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Ataxx (アタックス)

Released in 1990

Developer: LeLand
Manufacturer: LeLand
Distributor: LeLand

**** (1 total votes)

Game Summary

A variation on the Othello boardgame. You control either the blue or red blobs (pieces). You can either jump over one space, or "multiply" to an adjacent space. Then, all blobs in adjacent spaces change to your color.

Hardware Platform

Capcom Z80 Based

Game Details

Pretty fun game overall. The controls are two player, with a red and blue trakball. The computer opponents are strange aliens, who laugh or moan depending on what is happening in the game. There are several, and as you progress they get harder. One really interesting thing it does is ask for the players birthdate in the beginning. If you have played it before, it remembers your past level, as well as wins and losses. Very neat feature, especially when used as a home unit (a "save game" feature of sorts). Member Ratings / Comments

**** by spitfire777. Comment: "Very challenging! Top Level Challenger will keep you pulling your hair out :-)" 2002-12-30 11:44:23Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/13/2021 6:51:18 AM