The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
005 005 |
1982 | Spy theme. James Bond-ish. | |
21 Blackjack |
1982 | No summary. | |
800 Fathoms |
1982 | No summary. | |
Adventures of Robby Roto |
1982 | No summary. | |
Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves |
1982 | No summary. | |
Alpine Ski アルペンスキー |
1982 | No summary. | |
Ameisenbaer |
1982 | "Anteater" for the German market. | |
Amidar アミダー |
1982 | One of the early Qix-style clones. | |
Amigo アミーゴ |
1982 | Bootleg clone of Amidar | |
Angler Dangler |
1982 | No summary. | |
Anteater アントイーター |
1982 | Collect the pellets and avoid various nasties. | |
Azurian Attack |
1982 | No summary. | |
Baby Boom'r |
1982 | No summary. | |
Bagman バッグマン |
1982 | Bagman was about an escaped convict that was being chased thru mineshafts w/ elevators and escape routes thru various levels. | |
Barracuda バラクーダ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Battle Cross |
1982 | No summary. | |
Beezer |
1982 | No summary. | |
Big Combat ビッグコンバット |
1982 | No summary. | |
Birdie King バーディーキング |
1982 | No summary. | |
Blockade Runner |
1982 | No summary. | |
Blue Print ブループリント |
1982 | Find the parts and build the machine | |
Bosconian ボスコニアン |
1982 | Space - destroy space stations | |
Bump 'n Jump バーニンラバー |
1982 | Driving / jumping game. | |
Burger Time バーガータイム |
1982 | Build giant burgers by running over ingredients. | |
Burnin' Rubber バーニンラバー |
1982 | Drive and ram other cars | |
Calipso |
1982 | No summary. | |
Cat 'n Mouse |
1982 | No summary. | |
Caterpillar |
1982 | No summary. | |
Changes |
1982 | No summary. | |
Checkman チェックマン |
1982 | No summary. | |
Cluster Buster クラスターバスター |
1982 | A "Breakout"-formula game where you control a grape, bouncing a ball and hitting blocks. (AKA Graplop) | |
Come 'on Mama |
1982 | No summary. | |
Congorilla コンゴリラ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Conquest |
1982 | No summary. | |
Constella コンステラ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Cook Race ハンバーガー(コピー) |
1982 | Bootleg of Burger Time / Burgertime. | |
Cosmic Avengers コスミックアベンジャー |
1982 | No summary. | |
Crazy Kong Jr. クレイジーコングジュニア |
1982 | No summary. | |
D-Day D-Day |
1982 | No summary. | |
Dark Planet ダークプラネット |
1982 | No summary. | |
Demon デーモン |
1982 | No summary. | |
Dig Dug ディグダグ |
1982 | Mining - dig underground and inflate / squash mosters | |
Dinosaurs |
1982 | No summary. | |
Disco Number One ディスコNo.1 |
1982 | No summary. | |
Domino Man ドミノマン |
1982 | Set up a row of dominoes before the other characters in the game knock them over. | |
Donkey King Jr. |
1982 | No summary. | |
Donkey Kong Jr. ドンキーコングジュニア |
1982 | Guide Jr. to rescue Kong Snr. | |
Draw Poker |
1982 | No summary. | |
Dream Shopper |
1982 | No summary. | |
Earth, Friend, Mission アース・フレンド・ミッション |
1982 | Nutting Associates 3D color vector prototype, pitched to be the arcade version of the movie Tron | |
El Fin Del Tiempo |
1982 | No summary. | |
El Grande |
1982 | No summary. | |
Electric Yo-Yo エレクトリックヨーヨー |
1982 | No summary. | |
Explorer エクスプローラー |
1982 | No summary. | |
Fantazia |
1982 | No summary. | |
Fast Freddie ファーストフレディ |
1982 | Hang Gliding | |
Fathoms |
1982 | No summary. | |
Fishing |
1982 | No summary. | |
Fly-Boy フライ・ボーイ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Force 1 |
1982 | No summary. | |
Front Line フロントライン |
1982 | WWII Shoot-em-up | |
Funky Bee ファンキービー |
1982 | No summary. | |
Funny Mouse ファニーマウス |
1982 | No summary. | |
Galaxy Rescue |
1982 | Clone of Lunar Rescue. | |
Gattan Gotton ガッタンゴットン |
1982 | No summary. | |
Goldbug |
1982 | No summary. | |
Gomaku |
1982 | No summary. | |
Graplop |
1982 | See "Cluster Buster." | |
Gravitar |
1982 | Space - Destroy planets and collect fuel | |
Guttong Gottong |
1982 | See Locomotion. | |
Hamburger |
1982 | Bootleg of Burger Time / Burgertime. | |
Hana Awase (Flower Matching) |
1982 | No summary. | |
Hard Hat ハードハット |
1982 | No summary. | |
Hare Scare |
1982 | Atari Prototype | |
Hexa |
1982 | No summary. | |
Holey Moley |
1982 | No summary. | |
Hopper |
1982 | No summary. | |
Hot Shocker |
1982 | No summary. | |
Hunchback ハンチバック |
