The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
10 Pin Champ |
1984 | Shuffleboard bowling meets video. | |
10-Yard Fight 10ヤードファイト |
1984 | American Football | |
1942 |
1984 | Destroy WW2 japanese planes. | |
40-0 40-0 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Aeroboto |
1984 | Shoot-em-up licensed from Jaleco's Formation Z. | |
Apooh アッポー |
1984 | No summary. | |
Appoooh アッポー |
1984 | No summary. | |
Astro Chase |
1984 | No summary. | |
Athlete, The |
1984 | No summary. | |
Atomic Castle アトミックキャッスル |
1984 | No summary. | |
B-Wings Bウィング, B-Uingu |
1984 | No summary. | |
Badlands バッドランズ |
1984 | Western - shoot the baddies | |
Balloon Fight バルーンファイト |
1984 | No summary. | |
Banbam |
1984 | A one or two player maze game published and developed by Sun Electronics | |
Bat Wings |
1984 | No summary. | |
Battle Road |
1984 | No summary. | |
Battle Wings バトルウィング |
1984 | European version of B-Wings? | |
Beastie Feastie |
1984 | No summary. | |
Ben Bero Beh |
1984 | No summary. | |
Birdie King 2 バーディーキング2 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Boggy '84 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Bomb Jack ボンジャック |
1984 | Collect bombs around the world | |
Boomer Rang'r ジェネシス |
1984 | Boomer Rang'r is a game where you control a Caveman, armed with Boomerangs, and go about killing dinosaurs and other enemies. | |
Boulder Dash バルダーダッシュ |
1984 | No summary. | |
Bouncer |
1984 | No summary. | |
Bristles |
1984 | No summary. | |
Bull Fight |
1984 | No summary. | |
Bull Fighter |
1984 | Ice Hockey | |
Buzzard |
1984 | Xevious-style vertical scrolling shooter | |
Champion Baseball II チャンピオンベースボール2 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Champion Prowrestling チャンピオンプロレス |
1984 | No summary. | |
Championship Lode Runner |
1984 | No summary. | |
Change Colors |
1984 | No summary. | |
Cheyenne |
1984 | Protect cowboys from outlaws, indians, and ghosts and capture the criminals featured in WANTED posters before each level. | |
Chicken Shift スクランブルエッグ? |
1984 | Guide eggs through a maze | |
Chinese Hero チャイニーズヒーロー |
1984 | Chinese Hero (チャイニーズヒーロー, Chainīzu Hīrō), also known in Japan as Super Chinese (スーパーチャイニーズ, Sūpā Chainīzu), is an arcade action game developed by Nihon Game (now Culture Brain) and published by Taiyo System in October 1984. | |
Circus Charlie サーカスチャーリー |
1984 | Six stage track and field at the circus! | |
Cliff Hanger クリフハンガー |
1984 | A laserdisc game that reached the arcade shortly after Dragon's Lair. | |
Cloak & Dagger |
1984 | Espionage - plant bombs and escape | |
Cobra Command サンダーストーム |
1984 | Standard scrolling shooter. Fly your helicopter and wipe out round after round of bad guys while picking up powerups. | |
Comic Bakery |
1984 | No summary. | |
Cosmopolis |
1984 | No summary. | |
Cosmos Circuit コスモスサーキット |
1984 | No summary. | |
Crater Raider |
1984 | No summary. | |
Crazy Rally |
1984 | Rally driving | |
Crowns Golf クラウンズゴルフ |
1984 | No summary. | |
Curve Ball |
1984 | No summary. | |
Devastator |
1984 | No summary. | |
Devil Fish |
1984 | No suUse fish as bait to capture octopod. | |
Donkey Kong 3 ドンキーコング3 |
1984 | Pest control in Mario's garden | |
Dragon Buster ドラゴンバスター |
1984 | Platformer with a sword. Your mission: save the princess. | |
Driver's License |
1984 | No summary. | |
Driving Force ドライビングフォース |
1984 | No summary. | |
Duck Hunt ダックハント |
1984 | Shooting game, with gun. | |
Dynamic Ski ダイナミックスキー |
1984 | No summary. | |
Eeekk |
1984 | No summary. | |
Eight Ball Action |
1984 | a Nintendo conversion kit - simulated pool / billiards | |
