The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Name
Game | Year | Description | |
280 Zzzap |
1976 | Racing. Also known as Midnite Racer. | |
Ace エース |
1976 | No summary. | |
Amazing Maze |
1976 | Race to get through a maze first. | |
Barricade バリケード |
1976 | Make your opponent crash | |
Bigfoot Bonkers |
1976 | Draw a line and try to make your opponent crash while avoiding the big feet. | |
Biplane 4 |
1976 | No summary. | |
Blockade ブロッケード |
1976 | <i>Comotion</i> for two players only. | |
Bomac |
1976 | No summary. | |
Bombs Away |
1976 | No summary. | |
Breakout ブレイクアウト |
1976 | Move the paddle and destroy the bricks. | |
Breakout Deluxe ブレイクアウトデラックス |
1976 | No summary. | |
Ckidzo |
1976 | Like pong on steroids - pronounced "skidzo" | |
Cobra Gunship |
1976 | No summary. | |
Comotion コモーション |
1976 | Draw lines and try to box in your opponent. | |
Cops'n Robbers コップスアンドロバーズ |
1976 | Cop cars chasing robbers. | |
Crashing Race クラッシングレース |
1976 | No summary. | |
Daytona 500 |
1976 | No summary. | |
Death Race デスレース |
1976 | Run people over | |
Death Race 98 |
1976 | Unreleased sequel to Death Race | |
Desert Fox |
1976 | A game by Milwaukee Coin Industries, Ltd. | |
Destruction Derby デストラクションダービー |
1976 | No summary. | |
F-1 F-1 |
1976 | No summary. | |
Fly Ball フライボール |
1976 | No summary. | |
Fonz フォンズ |
1976 | Electromechanical driving game. | |
Grand Slam IV |
1976 | No summary. | |
Heavy Weight Champ ヘビーウェイトチャンプ |
1976 | No summary. | |
Hit Me ヒットミー |
1976 | Blackjack for up to 4 players. | |
Indy 4 インディ4 |
1976 | No summary. | |
Intercepter インターセプター |
1976 | No summary. | |
Interceptor |
1976 | No summary. | |
Jump Cycle |
1976 | Jump over buses | |
Knights in Armor |
1976 | No summary. | |
Kong |
1976 | Shoot King Kong off the top Empire State Building with your biplane. | |
Lazer Command |
1976 | Shoot your opponent's tanks before he shoots yours. | |
Le Mans |
1976 | No summary. | |
LeMans ル・マン |
1976 | No summary. | |
Maze (1976) |
1976 | No summary. | |
Meadows 4 in 1 |
1976 | No summary. | |
Midnite Racer |
1976 | No summary. | |
Monsters, The |
1976 | No summary. | |
Night Driver ナイトドライバー |
1976 | Earliest first-person driving game. | |
Night Racer |
1976 | No summary. | |
Olympic 9 |
1976 | No summary. | |
Outlaw アウトロー |
1976 | No summary. | |
Plinkers Canyon |
1976 | No summary. | |
PT-109 |
1976 | No summary. | |
Quiz Show クイズショー |
1976 | No summary. | |
Race |
1976 | No summary. | |
Road Race ロードレース |
1976 | No summary. | |
Rock 'n Park |
1976 | No summary. | |
Rock'n Park ロックンパーク |
1976 | No summary. | |
Sea Battle |
1976 | No summary. | |
Sea Wolf シーウルフ |
1976 | Shoot ships from your submarine. | |
Seabattle |
1976 | No summary. | |
Sky Tack |
1976 | No summary. | |
Sky War |
1976 | No summary. | |
Sparkling Corner スパークリングコーナー |
1976 | No summary. | |
Speed Race Twin スピードレースツイン |
1976 | No summary. | |
Spitfire |
1976 | No summary. | |
Sprint 2 スプリント2 |
1976 | Early two-player driving game. | |
Squadron スコードロン |
1976 | No summary. | |
Starship 1 スターシップ1 |
1976 | Fly through space and destroy "enemy" spaceships. | |
Stunt Cycle スタントサイクル |
1976 | Jump a motorcycle over school busses. Each time you succeed, another bus is added. | |
Tank 8 タンク8 |
1976 | No summary. | |
Top Gun (1976) |
1976 | No summary. | |
Tornado Baseball トルネードベースボール |
1976 | No summary. | |
Wings |
1976 | Two player head-to-head air combat |