1982 | Hunchback has to get past objects and guards to win the heart of ezmareda. | |
Hungry Sailor |
1982 | Pac-Man bootleg with a Popeye theme | |
Insector |
1982 | No summary. | |
Jack the Giant Killer |
1982 | Get the giant's treasure and get down the beanstalk. | |
Jackler |
1982 | No summary. | |
Jatre Specter |
1982 | Space Invaders clone. | |
Jolly Jogger ジョリージョガー |
1982 | No summary. | |
Joust ジャウスト |
1982 | Who would have thought a game with knights fighting on ostriches and storks could become such a classic? Many people attribute the enormous success of Joust to the fact that it could be played either competitively or collaboratively, making it almost two games in one. | |
Jr. Gorilla Kong |
1982 | No summary. | |
Jungle Hunt ジャングルハント |
1982 | Adventure - Tarzan style | |
Jungle King ジャングルキング |
1982 | Loincloth wearing character races to save girlfriend. Original version of Jungle Hunt. | |
Kangaroo カンガルー |
1982 | Cute - jump on platforms - punch things | |
Kozmik Krooz'r コズミッククルーゾー |
1982 | No summary. | |
Kram |
1982 | No summary. | |
Lapapa |
1982 | No summary. | |
Lasso ラッソ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Launcher Z |
1982 | No summary. | |
LaZarian |
1982 | No summary. | |
Le Bagnard |
1982 | No summary. | |
Leprechaun |
1982 | You are a boy runnning around to collect gold without getting caught by the Leprechaun. | |
Little Casino |
1982 | No summary. | |
Loco-Motion ガッタンゴットン |
1982 | Puzzle game - slide blocks for train | |
Logger |
1982 | No summary. | |
Looper |
1982 | No summary. | |
Looping |
1982 | Flying - guide plane past obstacles | |
Lost Tomb ロックンロープ |
1982 | Indiana jones type deal where guy with whip goes into multilevel pyramids and fights little nasty creatures while looking for treasure. | |
Lunar Battle |
1982 | No summary. | |
Macho Mouse |
1982 | No summary. | |
Marine Boy マリンボーイ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Marine Wars |
1982 | No summary. | |
Megadon |
1982 | No summary. | |
Mighty Monkey |
1982 | No summary. | |
Millipede ミリペード |
1982 | Gardening - shoot the bugs | |
Minky Monkey |
1982 | No summary. | |
Mission X ミッションX |
1982 | No summary. | |
Moguchan |
1982 | No summary. | |
Mole Attack |
1982 | No summary. | |
Monster Bash モンスターバッシュ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Moon Patrol ムーンパトロール |
1982 | Space - drive moonbuggy over surface | |
Moon Ranger ムーンレンジャー |
1982 | No summary. | |
Mr. Do! ミスタードゥ |
1982 | Mining - dig for cherries and kill monsters | |
Mr. Du! |
1982 | A Mr. Do! bootleg. | |
Mr. Lo! ミスターロー |
1982 | A Mr. Do! bootleg. | |
Ms. Pac-Man ミスパックマン |
1982 | Gobble the dots, avoid the ghosts | |
NATO Defense NATOディフェンス |
1982 | No summary. | |
Naughty Boy ノーティボーイ |
1982 | Kill the ghosts to enter next level. | |
New Zig Zag ニュージグザグ |
1982 | A variant of Dig Dug, with an additional pickaxe item | |
Nibbler ニブラー |
1982 | Guide a worm around a maze eating gems. | |
Nightmare |
1982 | No summary. | |
Oli-Boo-Chu |
1982 | No summary. | |
Orbitron |
1982 | No summary. | |
Outline |
1982 | No summary. | |
Pac-Man Plus パックマンプラス |
1982 | No summary. | |
PAT 9000 |
1982 | Atari test hardware. | |
Pengo ペンゴ |
1982 | Penguins! - squash sno-bees | |
Penta ペンタ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Pepper II ペッパー2 |
1982 | Surround areas with zipper | |
Pioneer Balloon パイオニアバルーン |
1982 | No summary. | |
Pit, The ザ・ピット |
1982 | No summary. | |
Pole Position ポールポジション |
1982 | Race around Fuji circuit | |
Pole Position II ポールポジションII |
1982 | Race against cars | |
Ponpoko ポンポコ |
1982 | Collect food while dodging creatures that walk back and forth across the platforms. Avoid apple cores. | |
Pop Flamer ポップフレーマー |
1982 | Pop Flamer - a mouse with a flame-thrower flames anything that moves and is not a balloon. Pop all the balloons on each level to move to the next. | |
Popeye ポパイ |
1982 | Collect items - avoid Brutus | |
Port Man ポートマン |
1982 | Taito | |
Portman |
1982 | Nova Games Ltd | |
Pot of Gold |
1982 | An avoid-the-bad-guy-and-collect-stuff game. | |
Pro Golf プロゴルフ(18H) |
1982 | No summary. | |
Professional Ms. Pac-Man |
1982 | No summary. | |
Punching Kid パンチングキッド |
1982 | No summary. | |