Elevator Action エレベーターアクション |
1984 | Your mission as Secret Agent 17(code name "Otto") is to find the secret documents behind red doors and then escape in your getaway car. As you travel by elevator and stairs, avoid enemies or immobilize them by force if necessary. | |
Empire Strikes Back, The エンパイアストライクバック |
1984 | Space - Fly snowspeeders against Empire | |
Equites |
1984 | Space - Guide robot through levels | |
Esh's Aurunmilla |
1984 | No summary. | |
Euro Stocker |
1984 | No summary. | |
Exciting Soccer II |
1984 | No summary. | |
Express Delivery |
1984 | No summary. | |
Fantastic |
1984 | No summary. | |
Fighting Ice Hockey |
1984 | No summary. | |
Fire Fox |
1984 | No summary. | |
Flickey フリッキー |
1984 | No summary. | |
Flicky フリッキー |
1984 | Collect chicks and avoid cats | |
Flip & Flop |
1984 | No summary. | |
Flying Dragon |
1984 | No summary. | |
Formation Z フォーメーションZ |
1984 | No summary. | |
Freeze フリーズ |
1984 | No summary. | |
Future Spy フューチャースパイ |
1984 | Flying - destroy planes, helicopters, ships etc. Rare - this game existed only as a conversion from Zaxxon. | |
Galaga 3 ギャラガ3 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Galaga Plus ギャラガプラス |
1984 | Distributed game name: GAPLUS OR GALAGA 3... A sequel released by NAMCO of the original Galaga under two different names both released in 1984. | |
Galaga'84 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Galaxy Ranger スターブレイザー? |
1984 | Space - destroy spaceships and ground targets | |
Gaplus ギャプラス |
1984 | Space - Shoot hordes of alien bugs | |
Goalie Ghost ゴーリーゴースト |
1984 | No summary. | |
Gold Medal |
1984 | No summary. | |
Golf |
1984 | No summary. | |
GP World GPワールド |
1984 | F1 racing | |
Great Swordsman グレートソードマン |
1984 | No summary. | |
Grobda グロブダー |
1984 | A tank battle game. | |
Guinness, The |
1984 | No summary. | |
Gyrodine ジャイロダイン |
1984 | Xevious-style vertical scrolling shooter | |
Hangman |
1984 | No summary. | |
Haro Gate Ball (Croquet) |
1984 | No summary. | |
Hat Trick ハットトリック |
1984 | No summary. | |
Hello Gate Ball |
1984 | No summary. | |
Herbie at the Olympics |
1984 | Copy of Hunch Back Olympics. | |
Highway Jumper |
1984 | No summary. | |
Hole Land |
1984 | Destroy enemies that pop out of the ground | |
Hunch Back Olympics |
1984 | Summer Olympics ROM plug-in replacement for Donkey Kong boards. | |
Hyper Olympic '84 ハイパーオリンピック’84 |
1984 | Japanese version of Hyper Sports. | |
Hyper Sports ハイパーオリンピック’84 |
1984 | Compete in six Olympic events | |
Hyper Sports (US) ハイパーオリンピック’84 |
1984 | No summary. | |
I, Robot |
1984 | Space - Colour the levels - Destroy the evil eye | |
Inter Stellar Fantasy 2 インターステラ・エシュンズオルンミラ |
1984 | No summary. | |
Interstellar 2 インターステラ2 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Jackal |
1984 | 2 Players in 2 Jeeps, collect hostages, shoot tanks. | |
Jackrabbit |
1984 | Collect the carrots | |
Jumping Cross |
1984 | Bike riding | |
Kamikaze Cabbie (aka Yellow Cab) |
1984 | No summary. | |
Karate Champ |
1984 | Head to Head Karate, gaming's first complex beat-em-up - beat your opponent senseless | |
Karate Champ (1 Player) 空手道 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Karate Champ (2 Players) 空手道 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Karate Master 対戦空手道 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Kick Rider キックライダー |
1984 | No summary. | |
Kick Start Wheelie King |
1984 | No summary. | |
Kickstart キックスタート |
1984 | No summary. | |
Kung-Fu Master スパルタンX |
1984 | Rescue girlfriend - hit people | |
Last Starfighter ラストスターファイター |
1984 | No summary. | |
Liberation |
