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Sky Kid

Released in 1985

Developer: Namco
Manufacturer: Namco
Distributor: Namco

***.5 (2 total votes)

Game Summary

Cartoonish side-scrolling shooter.

Hardware Platform

Namco Pacland

Game Details

Control a bird in a biplane whose goal is to blast everything in sight. One button shoots a machine gun and the other button makes the biplane do an evasive loop - or drops a bomb if you've picked one up.

Targets include other biplanes, balloons, Each mission has one large target at the end (ship, building) that can only be destroyed by a direct hit in the center with a bomb that you pick up halfway through the mission. This is a bit tricky, because once you've picked up the bomb, you can't make any evasive loops. Great soundtrack. Member Ratings / Comments

***  by Dave__Dunmall. Comment: "Cutesy horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up with characters and graphics that looked suspiciously similar to lego. Main objectve of the game was to fly along shooting things and then to "get the bomb" and release it on a specified target at the end. A game that is great fun but maybe a bit too easy (very hard to actually die as when your plane gets hit, you can stab furiously at the fire button in order to perform a somersault and miraculously recover). " 2002-07-15 05:59:52Z

**** by madmatt7. Comment: "Delightful cartoonish side-scrolling flying game with a great musical score." 2002-09-18 16:03:48Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/13/2021 7:13:29 AM