The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
Andromeda |
1980 | No summary. | |
Ant Raid |
1980 | No summary. | |
Arcadia |
1980 | No summary. | |
Armor Attack アーマーアタック |
1980 | Shoot tanks & helicopters from jeeps | |
Asteroids アステロイド |
1980 | Space - destroy floating rocks & saucers | |
Astro Fighter アストロファイター |
1980 | Space - Shoot waves of aliens | |
Astro Invader アストロインベーダー |
1980 | Galaxian variation. | |
Astro Zone アストロゾーン |
1980 | No summary. | |
Balloon Bomber バルーンボンバー |
1980 | No summary. | |
Bandido バンディド |
1980 | No summary. | |
Battlezone バトルゾーン |
1980 | Tank combat - destroy tanks, missiles & saucers. Sometimes written "Battle Zone" | |
Berzerk |
1980 | Robots - Kill or be killed | |
Carnival カーニパル |
1980 | Shoot ducks, pipes etc. at the funfair | |
Centipede センティピード |
1980 | Gardening - shoot the insects in the mushroom patch | |
Cheeky Mouse チーキーマウス |
1980 | No summary. | |
Chinese Pac-Man |
1980 | No summary. | |
Condor |
1980 | Phoenix bootleg. See Phoenix. | |
Cosmic Guerilla コズミックゲリラ |
1980 | No summary. | |
Crazy Balloon クレージーバルーン |
1980 | No summary. | |
Crazy Climber クレイジークライマー |
1980 | In one of Nichibutsu's most popular arcade games, you must climb up 4 very tall buildings while avoiding obstacles and pitfalls. | |
Deep Death |
1980 | No summary. | |
Deep Scan ディープスキャン |
1980 | Shoot at subs from your battleship. Sometimes packaged in a multigame with Invinco. | |
Defender ディフェンダー |
1980 | Side-scrolling shooter. Defend your humanoids against abduction. Zen. | |
Defense Command |
1980 | Clone of Defender. | |
Devil Zone デビルゾーン |
1980 | No summary. | |
Digger |
1980 | No summary. | |
Dorachan |
1980 | No summary. | |
Eagle イーグル |
1980 | Clone of Moon Cresta. | |
Extra Bases エクストラベース |
1980 | No summary. | |
Fantasia ファンタジア |
1980 | No summary. | |
Fire Bird |
1980 | Vertical space shooter - shoot robot eagles and robot falcons | |
Fire Condor |
1980 | Phoenix clone. See Phoenix. | |
Gingateikoku no Gyakushu 銀河帝国の逆襲 |
1980 | No summary. | |
Golden Invaders |
1980 | No summary. | |
HeliFire ヘリファイアー |
1980 | No summary. | |
Highway Chase |
1980 | No summary. | |
Indian Battle インデアンバトル |
1980 | No summary. | |
Itazuchienzel |
1980 | No summary. | |
Kaitei Takarasagashi 海底宝探し |
1980 | No summary. | |
Kreepy Krawlers |
1980 | No summary. | |
Lunar Rescue ルナレスキュー |
1980 | Land a lunar craft on a platform, collect a stranded astronaut, then return it safely to its ship. | |
Lupin III ルパン三世 |
1980 | No summary. | |
Mad Alien マッドエイリアン |
1980 | No summary. | |
Mad Lander |
1980 | No summary. | |
Magical Spot マジカルスポット |
1980 | No summary. | |
Magical Spot 2 マジカルスポットPART2 |
1980 | No summary. | |
Mayday |
1980 | Space - shoot various aliens | |
Maze メイズ |
1980 | Konami, released by Leijac. | |
Missile Command ミサイルコマンド |
1980 | Defend cities from incoming missiles | |
MissileCommand T・Tミサイルコマンド |
1980 | No summary. | |
Mole Hunter モウルハンター |
1980 | No summary. | |
Monaco GP モナコGP |
1980 | Race against cars up road | |
Money Wars |
1980 | No summary. | |
Monte Carlo モンテカルロ |
1980 | Single-player racing game. | |
Moon Alien ムーンエイリアン |
1980 | Tabletop-only shooting game. | |
Moon Alien-Part 2 |
1980 | This game is very similar to Galaxian, except that there is now an energy meter at the bottom that decrements with time. If you do not destroy all the aliens before this meter empties, your ship is destroyed. | |
Moon Cresta ムーンクレスタ |
1980 | Space - Shoot the aliens, dock the ships | |
Moon Placer |
1980 | No summary. | |
Moon Quasar ムーンクエーサー |
1980 | No summary. | |
Moon Trek ムーントレック |
1980 | No summary. | |
Ms. Pac-Man II |
1980 | No summary. | |
Mugger |
1980 | Shoot and kill muggers, don't shoot the innocent | |
