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Baby Pac-Man (ベビーパックマン)

Released in 1983

Developer: Bally / Midway
Manufacturer: Bally / Midway
Distributor: Bally / Midway

***** (1 total votes)

Game Summary

Gobble the dots like Pac-Man, integrated with a pinball playfield where you must earn energizers, advance fruits, and earn extra Baby Pacs.

Hardware Platform

Bally Midway Pinball/Video Hybrid

Game Details

Excellent integration of pinball and video game. Gameplay starts in the maze, only you have no energizers to start. Dual tunnels at the bottom of the maze exit to the pinball playfield, where you hit a series of droptargets to earn energizers, advance fruits, and increase tunnel speed.

Extremely replayable. Flopped in arcades mostly because of the difficulty in keeping the thing running, since it has all the normal video game parts plus the normal pinball parts.

Bally bought Midway, which had the redistribution agreement for Pac properties in the US. Bally went into a very gray area by creating their own Pac variant, as an effort to capitalize on the Pac-Man craze.

"Maybe" Images

(fuzzy search, these MAY match the game, or they may not)

Baby Pac-man flyer: 4 BackBaby Pac-man flyer: 1 FrontBaby Pac-man flyer: 2 Middle leftBaby Pac-man flyer: 3 Middle rightBaby Pac-Man control panelBaby Pac-Man side art shotBaby Pac-Man marquee - on the gameBaby Pac-Man pinball playfield - leftBaby Pac-Man pinball playfield - right Member Ratings / Comments

***** by kk. Comment: "Pinball meets Pac-Man. Excellent." 2002-06-02 14:30:50Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/13/2021 6:51:18 AM