The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
'99 The Last War |
1985 | Fake-3d vertical shooter over a slightly-wider-than-the-screen background image. | |
4-D Warriors |
1985 | No summary. | |
Action Fighter アクションファイター |
1985 | No summary. | |
Alien Arena |
1985 | No summary. | |
Alien Sector エイリアンセクター |
1985 | No summary. | |
Alley Master アレイマスター |
1985 | No summary. | |
Alpha Mission (ASO - Armored Scrum Object) アルファミッション |
1985 | No summary. | |
Arian Mission |
1985 | Also known as Alpha Mission. | |
Arm Wrestling アームレスリング |
1985 | Hero arm-wrestles a series of increasingly strong and increasingly odd characters, including a girl and her robot. | |
1985 | No summary. | |
Atomic Boy アトミックボーイ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Baluba-louk no Densetsu バルバルークの伝説 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Bank Panic バンクパニック |
1985 | Shoot bad guys behind the doors, don't shoot the good guys. Try to collect stolen money back. | |
Baraduke バラデューク |
1985 | No summary. | |
Battle Bird |
1985 | Space - destry space fortress | |
Boardwalk Casino |
1985 | No summary. | |
Bogey Manor ブギーマナー |
1985 | No summary. | |
Bone Crusher |
1985 | Battle enemies on moving trucks | |
Bullseye Darts ブルズアイダーツ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Cannonball |
1985 | No summary. | |
Captain Zapp キャプテンザップ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Casino Strip |
1985 | No summary. | |
Cerberus |
1985 | No summary. | |
Chain Reaction |
1985 | Known as Magical Drop outside of North America. | |
Championship Bowling |
1985 | No summary. | |
Choplifter チョップリフター |
1985 | Fly rescue sorties to bust POW's out of camps. | |
City Connection シティコネクション |
1985 | No summary. | |
Combat コンバット |
1985 | A shooting game with a WWII theme. | |
Commando 戦場の狼 |
1985 | Combat in the jungle | |
Competition Golf |
1985 | No summary. | |
Cop-01 コップ01 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Cosmo Police Galivan コスモポリス |
1985 | No summary. | |
Counter Steer |
1985 | No summary. | |
Country Club |
1985 | No summary. | |
Country Girl |
1985 | No summary. | |
Crowns Golf in Hawaii クラウンズゴルフインハワイ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Cruisin' シティコネクション |
1985 | No summary. | |
Demolition Derby デモリションダービー |
1985 | 4-player table-top driving game. Destroy cars. | |
Dig Dug II ディグダグII |
1985 | Sequel to Dig Dug. More underground fun. | |
DokiDoki Penguin La |
1985 | No summary. | |
DokiDoki Penguin Land ドキドキペンギンランド |
1985 | No summary. | |
Drakton |
1985 | No summary. | |
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Excitebike エキサイトバイク |
1985 | side-scrolling moto-cross game, one player | |
Exciting Hour エキサイティングアワー |
1985 | Wrestling classic. | |
Exed Exes エグゼドエグゼス |
1985 | No summary. | |
Exerion エクセリオン |
1985 | Space - shoot alien birds | |
Fairland Story, The |
1985 | No summary. | |
Fantasy Zone ファンタジーゾーン |
1985 | No summary. | |
Field Combat |
1985 | No summary. | |
Finalizer - Super Transformation ファイナライザー |
1985 | A vertically scrolling shoot 'em up over America. | |
Flash Gal フラッシュギャル |
1985 | No summary. | |
Frog Race |
1985 | No summary. | |
Galactic Warriors ギャラクティックウォーリアーズ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Galivan ギャリバン |
1985 | No summary. | |
Gate In |
1985 | No summary. | |
Gauntlet ガントレット |
1985 | Multiplayer (up to 4) exploration/shooting game with RPG elements. | |
Gekitsui Oh |
1985 | Japanese realease of Zero Target. | |
Gimme a Break ギミアブレイク |
1985 | A game of billiards. | |
Go Go Mr. Yamaguchi / Yuke Yuke Yamaguchi-kun |
1985 | No summary. | |
Gong Fighter |
1985 | No summary. | |
Gradius グラディウス |
1985 | Classic shoot-em-up. A.K.A "Nemesis." | |
Gradius 2 (Vulcan Venture) グラディウス2 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Green Beret グリーンベレー |
1985 | No summary. | |
Gridiron Fight グリダイアンファイト |
1985 | Football Game, table style. 1 player or 2 players head to head. | |
