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Meadows Lanes (メドゥズレーン)

Released in 1977

Developer: Meadows
Manufacturer: Meadows
Distributor: Meadows

***** (1 total votes)

Game Summary

Bowling game.

Hardware Info

Controls: 1 Joystick / Button(s)
Horizontal-mounted Raster monitor
256 x 240 Resolution
Colors: 8 B/W

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

S2650 cpu
DAC audio

Hardware Platform

Meadows S2650

Mame ROMs

medlanes, Meadows Lanes

Game Details

Similar to Robot Bowl, this game is a one- or two-player bowling game, with a few changes that make it a bit more challenging. First, there is a 5-second time limit to get the bowler to the lane and throw the ball.  Also, the bowler moves faster to the lane, and you can control the speed of the ball and hook it right or left.

Meadows Lanes control panel
control panel

Meadows Lanes cabinet photo
cabinet photo
Meadows Lanes title screen
title screen
Meadows Lanes gameplay screen shot
gameplay screen
Meadows Lanes promotional flyer
promotional flyer Member Ratings / Comments

***** by Lyndo. Comment: "I own this game. It was rescued from the weather outside a body shop and was covered in overspray. It would have been trashed beyond help. I found it just in time. I give it a 5* rating for the simple fact that it has survived this long and still works! Lyndon Jordan" 2003-10-30 12:47:44Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 2/1/2003 9:28:54 PM