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Virtua Racing (バーチャレーシング)

Released in 1992

Developer: Sega
Manufacturer: Sega
Distributor: Sega

***** (1 total votes)

Game Summary

Formula 1 style racing game. 3d-graphics, but no textures.

Hardware Platform

Sega Model 1

Game Details

Virtua Racing has 3 tracks in 3 difficulties: easy, medium and hard. There is a two-player version. It was released some time before Daytona USA and was the first SEGA racer with real 3d-graphics. The steering wheel used force-feedback. Member Ratings / Comments

***** by leopardcats. Comment: "This was the first arcade game to truly utilise 3D polygon graphics to good effect. Others before it like Atari's Hard Drivin' and Namco's Drivers Eyes were slower at rendering, to the point of being very unrealistic in the case of Drivers Eyes. Virtua Racing was available in a single upright cabinet, a twin sitdown, a deluxe version with compressor driven airbage in the seat to give you motion feeling, and a wide screen monitor. There was also a sit in version with a large projection TV where the car moved" 2001-05-27 18:52:49Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 3/26/2002 9:24:31 PM