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Gladiator (グラディエーター)

Released in 1988

Developer: Taito
Manufacturer: Taito
Distributor: Taito

***** (1 total votes)

Gladiator marquee
game marquee

Game Summary

A fighting game where objects are hurled at you so you will gain practice when you fight others to be the best. Or something.

Hardware Info

Controls: 1 Joystick / Button(s)
Horizontal-mounted Raster monitor
256 x 224 Resolution
Colors: 514 Color

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

Z80 cpu @ 6 Mhz
Z80 cpu @ 3 Mhz
M6809 cpu
YM-2203 audio @ 1 Mhz
MSM5205 audio

Hardware Platform

Taito Ping Pong King

Mame ROMs

gladiatr, Gladiator (US)
ogonsiro, Ohgon no Siro (Japan)

Game Details

This is a one player game. Actions were high, med, low attack and shield. Several stages and bosses. I have beat this game twice. That's all for now, unless you E-mail me before I return to your page.

Gladiator control panel
control panel

Gladiator cabinet photo
cabinet photo
Gladiator title screen
title screen
Gladiator gameplay screen shot
gameplay screen
Gladiator promotional flyer
promotional flyer Member Ratings / Comments

***** by showgun919. Comment: "this was one of the greatest games I ever played growing up. I advise anyone who hasn't enjoyed stripping the armor from a fine woman warrior with your broad sword to try it." 2003-03-04 03:51:27Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/13/2021 7:26:59 AM