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Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (ストリートファイターZero2α)

Released in 1996

Developer: Capcom
Manufacturer: Capcom
Distributor: Capcom

     (0 total votes)

Game Summary

This is a Japanese only release after Street Fighter Alpha 2 to please the Japanese pundits with the addition of Evil Ryu and other new modes of play.

Hardware Platform

CP System II (CPS2)

Game Details

This is a CPS2 JAMMA+ board on Grey and Green B only. Wiring details are as any other Street Fighter games with the extra player harness (CPS2 layout). The game was released after Alpha 2 with additions like Super Sakura, Evil Ryu, Super SFII characters, Survival Mode, Dramatic Battle and new moves.

The most noticeable are the two extra modes of play.

  • Survival mode pits you up against ALL the fighters in a one round battle on one energy bar which gets replenished depending on how well you perform in that stage.
  • Dramatic Battle involves choosing ANY 2 characters against 4 CPU fighters (Adon, Sagat, Bison and SHIN Gouki). This is very similar to SF Zero 3 BUT the difference is that the SUPER level guage NEVER depletes.
The addition of new moves sees a new level 3 attack for Guy, a Super taunt for Sagat and more.

Settings are accessed via the TEST SWITCH on the B board for configurations. Member Ratings / Comments

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/13/2021 7:06:25 AM