1984 | No summary. | |
Liberator リバレーター |
1984 | Space - protect your planet - aka Atari Force Liberator | |
Lode Runner |
1984 | Collect treasure and bury enemies | |
Lode Runner (II - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu) |
1984 | No summary. | |
Lode Runner (III - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu) |
1984 | No summary. | |
Lode Runner (IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu) |
1984 | No summary. | |
Loderunner ロードランナー |
1984 | No summary. | |
Mad Crasher マッドクラッシャー |
1984 | No summary. | |
Marble Madness マーブルマッドネス |
1984 | Race marbles through abstract worlds | |
Mayhem 2002 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Metal Soldier Isaac メタルソルジャーアイザック |
1984 | No summary. | |
Midnight Marauders |
1984 | No summary. | |
Mikie 新入社員とおる君 |
1984 | School days. | |
Millipede Conversion ミリペード |
1984 | No summary. | |
Mister Viking ミスターバイキング |
1984 | No summary. | |
Mr. Do! Run Run ミスタードゥランラン |
1984 | No summary. | |
Mr. Do!'s Castle ミスタードゥキャッスル |
1984 | Collect cherries - kill unicorns | |
Mr. Do!'s Wild Ride ミスタードゥワイルドライド |
1984 | Oh my god, it's Mr. Do!'s WildRide. Great sequel. Ride the rails (of a rollercoaster) as Mr. Do, avoiding speeding cars by climbing ladders. Spell out the word EXTRA to receive another Mr. Do. | |
Mr. Tooru the Freshman |
1984 | No summary. | |
Mr. Viking |
1984 | No summary. | |
Mr.Viking ミスターバイキング |
1984 | No summary. | |
Mysterious Stones ミステリアスストーン |
1984 | Exploration game - travel to the Andes, Easter Island and Egypt to find treasure. | |
Mystic Marathon ミスティックマラソン |
1984 | Adventure - run across islands | |
Nebulous Bee |
1984 | No summary. | |
Ninja Kid (Ob) ニンジャキッド |
1984 | No summary. | |
Ninja Kids ニンジャキッズ |
1984 | No summary. | |
Ninjya Hayate 忍者ハヤテ |
1984 | No summary. | |
Nintendo Vs. Dual Upright System |
1984 | No summary. | |
Nova 2001 ノバ2001 |
1984 | Space - destroy the robots | |
Off the Wall (Sente) |
1984 | No summary. | |
Oh Zumou |
1984 | No summary. | |
Pac-Land パックランド |
1984 | Adventure - Run & jump across levels | |
Pandora's Palace |
1984 | No summary. | |
Paperboy ペーパーボーイ |
1984 | Ride bike - deliver papers | |
Parallel Turn |
1984 | No summary. | |
Peter Pepper's Ice Cream (ピーターペッパーs)アイスクリームファクトリー |
1984 | No summary. | |
Pinball ピンボール |
1984 | No summary. | |
Pinball & Golf |
1984 | No summary. | |
Pinbo |
1984 | No summary. | |
Pirate Ship Higemaru |
1984 | Pirate ship game similar in play to Pengo. | |
Pit & Run ピット&ラン |
1984 | Vertical racing game | |
Pit Boss |
1984 | Game includes poker and 3 of several games; blackjack, acey deucey, foto finish (horse racing), super slots. | |
Poseidon Sea Fighter シーファイターポセイドン |
1984 | No summary. | |
Progress |
1984 | Chuo Co. Ltd - scrolling tank shoot-em-up | |
Punch-Out!! パンチアウト!! |
1984 | (Punch Out) 3d Boxing Game with wireframe graphics. | |
Return of the Jedi リターンオブジェダイ |
1984 | Space - Destroy new Death star | |
Revenger '84 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Ring Fighter |
1984 | No summary. | |
Road Blaster ロードブラスター |
1984 | No summary. | |
Road Fighter ロードファイター |
1984 | Race along highways | |
Roller Jammer |
1984 | No summary. | |
Root Beer Tapper |
1984 | Serve root beer to a bunch of really thirsty characters. | |
1984 | The Sente game system name (the hardware) from Bally. Not really a game. This will be deleted soon. | |
Sanrin Sanchan |
1984 | No summary. | |
Scion サイオン |
1984 | No summary. | |
Scrum Try |
1984 | No summary. | |
Sea Fighter Poseidon |
1984 | No summary. | |
Sector Zone セクターゾーン |
1984 | No summary. | |
