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Video Hustler (ビデオハスラー)

Released in 1981

Developer: Konami
Manufacturer: Konami
Distributor: Konami

     (0 total votes)

Game Summary

Pool game.

Hardware Info

Controls: 1 Joystick / Button(s)
Vertical-mounted Raster monitor
224 x 256 Resolution
Colors: 97 Color

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

Z80 cpu @ 3 Mhz
Z80 cpu @ 1 Mhz
AY-8910 audio @ 1 Mhz

Hardware Platform

Konami Scramble hardware

Mame ROMs

hustler, Video Hustler
billiard, The Billiards
hustlerb, Video Hustler (bootleg)

Game Details

A very early pool game, you use a marker which slides around the cushions on the table to aim, and an automatic power meter (very crude) which advances in only 3 stages of hitting power, simply hit the button when the desired amount of power is shown. Collision detection is very dodgy, the ball sliding is very unrealistic, and the balls consist of solid colour with numbers on so it all adds to the very artificial feel of the game. Runs on hardware similar to Frogger/Scramble/Galaxians, at least one bootleg exists on frogger hardware with incorrect colours..

Also known as Lil' Hustler, released by Leijac (JP) and Dynamo (NA)

Video Hustler title screen
title screen
Video Hustler gameplay screen shot
gameplay screen
Video Hustler promotional flyer
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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 6/28/2000 10:33:10 AM