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Exciting Hour (エキサイティングアワー)

Released in 1985

Developer: Technos
Manufacturer: Technos
Distributor: Technos

****.5 (3 total votes)

Exciting Hour marquee
game marquee

Game Summary

Wrestling classic.

Hardware Info

Controls: 1 Joystick / Button(s)
Vertical-mounted Raster monitor
240 x 256 Resolution
Colors: 80 Color

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

M6502 cpu @ 1 Mhz
M6502 cpu @ 1 Mhz
AY-8910 audio @ 1 Mhz
AY-8910 audio @ 1 Mhz
DAC audio

Hardware Platform

Taito Licensed Games

Mame ROMs

excthour, Exciting Hour

Game Details

Characters included Ultimate Warrior, The Pirranha, and Coco Savage. Each had their own attacks and defenses, and a vast range of moves for a game with only two buttons and joystick.

Win the title and then defend it against increasingly harder opposition.

Exciting Hour promotional flyer
promotional flyer Member Ratings / Comments

**** by kk. Comment: "Freakzilla's right, much as I hate to say anything good about a wrestling game. With character names like "Insane Worrier" and the C-64 like graphics and sound, save your money on pay-per-view wrestling, this is far more fun." 2003-02-23 08:47:59Z

***** by freakzilla. Comment: "PURE CLASSIC. One of the best "unknown" games of the golden age. I used to plunk a single quarter in this game and play as long as I wanted...and then hand it over to a little kid who was usually watching the matches...that was always the cool thing to do! ah, those were the days. :)" 2003-02-22 16:35:00Z

***** by david31. Comment: "Easter weekends in Rhyl or Blackpool flew past thanks to this game,never has there been a game as enjoyable where 10p could last you hours!! Flash backs to 1985 thanks to this page." 2004-08-31 10:53:05Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/13/2021 6:38:28 AM