Seicross セイクロス |
1984 | No summary. | |
Sente Diagnostic Cartridge |
1984 | No summary. | |
Sente System |
1984 | The Sente game system name (the hardware) from Bally. Not really a game. Will be deleted soon. | |
Shooting Gallery |
1984 | No summary. | |
Shrike Avenger |
1984 | No summary. | |
Six Pack |
1984 | No summary. | |
Snacks'n Jaxson |
1984 | No summary. | |
Snake Pit |
1984 | Indiana Jones type game where the hero uses a whip to kill snakes and spiders. | |
Son Son ソンソン |
1984 | No summary. | |
Spaltan X |
1984 | No summary. | |
Speed Coin (Prototype) |
1984 | No summary. | |
Star Force version 2 スターフォース |
1984 | No summary. | |
Strike Avenger |
1984 | No summary. | |
Super Bagman |
1984 | No summary. | |
Super Basket Ball |
1984 | Basketball | |
Super Basketball スーパーバスケットボール |
1984 | No summary. | |
Super Don Quix-ote |
1984 | Adventuure - Guide Don Quix-ote | |
Super Don Quixote スーパードンキホーテ |
1984 | No summary. | |
Super Punch Out スーパーパンチアウト |
1984 | No summary. | |
Super Punch*Out |
1984 | Boxing. Sequel to Punch*Out. | |
Super Xevious スーパーゼビウス |
1984 | No summary. | |
SWAT スワット |
1984 | No summary. | |
Syusse Oozumou |
1984 | No summary. | |
Tag Team Wrestling ザ・ビッグプロレスリング |
1984 | No summary. | |
Taisen Karate Dou |
1984 | No summary. | |
Tapper タッパー |
1984 | Bartending | |
Tennis テニス |
1984 | No summary. | |
Thayer's Quest |
1984 | Search for the Ancient Five Relics to stop the Evil Wizard who wants to take over the land. | |
The Tower of Druaga ドルアーガの塔 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Three Stooges |
1984 | Moe, Larry and Curly make their way from the silver screen to the video screen. | |
Timber |
1984 | No summary. | |
Time Pilot '84 タイムパイロット’84 |
1984 | Space - destroy enemies over landscapes | |
Tokyo Mie Sinyohjyo |
1984 | No summary. | |
Top Gear トップギア |
1984 | No summary. | |
Tower of Druaga |
1984 | No summary. | |
Tower of Druaga, The |
1984 | A four-way scrolling maze simple RPG-style game. | |
Track & Field 2 ハイパーオリンピック’84 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Tricycle San 三輪サンちゃん |
1984 | No summary. | |
Trivia Whiz |
1984 | No summary. | |
Trivial Pursuit |
1984 | No summary. | |
Tube Panic チューブパニック |
1984 | Space - blast your way to mothership | |
Turkey Shoot |
1984 | Shoot the turkeys - save the world | |
Twin Lever |
1984 | No summary. | |
Two Tigers |
1984 | Flying - shoot planes & sink ships | |
TX-1 TX-1 |
1984 | Race other cars to next checkpoint | |
TX-1 V8 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Up 'N Down |
1984 | Race over hills | |
Us vs. Them |
1984 | Space - defend the world | |
Vanguard II バンガード2 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Vs. 10 Yard Fight VS10ヤードファイト |
1984 | No summary. | |
Vs. Balloon Fight |
1984 | No summary. | |
Vs. Baseball ベースボール |
1984 | No summary. | |
Vs. Clu Clu Land |
1984 | No summary. | |
Vs. Golf ゴルフ |
1984 | No summary. | |
Vs. Mahjong |
1984 | No summary. | |
Vs. Pinball & Golf |
1984 | No summary. | |
Vs. Stroke and Match Golf |
1984 | No summary. | |
Vs. System |
1984 | No summary. | |
Vs. Tennis テニス |
1984 | No summary. | |
Vs. Wrecking Crew |
1984 | No summary. | |
Vulgus バルガス |
1984 | Shoot-em up with a spaceship against waves of grouped enemies, no powerups but shoot+torpedo-like bullet as alternate | |
Wanted |
1984 | No summary. | |
Wild Gunman ワイルドガンマン |
1984 | No summary. | |
Wiley Tower |
1984 | No summary. | |
Wrecking Crew |
1984 | No summary. | |
Yellow Cab |
1984 | No summary. | |
Zambiga |
1984 | No summary. | |
Zeroize |
1984 | No summary. | |
Zwackery |
1984 | No summary. |