The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
Airborne Avenger エアボーンアベンジャー |
1977 | No summary. | |
Attack アタック |
1977 | Two player battle - air vs. sea (bomber vs. destroyer) | |
B-29 B-29 |
1977 | No summary. | |
Banish |
1977 | No summary. | |
Barricade 3 バリケード3 |
1977 | No summary. | |
Barricade II バリケード2 |
1977 | No summary. | |
Battle Station |
1977 | No summary. | |
Bazooka バズーカ |
1977 | Blow things up with a bazooka | |
Block T・Tブロック |
1977 | No summary. | |
Block Yard |
1977 | Konami, released by Leijac | |
Bomber ボンバー |
1977 | No summary. | |
Bomber Man ボンバーマン |
1977 | No summary. | |
Boot Hill ブートヒル |
1977 | An old yellow-screen gunfight. | |
Boxing (Prototype) |
1977 | No summary. | |
Canyon Bomber キャニオンボンバー |
1977 | A very simple, classic game. Use a button to drop bombs into a canyon of numbered blocks. Your ship changes between a blimp and a biplane. | |
Car Polo カーポロ |
1977 | Soccer (or polo) with cars instead of people. | |
Checkmate チェックメイト |
1977 | Up to four players try to make each other crash. | |
Circus サーカス |
1977 | Bounce clowns off springboard to pop balloons. | |
Crash Course クラッシュコース |
1977 | No summary. | |
Crossfire クロスファイヤー |
1977 | No summary. | |
Demolition Derby |
1977 | Chicago Coin. B&W | |
Depthcharge |
1977 | No summary. | |
Derby |
1977 | No summary. | |
Desert Gun デザートガン |
1977 | No summary. | |
Desert Patrol デザートパトロール |
1977 | No summary. | |
Destroyer デストロイヤー |
1977 | No summary. | |
Dodgem |
1977 | Avoid head-on collisions | |
Dominos ドミノ |
1977 | No summary. | |
Drag Race ドラッグレース |
1977 | No summary. | |
Embargo エンバーゴ |
1977 | No summary. | |
Fisco 400 フィスコ400 |
1977 | No summary. | |
Flipper Ball フリッパーボール |
1977 | No summary. | |
Flying Fortress フライングフォートレス |
1977 | No summary. | |
Flying Fortress II フライングフォートレス2 |
1977 | No summary. | |
Game Tree ゲームツリー |
1977 | No summary. | |
Guided Missile ガイデッドミサイル |
1977 | No summary. | |
Gunman ガンマン |
1977 | No summary. | |
Hustle ハッスル |
1977 | Box your opponent in while collecting as many bonus boxes as possible. | |
Inferno インフェルノ |
1977 | Put out the fires and save the trapped stick figure in this black-and-white game. | |
Laguna Racer ラグナレーサー |
1977 | Early black-and-white, single-player driving game. | |
M-4 M-4 |
1977 | Shoot at another tank across the screen. | |
M-79 Ambush M-79アンブッシュ |
1977 | Shoot at vehicles as they go across the screen. | |
Man マンTT |
1977 | No summary. | |
Meadows Lanes メドゥズレーン |
1977 | Bowling game. | |
Memory Lanes |
1977 | No summary. | |
Mine Sweeper マインスイーパー |
1977 | No summary. | |
Missile X ミサイルX |
1977 | No summary. | |
Pool Shark プールシャーク |
1977 | Pool. | |
Road Champion |
1977 | No summary. | |
RoadChampion ロードチャンピオン |
1977 | No summary. | |
Robot Bowl ロボットボール |
1977 | Early black and white bowling game. | |
Safari サファリ |
1977 | Shoot the animals as they approach. | |
Score スコア |
1977 | No summary. | |
Space Battle スペースバトル |
1977 | No summary. | |
Space in Bingo スペースインビンゴ |
1977 | No summary. | |
Sprint 4 スプリント4 |
1977 | No summary. | |
Sprint 8 スプリント8 |
1977 | 8-player driving game with a coin slot, steering wheel, and accelerator pedal for each player. | |
Star Cruiser スタークルーザー |
1977 | No summary. | |
Super Blaka |
1977 | No summary. | |
Super Bowl スーパーボウル |
1977 | No summary. | |
Super Bug スーパーバグ |
1977 | Early vertical scrolling driving game. | |
Super Death Chase スーパーデスチェイス |
1977 | No summary. | |
Super HighWay スーパーハイウェイ |
1977 | No summary. | |
Team Football |
1977 | No summary. | |
Tic Tac Quiz |
1977 | No summary. | |
Time 2000 タイム2000 |
1977 | No summary. | |
Triple Hunt トリプルハント |
1977 | 3-in-1 shooting game (operator selectable, with overlay) | |
Twin Course T.T. ツインコースTT |
1977 | No summary. | |
Warlords ウォーロード |
1977 | Breakout against opponents | |
Witch Hunt |
1977 | Kee Games | |
World Cup ワールドカップ |
1977 | No summary. |