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Heavy Barrel (ヘビーバレル)

Released in 1987

Developer: Data East
Manufacturer: Data East
Distributor: Data East

     (0 total votes)

Heavy Barrel marquee
game marquee

Game Summary

Ikari Warriors clone. Shoot-em-up platform scroller, with a war theme.

Hardware Info

Controls: 1 Joystick / Button(s)
Vertical-mounted Raster monitor
240 x 256 Resolution
Colors: 1024 Color

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

68000 cpu @ 10 Mhz
M6502 cpu @ 1 Mhz
YM-2203 audio @ 1 Mhz
YM-3812 audio @ 3 Mhz
OKI6295 audio

Hardware Platform

Data East MEC-M1

Mame ROMs

hbarrel, Heavy Barrel (US)
hbarrelw, Heavy Barrel (World)

Game Details

The object was to go through and kill anything that moves while picking up different weapons. Along the way you could pick up pieces of an awesome secret weapon. When all the pieces are collected your soldier will yell "HEAVYYYYYYY BARREL!" and will switch to a huge gun that fires enormous screen-clearing blasts.

Heavy Barrel control panel
control panel

Heavy Barrel cabinet photo
cabinet photo
Heavy Barrel title screen
title screen
Heavy Barrel gameplay screen shot
gameplay screen
Heavy Barrel promotional flyer
promotional flyer

"Maybe" Images

(fuzzy search, these MAY match the game, or they may not)

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/13/2021 6:38:28 AM