Gun.Smoke ガンスモーク |
1985 | Western | |
Gunblade ガンブレード |
1985 | No summary. | |
HAL 21 ハル21 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Hang On ハングオン |
1985 | Bike racing | |
Hang On Jr. ハングオンJr. |
1985 | No summary. | |
Heavy Metal ヘビーメタル |
1985 | No summary. | |
Hero in the Castle of Doom |
1985 | No summary. | |
High Voltage |
1985 | No summary. | |
Hogan's Alley ホーガンズアレイ |
1985 | Gangster-themed light gun shooting game. | |
Hokuha Syourin Hiryu no Ken |
1985 | Early fighter by Taito | |
I'm Sorry |
1985 | This unusual game from Sega/Coreland features a Japanese plutocrat grabbing gold and returning it to his mansion. | |
Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom |
1985 | Adventure - guide Indy through caverns | |
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom インディージョーンズ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Indoor Soccer インドアサッカー |
1985 | No summary. | |
Inferno インフェルノ |
1985 | Journey through hell. | |
Iron Tank |
1985 | No summary. | |
Jail Break グリーンベレー |
1985 | No summary. | |
Kicker キッカー |
1985 | No summary. | |
King of Boxer キングオブボクサー |
1985 | King of Boxer is called Ring King outside of Japan and PAL regions. | |
Knuckle Joe |
1985 | No summary. | |
Konami GT コナミGT |
1985 | Racing | |
Konami Ping Pong |
1985 | No summary. | |
Konami's Ping Pong コナミのピンポン |
1985 | No summary. | |
Koukouyakyuh, The |
1985 | No summary. | |
La Trivia |
1985 | No summary. | |
Lady Master of Kung Fu |
1985 | No summary. | |
Legend of Kage 影の伝説 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Legend of Kage, The |
1985 | Action/Adventure game set in ancient feudal Japan. | |
Lizard Wizard |
1985 | No summary. | |
Long Hitter |
1985 | No summary. | |
Lot Lot |
1985 | No summary. | |
Mach Rider |
1985 | No summary. | |
Mag Max マグマックス |
1985 | No summary. | |
Major League メジャーリーグ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Makai-Mura (Ghosts'n Goblins) |
1985 | No summary. | |
Mat Mania マットマニア |
1985 | Wrestling game. Is it Taito or Technos? | |
Mega Force スターフォース |
1985 | Outer space shoot-em-up. Similar to 1942. | |
Metal Clash |
1985 | No summary. | |
Metal Soldier Isaac 2 メタルソルジャーアイザック2 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Metro Cross |
1985 | You control a runner in a series of timed races. You must run to the end of the hall before time runs out. | |
Metro-Cross メトロクロス |
1985 | No summary. | |
Mini Golf ミニゴルフ |
1985 | A 1-4 player 18 hole miniture golf game. | |
Mirax |
1985 | No summary. | |
Motos モトス |
1985 | Bump enemies off platforms. | |
Music Trivia |
1985 | No summary. | |
My Hero 青春スキャンダル |
1985 | No summary. | |
N. Y. Captor ニューヨークキャプター |
1985 | No summary. | |
Name That Tune |
1985 | No summary. | |
Nemesis グラディウス |
1985 | Space - fly over strange worlds and get power-ups - A.K.A. Gradius. | |
Ninchaku |
1985 | No summary. | |
Ninja Kun |
1985 | No summary. | |
Ninja Princess 忍者プリンセス |
1985 | No summary. | |
Nunchackun |
1985 | No summary. | |
Nürnburg 3 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Onna Sansirou |
1985 | No summary. | |
Pastel Gal |
1985 | No summary. | |
Performan |
1985 | No summary. | |
Peter Pack Rat |
1985 | Collect treasures | |
Pinball Action ピンボールアクション |
1985 | A video pinball game from Tehkan (later Tecmo). | |
Pinbo (Strike) |
1985 | No summary. | |
Ping Pong |
1985 | No summary. | |
Ping Pong King |
1985 | No summary. | |
Pitfall ピットフォール |
1985 | No summary. | |
Poly Play |
1985 | An East German multigame | |
Pontoon |
1985 | No summary. | |
Porky |
1985 | No summary. | |
Power Play |
1985 | No summary. | |
Pro Yakyuu Nyuudan Test Tryout |
1985 | No summary. | |
Puffoman |
1985 | No summary. | |
Pumper |
1985 | No summary. | |
Raiders 5 レイダース5 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Real Mahjong Paipai |
1985 | No summary. | |
Repluse リパルス |
1985 | No summary. | |
Return of the Invaders リターンオブジインベーダー |
