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Altered Beast (獣王記)

Released in 1988

Developer: Sega
Manufacturer: Sega
Distributor: Sega

***.5 (3 total votes)

Altered Beast marquee
game marquee

Game Summary

You are risen from the dead to save Zeus' Daughter. Fight your way through five levels collecting power ups to defeat the Evil Magician.

Hardware Info

Controls: 1 Joystick / Button(s)
Horizontal-mounted Raster monitor
320 x 224 Resolution
Colors: 2080 Color

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

68000 cpu @ 10 Mhz
Z80 cpu @ 4 Mhz
YM-2151 audio @ 4 Mhz
uPD7759 audio

Hardware Platform

Sega System 1B

Mame ROMs

altbeast, Altered Beast (Version 1)
altbeas2, Altered Beast (Version 2)

Game Details

You are brought back from the dead by Zeus to save his Daughter from an Evil Wizard. You go through 5 levels of gameplay. Through each level you can collect 3 power-ups that transform you into a beast with special powers. At the end of each level, after defeating the boss, the Evil Magician steals your power-up and you go to the next level. You change to a different creature each level. You can change to a WereWolf, WereBear, WereDragon, WereTiger and a Golden Werewolf.

This game was also availible for the Sega Genesis Console System.

Altered Beast control panel
control panel

Altered Beast cabinet photo
cabinet photo
Altered Beast title screen
title screen
Altered Beast gameplay screen shot
gameplay screen
Altered Beast promotional flyer
promotional flyer

"Maybe" Images

(fuzzy search, these MAY match the game, or they may not)

Altered Beast. Member Ratings / Comments

**   by ceptor. Comment: "The concept of the game is great, and the game play is good too. But there are only 5 levels! After you beat the fifth level, the game ends and it has a very disappointing ending!" 2001-10-10 15:41:24Z

***** by MetalCrusader. Comment: "I just bought an Altered Beast machine 3 days ago. I think the game rules! Maybe just because I remember playing it at the bowling alley every weekend when I was younger. I looked it up in depth on the internet. People really bash the heck out of it. Though the majority of the people that bash it are little punk kids that think that anything thats not on their x-box is garbage. Check this game out! Its a classic and a very cool game!" 2003-07-26 14:16:45Z

**** by BlaineC. Comment: "Although I agree the game is short, the graphics at the time were awesome, and the play was tough. The colors were especially nice. Cool game." 2005-01-05 02:35:08Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 10/23/2021 6:43:27 AM