The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
2020 Super Baseball 2020スーパーベースボール |
1991 | A futuristic baseball game set in the year 2020 which features powerups that helps with batting and pitching. | |
64th Street 64番街 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Aaeikou's Koushien |
1991 | No summary. | |
Addams Family |
1991 | No summary. | |
Air Duel エアデュエル |
1991 | No summary. | |
Air Rescue エアレスキュー |
1991 | No summary. | |
Alpha Mission II (ASO - Armored Scrum Object 2) アルファミッション2 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Arm Champs |
1991 | No summary. | |
ASO2 ASOⅡ-ラストガーディアン- |
1991 | No summary. | |
Atomic Punk |
1991 | No summary. | |
Avenging Spirit |
1991 | No summary. | |
B.Rap Boys Bラップボーイズ |
1991 | No summary. | |
Baka Tonosama Mahjong Hoyuki バカ殿様麻雀 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Batman バットマン |
1991 | No summary. | |
Battle Master |
1991 | No summary. | |
Bells & Whistles |
1991 | No summary. | |
Berlin Wall, The |
1991 | No summary. | |
Big Karnak |
1991 | No summary. | |
Black Heart |
1991 | horizontally scrolling shoot'em up | |
Blade Master |
1991 | Sideways scrolling hack-n-slash, set in a mythical land. | |
Block Block ブロックブロック |
1991 | No summary. | |
Bouncing Balls |
1991 | No summary. | |
Burning Fight バーニングファイト |
1991 | Your basic Final Fight clone. | |
Capcom Golf (Japan) カプコンゴルフ |
1991 | No summary. | |
Captain America and the Avengers キャプテンアメリカ&アベンジャーズ |
1991 | Side-scrolling beat-em-up featuring Marvel superheroes. | |
Captain Commando キャプテンコマンドー |
1991 | No summary. | |
Caveman Ninja ジョー&マック |
1991 | No summary. | |
Chikyu Boueo |
1991 | No summary. | |
Chomper |
1991 | No summary. | |
Clutch Hitter |
1991 | An excellent baseball game that includes the actual rosters of the 1991 MLBPA. | |
Cotton コットン |
1991 | No summary. | |
Crime Fighters 2 クライムファイターズ2 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Crossed Swords クロスソード |
1991 | No summary. | |
Crutch Hitter クラッチヒッター |
1991 | No summary. | |
Cycle Warriors |
1991 | No summary. | |
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat |
1991 | No summary. | |
DE Block |
1991 | No summary. | |
Death Brade |
1991 | No summary. | |
Derby Day |
1991 | No summary. | |
Desert Assault サンダーゾーン |
1991 | No summary. | |
Destroyer from Jail |
1991 | No summary. | |
Detana!! Twin Bee |
1991 | No summary. | |
Double Axle |
1991 | No summary. | |
Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp ドラゴンズレア2 |
1991 | Rescue Princess Daphnie from the Evil Wizard Mordoc. | |
Drift Out ドリフトアウト |
1991 | No summary. | |
Drift Out:New Technology |
1991 | No summary. | |
Dunk Star ダンクスター |
1991 | Unreleased basketball game by American Sammy for the Neo Geo MVS. | |
Dyna Blaster |
1991 | Dyna Blaster was Hudsonsoft's Bomberman under a new name. | |
Dynamite Country Club ダイナマイトカントリークラブ |
1991 | No summary. | |
Eightman エイトマン |
1991 | Fast paced platform game where you assume the role of a superhero, 8 Man, and take down the villians. | |
Escape Kids エスケープキッズ |
1991 | No summary. | |
F-1 Exhaust Note |
1991 | No summary. | |
F-1 Grand Prix F-1グランプリ |
1991 | No summary. | |
F-15 Strike Eagle F-15ストライクイーグル |
1991 | Flight combat simulator based on the computer game series. | |
F1 Exhost Note F1エキゾーストノート |
1991 | No summary. | |
Fatal Fury 餓狼伝説-宿命の闘い- |
1991 | No summary. | |
Final Blow ファイナルブロー |
1991 | No summary. | |
Final Lap 2 ファイナルラップ2 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Football Frenzy フットボールフレンジー |
1991 | No summary. | |
Fun Fun Brothers |
1991 | Unreleased MVS Neo Geo prototype | |
Gale Racer |
1991 | No summary. | |
Gallop - Armed Police Unit |
1991 | No summary. | |
Ghost Pilots ゴーストパイロット |
1991 | No summary. | |
Ghox |
1991 | No summary. | |
Golden Tee Golf II |
1991 | Sequel to the original Golden Tee Golf, with improved courses. | |
Golfing Greats ゴルフィンググレイツ |
1991 | No summary. | |
Golly! Ghost! ゴーリーゴースト |
1991 | Shoot ghosts with light guns named Zip and Zap | |
Grand Prix Star F1グランプリスター |
1991 | Jaleco | |
Gulf Storm |
1991 | No summary. | |
Gun Baron ガンバロン |
1991 | No summary. | |
Gun Force ガンフォース |
1991 | Side scrolling platform game like Metal Slug with lots of power ups. | |
Gundam ガンダム |
1991 | No summary. | |
Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island |
1991 | No summary. | |
Gururin |
1991 | Tetris-like puzzle game. | |
