
UFO Robo Danger |
1986 | No summary. | |
Valtric |
1986 | No summary. | |
Victory at Sea |
1986 | No summary. | |
Victory Road |
1986 | No summary. | |
Volleyball バレーボール |
1986 | No summary. | |
Vs. Goonies |
1986 | No summary. | |
Vs. Mania Challenge |
1986 | Sequel to MAT MANIA. Wrestling game where you could compete head-to-head against another person. | |
Vs. Slalom スラローム |
1986 | No summary. | |
Vs. Super Mario Bros. スーパーマリオブラザーズ |
1986 | No summary. | |
War Ball ウォーボール |
1986 | No summary. | |
WEC Le Mans WEC・ル・マン |
1986 | No summary. | |
Western Express |
1986 | No summary. | |
Whiz Quiz |
1986 | No summary. | |
Wonder Boy ワンダーボーイ |
1986 | Guide Wonder Boy through cartoon world - Cutsey platform game, save yer girlfriend - Also called Wonder Boy Deluxe (ワンダーボーイデラックス) | |
Xain'D Sleena ザインドスリーナ |
1986 | space shooter - see also Solar Warrior | |
Youma Ninpou Chou |
1986 | No summary. | |
Zippy Bug |
1986 | No summary. |