The first column is the average rating by members of the site. It works like this: = rated 3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Year
Game | Year | Description | |
Cabal カベール |
1989 | Third person (behind player). Use a trackball to control a soldier and his aiming crosshair, and conduct attacks on various enemies. This game has quite a few "pseudo-hidden" power-ups and suprises. | |
Cachat |
1993 | No summary. | |
Cadash カダッシュ |
1989 | No summary. | |
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs キャデラックス&ディノサウルス |
1992 | Typical Double Dragon style fighting game | |
Caliber Fifty キャリバー50 |
1989 | No summary. | |
California Speed カリフォルニアスピード |
1997 | No summary. | |
Calipso |
1982 | No summary. | |
Calorie vs Moguranian カロリー君VSモグラニアン |
1986 | No summary. | |
Cameltry キャメルトライ |
1989 | Maze navigation with an unusual twist. | |
Cannonball |
1985 | No summary. | |
Canyon Bomber キャニオンボンバー |
1977 | A very simple, classic game. Use a button to drop bombs into a canyon of numbered blocks. Your ship changes between a blimp and a biplane. | |
Capcom Baseball カプコンベースボール |
1989 | No summary. | |
Capcom Bowl カプコンボール |
1989 | No summary. | |
Capcom Bowling カプコンボウリング |
1989 | bowling. | |
Capcom Golf (Japan) カプコンゴルフ |
1991 | No summary. | |
Capcom Question |
1990 | No summary. | |
Capsule Invader |
1979 | No summary. | |
Captain America and the Avengers キャプテンアメリカ&アベンジャーズ |
1991 | Side-scrolling beat-em-up featuring Marvel superheroes. | |
Captain Commando キャプテンコマンドー |
1991 | No summary. | |
Captain Flag |
1993 | No summary. | |
Captain Seahawk (Prototype) |
1978 | No summary. | |
Captain Silver |
1987 | No summary. | |
Captain Tomaday |
1999 | No summary. | |
Captain Zapp キャプテンザップ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Captain Zodiac |
1993 | No summary. | |
Car Action |
1983 | No summary. | |
Car Chase |
1979 | Konami, Head On clone, released by Leijac. | |
Car Hunt カーハント |
1979 | No summary. | |
Car Polo カーポロ |
1977 | Soccer (or polo) with cars instead of people. | |
CarnEvil |
1999 | Shoot to kill at the carnival. By Midway. | |
Carnival カーニパル |
1980 | Shoot ducks, pipes etc. at the funfair | |
Carrier Air Wing USネイビー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Cart'n Gun カーツンガン |
1978 | No summary. | |
Cartn' Gun |
1978 | No summary. | |
Casino 5 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Casino Classic |
1987 | No summary. | |
Casino Games - 4 in 1 |
1983 | No summary. | |
Casino Strip |
1985 | No summary. | |
Castle of Dragon キャッスルオブドラゴン |
1989 | No summary. | |
Castlevania 悪魔城ドラキュラ |
1987 | As Simon Belmont, travel the crypts to kill Drakula. | |
Castling キャスリング |
1979 | No summary. | |
Cat 'n Mouse |
1982 | No summary. | |
Caterpillar |
1982 | No summary. | |
Caveman |
1981 | A full-sized pinball machine with a color monitor taking up the top center of the playfield. This predates Baby Pacman by about a year. | |
Caveman Ninja ジョー&マック |
1991 | No summary. | |
Center Court |
1989 | No summary. | |
Centipede センティピード |
1980 | Gardening - shoot the insects in the mushroom patch | |
Cerberus |
1985 | No summary. | |
Chack'n Pop ちゃっくんぽっぷ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Chain Reaction |
1985 | Known as Magical Drop outside of North America. | |
Challenge |
1974 | Pong for 1 to 4 players. | |
Challenge Hitter |
1993 | No summary. | |
Challenger チャレンジャー |
1981 | Split and destroy "space bubbles" and enemy ships. Ship fires in three directions, and can "Warp" to the top or bottom of the screen. Dock with the Bonus Bug for bonus points. | |
Chameleon カメレオン |
1983 | Jaleco platformer - eat all hen's eggs, placed in nests on platforms and girders. | |
Champion Baseball チャンピオンベースボール |
1983 | Baseball. | |
Champion Baseball II チャンピオンベースボール2 |
1984 | No summary. | |
Champion Boxing チャンピオンボクシング |
1983 | No summary. | |
Champion Prowrestling チャンピオンプロレス |
1984 | No summary. | |
Champion Wrestler チャンピオンレスラー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Championship Arkanoid |