Hacha Mecha Fighter |
1991 | A horizontal scrolling shooter from NMK. | |
Hammer Away |
1991 | No summary. | |
Hard Drivin' ハードドライビング |
1991 | First driving game with force feedback. | |
Hard Head II |
1991 | No summary. | |
Hasamu |
1991 | No summary. | |
Here Comes Twinbee!! 出たな!!ツインビー |
1991 | No summary. | |
Hit The Ice |
1991 | An all action ice hockey game by Taito, badged by Williams. | |
Hologram ホログラム |
1991 | No summary. | |
Image Fight II |
1991 | No summary. | |
Indy Heat |
1991 | No summary. | |
Jet Rider |
1991 | No summary. | |
Joe & Mac |
1991 | No summary. | |
Karate Blazers |
1991 | No summary. | |
King of Dragons, The |
1991 | No summary. | |
King of the Monsters |
1991 | Trash-em-up like Mortal Kombat meets Rampage. | |
Knights of the Round ナイトオブザラウンド |
1991 | Standard golden axe style game. | |
Legend of Success Joe, The |
1991 | No summary. | |
Lethal Thunder |
1991 | No summary. | |
Lethal Weapon |
1991 | No summary. | |
Lightning Swords |
1991 | No summary. | |
Magical Crystals マジカルクリスタル |
1991 | No summary. | |
Majestic Twelve MJ-12 |
1991 | Clone of Space Invaders '91. | |
Many Block |
1991 | No summary. | |
Marble Madness 2 マーブルマッドネス2 |
1991 | Unreleased sequel to Marble Madness. | |
Master Boy 2 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Metal Black メタルブラック |
1991 | No summary. | |
Mutant Fighters: Death Brade |
1991 | No summary. | |
Mystic Wand ミスティックワン |
1991 | Unreleased/prototype Neo Geo MVS game. | |
Ninja Baseball Batman |
1991 | No summary. | |
Ninja Clowns |
1991 | Rare, bizarre platformer/fighter. | |
Nintendo Super System Cabinet |
1991 | A SNES/Super Famicom update on the Play-Choice 10 concept. | |
Off the Wall |
1991 | No summary. | |
Peggle |
1991 | No summary. | |
Phantasm ファンタズム |
1991 | No summary. | |
Pibi and Bibis |
1991 | No summary. | |
Picture Trivia |
1991 | No summary. | |
Pipe Dream パイプドリーム |
1991 | No summary. | |
Poker Dice |
1991 | No summary. | |
Pollux ポラックス |
1991 | No summary. | |
Polygonizer Solvalou |
1991 | No summary. | |
Power Spikes |
1991 | No summary. | |
Power Wheels パワーホイールズ |
1991 | No summary. | |
PuLiRuLa プリルラ アーケードギアース |
1991 | An insane beat-em-up. | |
Punisher |
1991 | No summary. | |
Pushover |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz Daisousa Sen |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz Ma-Q Daiboken 爆裂クイズ魔Q大冒険 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz My Homework |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz My Yuyu |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz Quest |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz Rouka ni Tatte |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz Rouka ni Tattenasai クイズ廊下に立ってなさい! |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz Sangokushi |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz Shukudai wo Wa |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz Shukudai wo Wasuremasita クイズ宿題を忘れました! |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz Tonosama no Yabou |
1991 | No summary. | |
Quiz-Mahjong Hayaku Yatteyo! |
1991 | No summary. | |
R-360 R-360 |
1991 | Flight simulation game similar to GLOC, flips you in all directions. | |
Racing Beat レーシングビート |
1991 | No summary. | |
Rad Rally ラッドラリー |
1991 | No summary. | |
Rail Chase レイルチェイス |
1991 | No summary. | |
Rezon |
1991 | No summary. | |
Ribbit |
1991 | No summary. | |
Rim Rockin' Basketball |
1991 | No summary. | |
Riot City |
1991 | No summary. | |
Road Riot 4wd ロードリオット |
1991 | No summary. | |
Robo Army ロボアーミー |
1991 | No summary. | |
RoboCop 2 ロボコップ2 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Robocop 3 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Royal Club |
1991 | No summary. | |
Sangoku (Japan) 三国志 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Seibu Cup Soccer |
1991 | No summary. | |
Sengoku (Sengoku Densyo) 戦国伝承 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Simpsons, The シンプソンズ |
1991 | Join the family in rescuing Maggie from the evil Smithers and Burns. | |
Skeet Shoot |
1991 | No summary. | |
Soccer Brawl サッカーブロール |
1991 | No summary. | |
Solitary Fighter |
1991 | Tweaked version of Violence Fight | |
Sonic The Hedgehog ソニックザヘッジホッグ |
1991 | No summary. | |
Sovalou ソルバルウ |
1991 | No summary. | |
Space Invaders '91 |
1991 | Another update to the 1978 classic. New graphics, same theme. | |