1985 | No summary. | |
RF2 RF2 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Ring King リングキング |
1985 | King of Boxer is called Ring King outside of Japan and PAL regions. | |
Road Fighter 2 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Road Runner ロードランナー |
1985 | Keep the Road Runner from getting caught by Wile E. Coyote. | |
Rush 'N Attack |
1985 | Avoid getting killed while travelling to your objective. | |
Rush'n Attack グリーンベレー |
1985 | No summary. | |
Rush'n' Attack (Green Beret bootleg) グリーンベレー |
1985 | No summary. | |
Samuirai nihonichi 侍・日本一 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Samurai Nihon-Ichi |
1985 | No summary. | |
Sandlot Baseball |
1985 | No summary. | |
Sarge |
1985 | No summary. | |
Savage Bees |
1985 | No summary. | |
Scandal |
1985 | No summary. | |
Section Z セクションZ |
1985 | Space | |
Seishun Scandal 青春スキャンダル(コアランド) |
1985 | No summary. | |
Sex Trivia |
1985 | No summary. | |
Sexy Gal |
1985 | No summary. | |
Shanghai 上海 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Shanghai Kid 上海キッド |
1985 | No summary. | |
Shanghai Kid, The |
1985 | No summary. | |
Shao-Lin's Road 少林寺への道 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Shoot Out シュートアウト |
1985 | No summary. | |
Shoot The Bull |
1985 | No summary. | |
Shooting Master シューティングマスター |
1985 | Shoot the evil kidnappers | |
Sky Kid |
1985 | Cartoonish side-scrolling shooter. | |
Skykid スカイキッド |
1985 | No summary. | |
Son of Phoenix |
1985 | No summary. | |
Space Cruiser Yamato |
1985 | No summary. | |
Spelunker |
1985 | No summary. | |
Splendor Blast |
1985 | No summary. | |
Star Force スターフォース |
1985 | Space - fly over floating cities | |
StarWars Empire Strikes Back スターウォーズエンパイアストライクバック |
1985 | No summary. | |
Stocker |
1985 | No summary. | |
Street Heat ストリートヒート |
1985 | No summary. | |
Strikes and Spares |
1985 | No summary. | |
Suchiyarach |
1985 | No summary. | |
Super Dodgeball |
1985 | Playground fun. Reasonably fun, two player game of dodgeball. | |
Super Speed Racer スーパースピードレースJr |
1985 | No summary. | |
Super Wing SUPER WING |
1985 | No summary. | |
Sweet Gal |
1985 | No summary. | |
Teddy Boy Blue |
1985 | No summary. | |
Teddy Boy Blues テディボーイブルース |
1985 | No summary. | |
Tehkan World Cup ワールドカップ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Terra Cresta テラクレスタ |
1985 | A classical vertical Shoot 'em up. | |
Tiger Heli タイガーヘリ |
1985 | Helicopter gunship mayhem. | |
Time Gal タイムギャル |
1985 | No summary. | |
1985 | No summary. | |
Toggle |
1985 | No summary. | |
Tokyo Mie Sinryohyo 2 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Top Gear 2 トップギア2 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Trivia Challenge |
1985 | No summary. | |
Trivia Master |
1985 | No summary. | |
Trivia Whiz II |
1985 | No summary. | |
Trivia Whiz III |
1985 | No summary. | |
Trivia Whiz V |
1985 | No summary. | |
Try Out |
1985 | No summary. | |
Turbo Sub |
1985 | No summary. | |
Turbo Tag (prototype) |
1985 | No summary. | |
Twin Bee ツインビー |
1985 | A shooting game with cute animated characters. | |
Typhoon Gal 女三四郎 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Uke Uke |
1985 | No summary. | |
Urban Champion アーバンチャンピオン |
1985 | No summary. | |
Vanilla Syndrome |
1985 | No summary. | |
Vs. Duck Hunt ダックハント |
1985 | No summary. | |
Vs. Hogan's Alley VSホーガンズアレイ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Vs. Star Luster |
1985 | No summary. | |
Vs. Urban Champion |
1985 | No summary. | |
Wiz Wiz |
1985 | No summary. | |
Wizz Quiz |
1985 | A trivia game. Each question has 3 choices. | |
World Series: The Season |
1985 | No summary. | |
Wybern F-0 ワイバーンF-0 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Yie Ar Kung Fu |
1985 | Beat up small men. "Street Fighter" like style of game. | |
Yie Ar Kung-Fu イーアルカンフー |
1985 | No summary. | |
Zangus |
1985 | No summary. | |
Zero Target |
1985 | World version of Gekitsui Oh. Data East. |