1987 | No summary. | |
Championship Bowling |
1985 | No summary. | |
Championship Lode Runner |
1984 | No summary. | |
Championship Sprint チャンピオンシップスプリント |
1986 | race tiny cars around a course, special short-cuts appear here and there.. | |
Championship V'Ball |
1988 | No summary. | |
Championship Wrestling |
1986 | No summary. | |
Change Air Blade |
1999 | No summary. | |
Change Colors |
1984 | No summary. | |
Change Lanes ハイウェイレース |
1983 | No summary. | |
Changes |
1982 | No summary. | |
Chaos Heat カオスヒート |
1998 | No summary. | |
Charge 'N Blast |
1999 | No summary. | |
Charlie Ninja |
1986 | No summary. | |
Charon |
1989 | No summary. | |
Chase Bombers チェイスボンバーズ |
1994 | No summary. | |
Chase H.Q. チェイスH.Q. |
1987 | No summary. | |
Chase H.Q. 2 |
1990 | police chasing baddies and running them off the road. Just like C-HQ1 except you had a man jump out of the sun roof and fired a machine gun when you pressed a button. | |
Checker Flag チェッカーフラグ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Checkman チェックマン |
1982 | No summary. | |
Checkmate チェックメイト |
1977 | Up to four players try to make each other crash. | |
Cheeky Mouse チーキーマウス |
1980 | No summary. | |
Cheese Chase |
1994 | No summary. | |
Chelnov: The Atomic Runner チェルノブ-戦う人間発電所- |
1988 | No summary. | |
Chequered Flag |
1988 | No summary. | |
Cheyenne |
1984 | Protect cowboys from outlaws, indians, and ghosts and capture the criminals featured in WANTED posters before each level. | |
Chicken Shift スクランブルエッグ? |
1984 | Guide eggs through a maze | |
Chikie Chikie Boys |
1990 | Platform game with comical, cartoon characters. | |
Chikyu Boueo |
1991 | No summary. | |
Chiller |
1986 | A shooting game set in a dungeon/"Chamber of Horrors" atmosphere. | |
Chimera Beast (prototype) |
1993 | No summary. | |
China Gate 中華大仙? |
1988 | You (and optional teamate) choose 1 of 3 characters, battle many different enemies with different abilities, and beat various bosses. The goal is to retrieve a book which the enemies have stolen from your master (as you see in the attract screens). | |
Chinese Exorcist |
1988 | No summary. | |
Chinese Hero チャイニーズヒーロー |
1984 | Chinese Hero (チャイニーズヒーロー, Chainīzu Hīrō), also known in Japan as Super Chinese (スーパーチャイニーズ, Sūpā Chainīzu), is an arcade action game developed by Nihon Game (now Culture Brain) and published by Taiyo System in October 1984. | |
Chinese Pac-Man |
1980 | No summary. | |
Chomper |
1991 | No summary. | |
Choplifter チョップリフター |
1985 | Fly rescue sorties to bust POW's out of camps. | |
Chopper (Motorcycle) |
1974 | No summary. | |
Chopper I 航空騎兵物語 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Chotetsu Brikinger |
1995 | No summary. | |
Chuka Taisen |
1988 | No summary. | |
Ciclone |
2000 | Casino games. | |
Cinemat-System |
1983 | No summary. | |
Circus サーカス |
1977 | Bounce clowns off springboard to pop balloons. | |
Circus Charlie サーカスチャーリー |
1984 | Six stage track and field at the circus! | |
Cisco Heat シスコヒート |
1990 | No summary. | |
City Bomber シティボンバー |
1987 | No summary. | |
City Connection シティコネクション |
1985 | No summary. | |
City Love |
1986 | No summary. | |
Ckidzo |
1976 | Like pong on steroids - pronounced "skidzo" | |
Clash Road クラッシュロード |
1986 | No summary. | |
Classics Collection 1 クラシックスコレクション1 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Classics Collection 2 クラシックスコレクション2 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Clay Champ クレイチャンプ |
1979 | Skeet shooting. | |
Clay Pigeon |
1986 | No summary. | |
Clay Shoot |
1979 | Skeet shooting. | |
Clean Sweep |
1974 | No summary. | |
Cleopatra Fortune クレオパトラフォーチュン |
1996 | No summary. | |
Cliff Hanger クリフハンガー |
1984 | A laserdisc game that reached the arcade shortly after Dragon's Lair. | |
Cloak & Dagger |
1984 | Espionage - plant bombs and escape | |
Cloud 9 |
1983 | Shoot raining clouds before water level gets too high. | |
Clowns クラウンズ |
1978 | Like a clone of "Circus" by Exidy | |
Cluster Buster クラスターバスター |
1982 | A "Breakout"-formula game where you control a grape, bouncing a ball and hitting blocks. (AKA Graplop) | |