Spider-Man: The Videogame スパイダーマン |
1991 | No summary. | |
Spiderman |
1991 | Guide Spider-Man, Black-Cat, Hawkeye and/or Sub-Mariner as they punch and kick their way through four chapters worth of Dr. Doom's villains. | |
Splatterhouse II |
1991 | No summary. | |
Star Blade スターブレード |
1991 | No summary. | |
Starblade |
1991 | Save your home planet, fighting mechanized enemies. | |
Steel Gunner スティールガンナー |
1991 | No summary. | |
Steel Gunner 2 スティールガンナー2 |
1991 | As part of of a male/female police force you must follow and destroy aliens to save the city. | |
Steel Talons スティールタロンズ |
1991 | No summary. | |
Stone Age |
1991 | No summary. | |
Strato Fighter |
1991 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter 2: Rainbow Edition |
1991 | A bootleg modified (read: not originally from Capcom) version of SFII:CE. Many new (and most "cheap"!) features. | |
Street Fighter 2: Turbo Hyper |
1991 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter 2: World Warrior |
1991 | No summary. | |
Street Fighter II Turbo : Hyper Fighting |
1991 | No summary. | |
Strike Fighter ストライクファイター |
1991 | No summary. | |
Strike Force |
1991 | No summary. | |
Strike Gunner (S.T.G.) ストライクガンナー |
1991 | No summary. | |
Sunset Riders サンセットライダーズ |
1991 | As a bounty hunter in the Wild West, you and your compadres shoot up the outlaws: everyone from Simon Greedwell to Sir Richard Rose. | |
Super Baseball 2000 スーパーベースボール2000 |
1991 | Futuristic baseball. | |
Super High Impact Football |
1991 | No summary. | |
Super Pinball Action スーパーピンボールアクション |
1991 | No summary. | |
Super Shanghai |
1991 | No summary. | |
Super Volley '91 スーパーバレー'91 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Super World Stadium スーパーワールドスタジアム |
1991 | No summary. | |
T2 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Tank Force タンクフォース |
1991 | No summary. | |
TECHNO DOOL テクノドール |
1991 | No summary. | |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 T.M.N.T |
1991 | No summary. | |
Teki Paki |
1991 | No summary. | |
Terminator 2 ターミネーター2 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Terminator 2: Judgement Day |
1991 | Shooter based on the movie of the same title. | |
The King of Dragons キングオブドラゴン |
1991 | No summary. | |
The King of Monsters キングオブモンスターズ |
1991 | No summary. | |
The Simpsons ザ・シンプソンズ |
1991 | No summary. | |
Thrash Rally (Rally Chase) |
1991 | No summary. | |
Three Wonders スリーワンダー |
1991 | Three different games from varying genres. Midnight Wanderers is a side-scrolling platform game, Chariot is a side-scrolling shooter, and Don't Pull is a maze/block game. All have very colorful graphics. | |
Thunder Blaster |
1991 | No summary. | |
Thunder Cross 2 サンダークロス2 |
1991 | Standard shooter: progress by levels, options and various weapon powerups | |
Thunder Dragon サンダードラゴン |
1991 | No summary. | |
Thunder Zone サンダーゾーン |
1991 | No summary. | |
Time Traveler タイムトラベラー |
1991 | You are a cowboy who goes through time to destroy the Evil Scientist and Rescue the Princess to save the Universe. | |
Touch Tech 2000 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Tumble Pop |
1991 | No summary. | |
Tumblepop タンブルポップ |
1991 | No summary. | |
Turbo Force ターボフォース |
1991 | No summary. | |
Ultraman |
1991 | No summary. | |
Urutoraman (Ultraman) ウルトラマン |
1991 | No summary. | |
Vendetta |
1991 | No summary. | |
Vimana ヴィマナ |
1991 | A unique combination of science fiction with brief Hindu references.. | |
Welltris |
1991 | Tetris sequel. Designed by Alexey Pajitnov (the creator of Tetris) with Andrei Sgenov. | |
West Story |
1991 | No summary. | |
Who Shot Johnny Rock |
1991 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
Whoopee (Japan) / Pipi & Bibis (World) |
1991 | No summary. | |
Winning Run '91 ウィニングラン'91 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Wolf Fang |
1991 | You're the mech in this side scrolling platformer which its you against a host of enemy soldiers, bosses and harsh terrain. | |
WWF Wrestlefest WWFレッスルフェスト |
1991 | Wrestling, not that it's a sport really, just acting. WWF WrestleFest is a wrestling game that is a follow-up to WWF Superstars. One to four players can play in a Tag Team Challenge or the Battle Royal. | |
Xexex ゼクセクス |
1991 | Xexex is one of the best shooters out there with really innovative power ups (the arms are cool) and engrossing action. |