N-Sub N―サブ |
1980 | No summary. | |
Nabaron ナバロン |
1980 | No summary. | |
Navalone |
1980 | No summary. | |
Nebula |
1980 | No summary. | |
No Man's Land |
1980 | And everbody was Tank pool fighting. | |
Pac-Man パックマン |
1980 | Gobble the dots, avoid the ghosts | |
Panther |
1980 | No summary. | |
Phoenix フェニックス |
1980 | Space - Shoot the birds, destroy the battleship. | |
Pleiades プレアデス |
1980 | Space - Shoot the martians over 4 sectors | |
Polaris ポラリス |
1980 | No summary. | |
Popeye Pac-Man |
1980 | Bootleg version of Pac-Man | |
Pro Monaco GP プロモナコGP |
1980 | No summary. | |
Puck-Man パックマン |
1980 | The classic maze game. American version called "Pac-Man." | |
Radar Scope |
1980 | Space shooting game. | |
Radarscope レーダースコープ |
1980 | No summary. | |
Rally-X ラリーX |
1980 | Navigate scrolling mazes while collecting ten flags and avoiding enemy cars. | |
Sasuke VS Commander |
1980 | No summary. | |
Sega Space Attack |
1980 | No summary. | |
Sengoku Ninjaya tai |
1980 | No summary. | |
Shark Attack シャークアタック |
1980 | No summary. | |
Sheriff 2 |
1980 | No summary. | |
Sidewinder サイドワインダー |
1980 | No summary. | |
Sky Chuter |
1980 | No summary. | |
1980 | No summary. | |
Space Attack II スペースアタック2 |
1980 | No summary. | |
Space Bird |
1980 | No summary. | |
Space Chaser スペースチェイサー |
1980 | Drive a spaceship around a maze collecting dots. | |
Space Cyclone スペースサイクロン |
1980 | No summary. | |
Space Encounters スペースエンカウンター |
1980 | No summary. | |
Space Fever スペースフィーバー |
1980 | No summary. | |
Space Fighter Mark II |
1980 | No summary. | |
Space Firebird スペースファイアーバード |
1980 | Space - shoot swarming flocks of aliens | |
Space Intruder |
1980 | No summary. | |
Space Invaders Part II スペースインベーダーパート2 |
1980 | Thump Thump Thump you shoot the aliens vertically to keep them from tromping down on to you. This was also the FIRST game to have a intermission between levels, ever! | |
Space Laser スペースレーザー |
1980 | No summary. | |
Space Panic スペースパニック |
1980 | Dig holes to trap aliens. Fill holes back up to kill them. | |
Space Tactics スペースタクティクス |
1980 | Space - shoot the invaders | |
Space Trek スペーストレック |
1980 | No summary. | |
Space Zap スペースザップ |
1980 | Space - defend space station | |
Speak & Rescue |
1980 | No summary. | |
Spectar スペクター |
1980 | No summary. | |
Speed Race GP-5 スピードレースGP5 |
1980 | No summary. | |
Star Castle スターキャッスル |
1980 | Space - destroy the star castle | |
Star Fire スターファイア |
1980 | First-person shooter in which the enemy ships are TIE fighters (of Star Wars fame). | |
Stratavox |
1980 | No summary. | |
Stratovox |
1980 | A Galaxian / Space Invaders - like game. Possibly the first game with voice synthesis. | |
Streaking ストリーキング |
1980 | No summary. | |
Super Missile Attack スーパーミサイルアタック |
1980 | Defend cities from incoming missiles | |
Super Moon Cresta |
1980 | No summary. | |
Tailgunner II テイルガンナー2 |
1980 | Vector shooting 3d space game. Sequel to Tailgunner, this one a cockpit game. | |
Targ |
1980 | "In the Crytsal City, the heroic Wummel seeks justice against the evil Spectar Smugglers who are guarded by the Targ ramships." | |
Tempest Tubes |
1980 | Hack of Tempest. | |
Terranean テラニアン |
1980 | No summary. | |
Tomahawk 777 トマホーク777 |
1980 | No summary. | |
Tomahawk Missile |
1980 | No summary. | |
Tora Tora |
1980 | Air-naval battle | |
Tranquilizer Gun トランキライザーガン |
1980 | No summary. | |
Tri-Attacker トライアタッカー |
1980 | No summary. | |
Type 104 |
1980 | No summary. | |
Uniwars |
1980 | A simple vertical shooter with various enemies. | |
Warpman (aka Warp Warp) |
1980 | No summary. | |
Western Gun 2 ウエスタンガン2 |
1980 | No summary. | |
Zero Hour ゼロアワー |
1980 | No summary. |