Clutch Hitter |
1991 | An excellent baseball game that includes the actual rosters of the 1991 MLBPA. | |
Cobra Command サンダーストーム |
1984 | Standard scrolling shooter. Fly your helicopter and wipe out round after round of bad guys while picking up powerups. | |
Cobra Gunship |
1976 | No summary. | |
Coin Circus |
1994 | No summary. | |
Colony 7 コロニー7 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Colt 86 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Columns コラムス |
1990 | No summary. | |
Columns 2 コラムス2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Columns 3 コラムス3 |
1994 | No summary. | |
Columns 97 コラムス97 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Combat コンバット |
1985 | A shooting game with a WWII theme. | |
Combat School コンバットスクール |
1987 | No summary. | |
Combatribes |
1990 | No summary. | |
Come 'on Mama |
1982 | No summary. | |
Comic Bakery |
1984 | No summary. | |
Command & Conquer |
1995 | No summary. | |
Commander |
1979 | No summary. | |
Commando 戦場の狼 |
1985 | Combat in the jungle | |
Comotion コモーション |
1976 | Draw lines and try to box in your opponent. | |
Competition Golf |
1985 | No summary. | |
Compugraph Foto |
1979 | This is a photo booth device made by Atari. | |
Computer Othello |
1978 | No summary. | |
Computer Space コンピュータスペース |
1971 | Space - Spacewar clone | |
Condor |
1980 | Phoenix bootleg. See Phoenix. | |
Congo Bongo ティップタップ |
1983 | Jungle adventure | |
Congorilla コンゴリラ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Conquest |
1982 | No summary. | |
Constella コンステラ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Continental Circuit |
1987 | US version of Continental Circus; comes in vertical or sit-down models. | |
Continental Circus コンチネンタルサーカス |
1987 | No summary. | |
Contra |
1987 | Run, jump and shoot your way to the alien base. A.K.A. "Gryzor." | |
Cook Race ハンバーガー(コピー) |
1982 | Bootleg of Burger Time / Burgertime. | |
Cool Pool |
1992 | No summary. | |
Cool Riders クールライダース |
1995 | No summary. | |
Coors Light Bowling |
1989 | No summary. | |
Cop-01 コップ01 |
1985 | No summary. | |
Cops |
1994 | No summary. | |
Cops'n Robbers コップスアンドロバーズ |
1976 | Cop cars chasing robbers. | |
Cosmic コスミック |
1979 | No summary. | |
Cosmic Alien コズミックエイリアン |
1979 | Vertical shooter in which you fight aliens. | |
Cosmic Attackers |
1979 | No summary. | |
Cosmic Avenger コスミックアベンジャー |
1981 | Scramble-like shooter. | |
Cosmic Avengers コスミックアベンジャー |
1982 | No summary. | |
Cosmic Chasm |
1983 | Infiltrate and destroy underground complex | |
Cosmic Guerilla コズミックゲリラ |
1980 | No summary. | |
Cosmic Monsters コズミックモンスター |
1979 | Space Invaders clone. | |
Cosmic Monsters II コズミックモンスター2 |
1979 | Space Invaders II clone. | |
Cosmic Pleiades コスミックプレアデス |
1981 | Bootleg of Pleiades(?) | |
Cosmo Gang the Puzzle コズモギャングザパズル |
1992 | Tetris-like puzzle game featuring the Cosmo Gang. | |
Cosmo Gang the Video コズモギャングザビデオ |
1992 | No summary. | |
Cosmo Police Galivan コスモポリス |
1985 | No summary. | |
Cosmopolis |
1984 | No summary. | |
Cosmos コスモス |
1981 | No summary. | |
Cosmos Circuit コスモスサーキット |
1984 | No summary. | |
Cotton コットン |
1991 | No summary. | |
Countdown |
1974 | No summary. | |
Counter Force |
1989 | No summary. | |
Counter Run カウンターラン |
1988 | No summary. | |
Counter Steer |
1985 | No summary. | |
Countercade |
1983 | No summary. | |
Countertop Champion |
1994 | No summary. | |
Country Club |
1985 | No summary. | |
Country Girl |
1985 | No summary. | |
Crackdown クラックダウン |
1989 | No summary. | |
Crackshot |
1986 | No summary. | |
Crash クラッシュ |
1979 | Drive a car around a track collecting dots. | |
Crash 'N Score クラッシュアンドスコア |
1975 | Demolition derby | |
Crash Course クラッシュコース |
1977 | No summary. | |
Crashing Race クラッシングレース |
1976 | No summary. | |
Crater Raider |
1984 | No summary. | |
Crayon Shin-chan |
1993 | No summary. | |
Crazy Balloon クレージーバルーン |
1980 | No summary. | |
Crazy Blocks |
1983 | No summary. | |
Crazy Climber クレイジークライマー |
