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I'm Sorry

Released in 1985

***** (1 total votes)

Game Summary

This unusual game from Sega/Coreland features a Japanese plutocrat grabbing gold and returning it to his mansion.

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

Z80 cpu @ 4 Mhz
Z80 cpu @ 4 Mhz
SN76496 audio @ 2 Mhz
SN76496 audio @ 2 Mhz

Hardware Platform

Sega System 1

Mame ROMs

imsorryj, I'm Sorry (Japan)

Game Details

This unusual game is a parody of the plutocratic bureaucracy of Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka. He battles famous figures such as Carl Lewis and Michael Jackson.

The object of each level is to collect all the gold pieces and return it to the mansion to collect points. You can also score points by punching out the enemies. Some enemies may take more than one hit to slay. Tanaka has three minutes to collect all the gold.

As Tanaka collects gold, a thought balloon is shown above his head. That shows how many points he can earn by returning it to his mansion. The most points can be earned by collecting all the gold at once before returning, instead of a few at a time, with a maximum of 9,999 points to be had. If Tanaka completes the stage he receives 20 points for each second left on the clock. Member Ratings / Comments

***** by gatorman_925. Comment: "A game so funny and hilarious, I don't seem to understand it myself." 2001-12-03 19:49:21Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 3/25/2002 10:26:21 PM