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Toobin' (ツービン)

Released in 1988

Developer: Atari
Manufacturer: Atari
Distributor: Atari

     (0 total votes)

game marquee

Game Summary

Rubber tubin' down a water course..

Hardware Info

Controls: 5 Buttons
Vertical-mounted Raster monitor
384 x 512 Resolution
Colors: 1024 Color

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

MC68010 cpu @ 7 Mhz
M6502 cpu @ 1 Mhz
YM-2151 audio @ 3 Mhz
Pokey audio @ 1 Mhz

Hardware Platform

Atari 68000 Based

Mame ROMs

toobin, Toobin' (version 3)
toobin2, Toobin' (version 2)
toobinp, Toobin' (Prototype)

Game Details

Atari system 1 game, medium resolution.

Jump into yer rubber ring and throw yerself down a water course against an opponent. You can collect cans of beer that are floating around and throw them at your opponent, but watch out for waterfalls, prickly sticks floating around and falling trees, oh, and the mad crocodile which will have you for dinner if you can't paddle your heart out..

Original cabinet had a waterfall effect in the marquee.

This game is available on the ARCADE PARTY PACK from MIDWAY GAMES -- for Playstation, PC and Nintendo 64.

control panel

cabinet photo
title screen
gameplay screen
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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/13/2021 6:38:28 AM