1980 | In one of Nichibutsu's most popular arcade games, you must climb up 4 very tall buildings while avoiding obstacles and pitfalls. | |
Crazy Climber 2 クレイジークライマー2 |
1981 | Sequel to Crazy Climber. Climb a building and avoid falling obstacles. A Japanese game featuring excrement that actually made it to the states! | |
Crazy Cop クレイジーコップ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Crazy Cross 対戦ぱずるだま |
1994 | No summary. | |
Crazy Cross 2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Crazy Foot |
1973 | Another Pong close. | |
Crazy Kong クレイジーコング |
1981 | A Donkey Kong clone (not a bootleg) made by Falcon. | |
Crazy Kong Jr. クレイジーコングジュニア |
1982 | No summary. | |
Crazy Kong Part II クレイジーコングPARTⅡ |
1981 | A Donkey Kong clone (not a bootleg) made by Falcon. | |
Crazy Rally |
1984 | Rally driving | |
Crazy Taxi クレイジータクシー |
1999 | Pick up fares and drive them to their destination. | |
Crime City クライムシティー |
1989 | Classic-style walk-and-shoot, similar to E-Swat and Shinobi. Assume the role of two cops and go out stopping bank robberies, saving the kidnapped, and all that other good stuff cops do. | |
Crime Fighters クライムファイターズ |
1989 | Side scrolling beat-em-up game like Double Dragon. | |
Crime Fighters 2 クライムファイターズ2 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Crime Patrol |
1993 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
Crime Patrol 2: Drug Wars |
1993 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
Crisis Zone クライシスゾーン |
2000 | No summary. | |
Cross Shooter |
1987 | Cross Shooter is the North American name of Air Raid. | |
Crossbow クロスボウ |
1983 | Shoot beasties - protect your adventurers | |
Crossed Swords クロスソード |
1991 | No summary. | |
Crossed Swords 2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Crossfire クロスファイヤー |
1977 | No summary. | |
Crowns Golf クラウンズゴルフ |
1984 | No summary. | |
Crowns Golf in Hawaii クラウンズゴルフインハワイ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Crude Buster クルードバスター |
1990 | No summary. | |
Cruis'n USA |
1994 | No summary. | |
Cruis'n World クルージンワールド |
1996 | No summary. | |
Cruisin' シティコネクション |
1985 | No summary. | |
Crush Roller クラッシュローラー |
1981 | Japanese version of "Make Trax." | |
Crutch Hitter クラッチヒッター |
1991 | No summary. | |
Crypt Killer ヘンリーエクスプローラーズ |
1995 | No summary. | |
Crystal Castles クリスタルキャッスル |
1983 | The Brothers Grimm go 3-d. Pac-man style game in which you move Bentley Bear through a series of dazzling 3-d landscapes, collecting gems and avoiding balls, trees, and other bad guys. | |
Crystal Legacy |
1996 | Created by Visco. | |
Cube Quest |
1983 | No summary. | |
Cue Brick キューブリック |
1989 | No summary. | |
Curve Ball |
1984 | No summary. | |
Cutie-Q キューティーQ |
1979 | Combo of Breakout and pinball played with paddles. | |
CyBattler |
1993 | No summary. | |
Cyber Commando サイバーコマンド |
1995 | No summary. | |
Cyber Cycles サイバーサイクルズ |
1995 | No summary. | |
Cyber Lip サイバーリップ |
1990 | SNK's answer to Contra. Not a bad game, but the later released Metal Slug blew it away. | |
Cyber Sled サイバースレッド |
1993 | Move through a 3D envirnoment to destroy a single enemy with missiles and bullets | |
Cyber Storm |
1993 | No summary. | |
Cyber Tank |
1988 | No summary. | |
Cyber Troopers Virtual On 電脳戦機バーチャロン |
1995 | Two-player linked robotic combat. First in a series | |
Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Force |
2001 | 3rd game in the series. Last arcade release, the series continues on the PlayStation | |
Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram 電脳戦機バーチャロン オラトリオ・タングラム |
1998 | 2nd game in the series | |
Cyberball サイバーボール |
1989 | mc68000p8 processor (3) on main board. multiple board set | |
Cyberball 2072 サイバーボール2072 |
1989 | No summary. | |
Cyberbots サイバーボッツ |
1995 | 2-D robot fighting game with highly maneuverable mecha and the usual special moves and combos. | |
Cybernaut サイバーノーツ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Cycle Shooting サイクルシューティング |
1986 | No summary. | |
Cycle Warriors |
1991 | No summary. | |
Cyvern |
1999 | No summary. |