QB-3 |
1982 | No summary. | |
Qix 2 クイックス2 |
1982 | No summary. | |
Quantum |
1982 | Quantum physics! - capture particles | |
R2D Tank R2Dタンク |
1982 | No summary. | |
Radical Radial ラジカルラジアル |
1982 | No summary. | |
Reactor |
1982 | destroy particles - avoid meltdown | |
Rescue レスキュー |
1982 | Rescue your piltos from the enemy. | |
Robin アリババと40人の盗賊 |
1982 | No summary. | |
Robotron 2084 ロボトロン2084 |
1982 | Kill robots and save last human family | |
Satan's Hollow サタンズフォロー |
1982 | Build bridge - destroy gargoyles | |
Sirius |
1982 | No summary. | |
Sky Bumper |
1982 | No summary. | |
Sky Shark 飛翔鮫 |
1982 | Vertical shoot 'em up. Original Hi Sho Zame in Japan, licensed to Electrocoin in Europe under the name Flying Shark, and Romstar in North America under the name Sky Shark. | |
Slither |
1982 | No summary. | |
Snapper |
1982 | No summary. | |
Solar Fox ソーラーフォックス |
1982 | Collect cells and avoid enemy fire. | |
Space Duel スペースデュエル |
1982 | Space - Destroy geometric rocks, saucers etc. | |
Space Dungeon スペースダンジョン |
1982 | Destroy and collect things in dungeon | |
Space Fighter X |
1982 | No summary. | |
Space Pilot |
1982 | No summary. | |
Space Raider |
1982 | No summary. | |
Space Rider スペースレイダー |
1982 | No summary. | |
Splat |
1982 | Like hard-to-head Robotron 2084, with food. | |
Springer |
1982 | No summary. | |
Star Attack |
1982 | No summary. | |
Streaker |
1982 | No summary. | |
Strike Bowling ストライクボウリング |
1982 | No summary. | |
Subroc-3D |
1982 | First person shooter - submarine. | |
Super Astro Fighter |
1982 | No summary. | |
Super Bond |
1982 | No summary. | |
Super Casino |
1982 | No summary. | |
Super Locomotive スーパーロコモティブ |
1982 | Super Locomotive is a split screen scrolling game. The aim is to reach the end of each section without being run into by the opposition and without running red lights. | |
Super Mouse |
1982 | No summary. | |
Super Pac-Man スーパーパックマン |
1982 | Gobble fruits and goodies - another Pac-Man sequel | |
Super Sphinx |
1982 | No summary. | |
Super Star |
1982 | No summary. | |
Super Sub |
1982 | No summary. | |
Super Zaxxon スーパーザクソン |
1982 | Space - destroy space fortresses | |
Swimmer スイマー |
1982 | No summary. | |
Tac Scan タックスキャン |
1982 | Space - guide fleet of ships through attacks | |
Tazz-mania |
1982 | Survive rooms of creatures | |
Time Pilot タイムパイロット |
1982 | Flying - Shoot planes through the ages | |
Time Tunnel |
1982 | No summary. | |
Top Racer |
1982 | No summary. | |
Tornado |
1982 | No summary. | |
Treasure Hunt |
1982 | No summary. | |
Treasure Island |
1982 | No summary. | |
Tri-Pool |
1982 | No summary. | |
Triple Punch トリプルパンチ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Triv Quiz |
1982 | No summary. | |
Tron トロン |
1982 | Tron is trapped inside a computer and forced to play games. Tron must destroy the evil MCP (Master Control Program). Based on the movie. | |
Tube Chase |
1982 | No summary. | |
Tunnel Hunt |
1982 | A journey through an endless tunnel filled with skilll and strategy. | |
Tutankham ツタンカーム |
1982 | Exploration - Find treasure in tombs | |
Vampire |
1982 | No summary. | |
Vanguard ヴァンガード |
1982 | Space - fly through caverns | |
Vertigo |
1982 | No summary. | |
Victor Banana |
1982 | No summary. | |
Victory |
1982 | No summary. | |
Video 8 Ball |
1982 | No summary. | |
Wall Street |
1982 | Rescue suicidal stock brokers from plummeting to their deaths Game and Watch style. And then, a tank game! | |
Wanted G7 ウォンテッドG7 |
1982 | No summary. | |
Wild Western ワイルドウェスタン |
1982 | No summary. | |
Wiping ワイピング |
1982 | No summary. | |
Witch Way |
1982 | No summary. | |
Word Zapper |
1982 | Use your fully loaded craft to blast the oncommin letters to spell your word | |
World Tennis |
1982 | No summary. | |
Xargon |
1982 | No summary. | |
Yachtsman ヨットマン |
1982 | No summary. | |
Yankee DO! |
1982 | No summary. | |
Zaxxon ザクソン |
1982 | Space - Fly over and destroy floating cities | |
Zektor ゼクター |
1982 | No summary. | |
Zig Zag ジグザグ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Zoar |
1982 | No summary. | |
Zoom 909 ズーム909 |
1982 | The game that became Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom |