The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
4 Fun in 1 |
1981 | 4-in-1 bootlegs of popular arcade games from 1981. | |
Armored Car アーマードカー |
1981 | Kinda Tutankham meets Rally-X. Typical Stern release. | |
Asteroids Deluxe アステロイドデラックス |
1981 | Space - destroy rocks, saucers and homing enemies | |
Astro Blaster アストロブラスター |
1981 | Space - Shoot aliens & dock with mothership | |
Astro Combat |
1981 | No summary. | |
Astro Fantasia アストロファンタジア |
1981 | No summary. | |
Astro Laser |
1981 | No summary. | |
Barrian バリアン |
1981 | No summary. | |
Battle of Atlantis バトルオブアトランティス |
1981 | No summary. | |
Big Kong |
1981 | No summary. | |
Billiards, The |
1981 | No summary. | |
Black Hole |
1981 | shoot splitting "neutron mines" and flying saucers | |
Black Widow |
1981 | Rare Taito game. Not to be confused with Atari's Black Widow, which came out in 1982. | |
Boarder Line ボーダーライン |
1981 | No summary. | |
Borderline ボーダーライン, Bōdārain |
1981 | drive Jeep, destroy enemy refineries - four stages with different gameplay - vertical shooter, dig-dug like maze, etc | |
Boxing Bugs ボクシングバグ |
1981 | No summary. | |
Buramzon |
1981 | No summary. | |
Caveman |
1981 | A full-sized pinball machine with a color monitor taking up the top center of the playfield. This predates Baby Pacman by about a year. | |
Challenger チャレンジャー |
1981 | Split and destroy "space bubbles" and enemy ships. Ship fires in three directions, and can "Warp" to the top or bottom of the screen. Dock with the Bonus Bug for bonus points. | |
Cosmic Avenger コスミックアベンジャー |
1981 | Scramble-like shooter. | |
Cosmic Pleiades コスミックプレアデス |
1981 | Bootleg of Pleiades(?) | |
Cosmos コスモス |
1981 | No summary. | |
Crazy Climber 2 クレイジークライマー2 |
1981 | Sequel to Crazy Climber. Climb a building and avoid falling obstacles. A Japanese game featuring excrement that actually made it to the states! | |
Crazy Kong クレイジーコング |
1981 | A Donkey Kong clone (not a bootleg) made by Falcon. | |
Crazy Kong Part II クレイジーコングPARTⅡ |
1981 | A Donkey Kong clone (not a bootleg) made by Falcon. | |
Crush Roller クラッシュローラー |
1981 | Japanese version of "Make Trax." | |
Dambusters ダムバスター |
1981 | No summary. | |
Dark Warrior ダークウォーリア |
1981 | No summary. | |
Dazzler ダズラー |
1981 | No summary. | |
Demon Eye X |
1981 | No summary. | |
Donkey King |
1981 | No summary. | |
Donkey Kong ドンキーコング |
1981 | Guide Mario (jumpman) to rescue Pauline from Donkey Kong. | |
DS Telejong |
1981 | No summary. | |
Eliminator エリミネーター |
1981 | A 2- or 4- Player battle frenzy to be the first to destroy the Killer Bagel (actually a Death Star of sorts). | |
Eliminator 4 |
1981 | 4-player tabletop version of Eliminator. | |
End, The ジ・エンド |
1981 | Konami, released by Leijac (JP) and Stern (NA). Take-off of Space Invaders | |
Enigma II |
1981 | No summary. | |
Eyes アイズ |
1981 | Roam maze and kill monsters | |
Fantasy ファンタジー |
1981 | No summary. | |
Fitter フィッター |
1981 | No summary. | |
Flash Boy |
1981 | No summary. | |
Frenzy フレンジー |
1981 | Robots - Kill them all | |
Frisky Tom フリスキートム |
1981 | Maze game similar to "Pipe Dream." | |
Frog フロッグ |
1981 | No summary. | |
Frog & Spiders フロッグ&スパイダー |
1981 | No summary. | |
Frogger フロッガー |
1981 | Guide frogs home across road and river | |
Funky Fish |
1981 | No summary. | |
Future Flash |
1981 | No summary. | |
