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Checkmate (チェックメイト)
Released in 1977
Developer: Bally / Midway
Manufacturer: Bally / Midway
Distributor: Bally / Midway

(0 total votes)
Game Summary
Up to four players try to make each other crash.
Hardware Info
Controls: 1 Joystick
Raster monitor
256 x 224 Resolution
Colors: 7
Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)
@ 2 Mhz
* Samples
* Information was extracted from Mame, so "Samples audio" may indicate the game
has analog sound hardware.
Hardware Platform
Midway 8080
Mame ROMs
checkmat, Checkmate
Game Details
And yet another version of Comotion. Draw a line and try to make your opponents crash. This version has a blue overlay on the screen.
"Maybe" Images
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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/13/2021 7:11:00 AM