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Mr. Do! (ミスタードゥ)

Released in 1982

Developer: Universal
Manufacturer: Universal
Distributor: Universal

****.5 (3 total votes)

Mr. Do! marquee
game marquee

Game Summary

Mining - dig for cherries and kill monsters

Hardware Info

Controls: 1 Joystick / Button(s)
Vertical-mounted Raster monitor
192 x 240 Resolution
Colors: 257 Color

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

Z80 cpu @ 4 Mhz
SN76496 audio @ 4 Mhz
SN76496 audio @ 4 Mhz

Mame ROMs

mrdo, Mr. Do! (Universal)
mrdofix, Mr. Do! (bugfixed)
mrdot, Mr. Do! (Taito)
mrdoy, Mr. Do! (Yukidaruma)
mrdu, Mr. Du!
mrlo, Mr. Lo!
yankeedo, Yankee DO!

Game Details

Monsters could be killed with powerball or falling apples. - more playable than dig-dug

Mr. Do! control panel
control panel

Mr. Do! cabinet photo
cabinet photo
Mr. Do! title screen
title screen
Mr. Do! gameplay screen shot
gameplay screen
Mr. Do! promotional flyer
promotional flyer Member Ratings / Comments

***** by mirwax69. Comment: "As anyone well knows, this is a major stint off the "Dig Dig" series. But if you were into those slap-happy colorful, overly cheery games (like i was when i was in grade school), this was the game for you. Having played all it's clones (even the very very bad Mr. Lo!), it still remains as one of the games that will remind me of being in the fifth grade and walking 3 blocks from school in 30 degree weather just to jam a quarter or to in it." 2003-05-23 04:03:14Z

**** by skidoo23. Comment: "this was a great little game when i played it during the lunch break the graphics was'nt strong but it kept you on your toes with the action . It was in arcade format, although I did see a C64 version of it which was slow to load but adequate once it got going. I'm afraid I'm not very technical with regard to this game but if there was any way to play this game again I would appreciate some advice on how to process it properly skidoo23" 2003-12-28 18:23:34Z

***** by videodan. Comment: "Fond memories of playing this game way back when. Best thing is when you are on your last quarter, then the diamond appears! Games this fun that offered free games were not common, but this is another fave on my list!" 2007-02-26 10:15:17Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 1/27/2000 12:31:25 AM