Galaga ギャラガ |
1981 | Space - blast waves of alien bugs | |
Gallag ギャラガ |
1981 | No summary. | |
Gorf ゴーフ |
1981 | Space - defeat the Gorfian Armada over 5 different missions | |
Got-Ya |
1981 | No summary. | |
Grand Champion グランドチャンピオン |
1981 | No summary. | |
Hangly Man ハングリーマン |
1981 | No summary. | |
Hero |
1981 | No summary. | |
Hustler, The ザ・ハンター |
1981 | No summary. | |
Invelian Type 106 |
1981 | No summary. | |
Jack Pottens's Poker |
1981 | No summary. | |
Jump Bug ジャンプバグ |
1981 | Guide jumping VW beetle through worlds | |
Jungler ジャングラー |
1981 | You're a centipede trying to shoot other centipedes while navigating through a maze. | |
Kaos |
1981 | No summary. | |
Kick |
1981 | Catch and burst balloons etc. Started life as "Kick" and was changed to KickMan after upright serial number #1600. | |
KickMan キックマン |
1981 | Catch and burst balloons etc. Started life as "Kick" and was changed to KickMan after upright serial number #1600. | |
Killer Comet |
1981 | No summary. | |
King & Balloon キング&バルーン |
1981 | Shoot attacking ballons to guard king. | |
KO Punch |
1981 | No summary. | |
Lady Bug レディバグ |
1981 | Pac-Man clone with swinging doors. Your character is a lady bug. | |
Laser Base |
1981 | Asteroids-style shooter with a base instead of ship. | |
Lil Hustler |
1981 | See Video Hustler. | |
Lock n' Chase ロックンチェイス |
1981 | No summary. | |
Lucky Poker |
1981 | A Data East cassette poker game. | |
Magic Brush |
1981 | No summary. | |
Marine Deto |
1981 | No summary. | |
Mariner |
1981 | No summary. | |
Mars マーズ |
1981 | No summary. | |
Mazeman メイズマン |
1981 | No summary. | |
MegaTack |
1981 | No summary. | |
Meteoroids |
1981 | No summary. | |
Mirage |
1981 | No summary. | |
Miss Pac-Plus |
1981 | No summary. | |
Missle Sprinter |
1981 | No summary. | |
Monkey Donkey |
1981 | No summary. | |
Moon Shuttle ムーンシャトル |
1981 | Fly your shuttle through asteroid fields. | |
Moon War ムーンウォーズ |
1981 | No summary. | |
Moon War II |
1981 | No summary. | |
Mouse Trap マウストラップ |
1981 | A somewhat-inventive Pac-Man clone | |
Ms. Pac Attack ミスパックアタック |
1981 | Hack of MsPacman by Two-Bit Score. | |
Ms. Pac-Man Attacks |
1981 | No summary. | |
Ms. Pacman Plus |
1981 | No summary. | |
Munchyman |
1981 | A Pacman bootleg - one of the few to have its own dedicated cabinet. | |
New Bosconian ニューボスコニアン |
1981 | No summary. | |
New Grand Derby ニューグランドダービー |
1981 | No summary. | |
New Rally-X ニューラリーX |
1981 | Updated version of the racing game Rally-X with easier gameplay and the addition of a "lucky" flag. | |
New York New York |
1981 | No summary. | |
Omega Race オメガレース |
1981 | Space - zap things around track | |
Pac Gal |
1981 | No summary. | |
Paint Roller |
1981 | Paint the paths of the maze in this Pac-Man clone. Same as "Make Trax" and "Crush Roller." | |
Perachan ペラちゃん |
1981 | Strange Donkey Kong bootleg/clone | |
Percussor, The |
1981 | Orca Corp shooter | |
Pirranha ピラニア |
1981 | A bootleg game on Pac-Man hardware. | |
Planet Patrol |
1981 | No summary. | |
Pleiades Part 2 |
1981 | No summary. | |
Pleiads |
1981 | The same play style as Phoenix. Move your ship left and right, and destroy the enemy characters. Several different waves, with the major difference from Phoenix being a wave where you have to land the ship. | |
Pleitek |
1981 | No summary. | |
Pliades Part 2 プレアデス |
1981 | No summary. | |
Polybius |
1981 | We need information. | |
Pulsar パルサー |
1981 | You drive through a maze while strange opponents fire at you. You must vanquish opponents before you move to the next maze. Watch for the maze to change, because as some walls disappear others materialize. | |
Qix クイックス |
1981 | Qix (pronounced "kicks") is a simple and elegant game in which you claim territory by drawing boxes to fill a rectangular space. You must avoid the Qix – sticklike objects that float and bounce through your space in unpredictable patterns. You can rack up more points for creating boxes more slowly, and besides the Qix, you must be careful of Sparx and Fuses which appear if your marker stops while you are drawing. | |
Quasar クエーサー |
1981 | No summary. | |
Radar Zone レーダーゾーン |
1981 | No summary. | |
Red Alert レッドアラート |
1981 | Save countries from nuclear attack | |
Red Baron レッドバロン |
1981 | fly around arena shooting down enemy planes and airships etc.. | |
Rock Climber ロッククライマー |
1981 | No summary. | |
Round Up ラウンドアップ |
1981 | No summary. | |
Route 16 ルート16 |
1981 | Driving maze game | |
Satan of Saturn |
1981 | No summary. | |
Scramble スクランブル |
1981 | Space - Fly over planet surface and destroy base | |
Silver Land |
1981 | No summary. | |
Solar Quest |
1981 | Space - shoot things around a sun | |
Space Demon スペースデーモン |
1981 | No summary. | |
Space Force |
1981 | No summary. | |
Space Fortress |
1981 | No summary. | |
Space Fury スペースフューリー |
1981 | Space - defeat the Mekon | |
Space Odyssey スペースオデッセイ |
1981 | No summary. | |
Space Seeker |
1981 | No summary. | |
Spiders スパイダー |
1981 | No summary. | |
Star Hawk スターホーク |
1981 | Space - shoot ships over space station | |
Star Raker スターレイカー |
1981 | alien planet reskinned version of Borderline | |
Stargate |
1981 | Space - protect humanoids from aliens. Even more hyper-active sequel to Defender. | |
Strategy X ストラテジーX |
1981 | overhead, vertically scrolling shooter - tank! | |
Super Cobra スーパーコブラ |
1981 | Space - fly helicopter through caverns | |
Super Invaders |
1981 | Bootleg of Space Invaders. | |
Super Tank スーパータンク |
1981 | No summary. | |
Tactician タクティシャン |
1981 | Like Space Invaders except you get 30 seconds before a level to build up barricades, and the ships don't move in unison. | |
Tank Battalion タンクバタリアン |
1981 | No summary. | |
Tempest テンペスト |
1981 | Space - Blast through abstract 3-D "tubes" | |
Thief シーフ |
1981 | No summary. | |
Tower, The |
1981 | No summary. | |
Turbo ターボ |
1981 | Race through fake 3-D course | |
Turpin ターピン |
1981 | Maze collection game (Pac-man style) based around collecting items(turtle eggs) hidden in Question Mark '?' boxes around the screen and returning them home. A.K.A. "Turtles." | |
Ultra Dome ウルトラドーム |
1981 | Put hopping balls into dome within the time limit | |
Venture ベンチャー |
1981 | Adventure - get treasure from rooms | |
Video Hustler ビデオハスラー |
1981 | Pool game. | |
Voyager ボイジャー |
1981 | No summary. | |
Vs. Battle City |
1981 | No summary. | |
War of the Bugs ウォーオブザバグ |
1981 | Centipede Clone. | |
War of the Worlds ウォーオブザワールド |
1981 | No summary. | |
Warp Warp ワープ&ワープ |
1981 | Shoot the beasties | |
Wizard of Wor ウィザードオブウォー |
1981 | Adventure - clear dungeons of monsters | |
Woodpecker |
1981 | No summary. | |
Zarzon ザーゾン |
1981 | No summary. |