The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Year
Game | Year | Description | |
D D Crew DDクルー |
1990 | No summary. | |
D-Con D-Con |
1992 | No summary. | |
D-Day D-Day |
1982 | No summary. | |
Dacholer ダチョラー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Dai-ressya Goutou |
1986 | No summary. | |
Daiku no Gensan |
1990 | No summary. | |
Daioh |
1993 | A vertical-scrolling space shooter with some unique features. | |
Daisenpu |
1989 | A vertically scrolling shoot'em up by Taito | |
Daisukiss だい好キッス |
1995 | No summary. | |
DakkoChan Janshon (DakkoChan House) |
1987 | No summary. | |
Dambusters ダムバスター |
1981 | No summary. | |
Dan-Ku-Ga |
1994 | A fighting game by Taito | |
Dance Dance Revolution ダンスダンスレヴォリューション |
1998 | No summary. | |
Dance Dance Revolution (2013 edition) ダンスダンスレボリューション2013 |
2013 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution (2014 edition) ダンスダンスレボリューション2014 |
2014 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix ダンスダンスレボリューションセカンドミックス |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix and Beatmania IIDX Substream Club Version 2 |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix Link Version ダンスダンスレボリューションセカンドミックスリンクバージョン |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix with Beatmania IIDX Club Version |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMix ダンスダンスレヴォリューション3rdMIX |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMix Plus ダンスダンスレヴォリューション3rdMIX Plus |
2000 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 4thMix ダンスダンスレヴォリューション4thMIX |
2000 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 4thMix Plus ダンスダンスレヴォリューション4thMIX Plus |
2000 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution 5thMix ダンスダンスレヴォリューション5thMIX |
2001 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution A ダンスダンスレボリューションA |
2016 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution A20 ダンスダンスレボリューションA20 |
2019 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. Released in 2019 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the series | |
Dance Dance Revolution A20 Plus ダンスダンスレボリューションA20 Plus |
2020 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Best of Cool Dancers ダンスダンスレボリューション ベストオブクールダンサーズ |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme ダンスダンスレボリューションエクストリーム |
2002 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Karaoke Mix |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Karaoke Mix 2nd |
2000 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Kids ダンスダンスレボリューションキッズ |
2000 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Solo 2000 ダンスダンスレボリューションソロ2000 |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Solo 4thMix ダンスダンスレボリューションソロ4thMIX |
2000 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Solo 4thMix Plus ダンスダンスレボリューションソロ4thMIX Plus |
2000 | No summary. | |
Dance Dance Revolution Solo Bass Mix ダンスダンスレボリューションソロベースミックス |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova ダンスダンスレボリューションスーパーノヴァ |
2006 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova 2 ダンスダンスレボリューションスーパーノヴァ2 |
2007 | No summary. | |
Dance Dance Revolution X ダンスダンスレボリューションX |
2008 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution X2 ダンスダンスレボリューションX |
2010 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dance Dance Revolution X3 VS 2ndMix ダンスダンスレボリューションX3バーサスセカンドミックス |
2011 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dancing Eyes ダンシングアイ |
1996 | 3D Pac-Man like game, with an Anime twist. | |
Dancing Queen |
0 | No summary. | |
Dancing Stage EuroMix |
2000 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dancing Stage EuroMix 2 |
2002 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dancing Stage featuring Disney's Rave ダンシングステージフィーチャリングディズニーズレイブ |
2000 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dancing Stage featuring Dreams Come True ダンシングステージフィーチャリングドリームズカムトゥルー |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. Game's song list is composed of songs by the J-POP band Dreams Come True and Konami's in-house artists. | |
Dancing Stage featuring True Kiss Destination ダンシングステージフィーチャリングトゥルーキスデスティネーション |
1998 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. Game's song list is composed of songs by the J-POP band True Kiss Destination and Konami's in-house artists. | |
Dancing Stage Fusion |
2005 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dancing Stage Fusion |
2005 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dancing Stage Internet Ranking |
1999 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
Dangan Feveron ダンガンフィーバロン |
1998 | No summary. | |
Dangar |
1986 | No summary. | |
Danger Express |
1992 | No summary. | |
Danger Zone デインジャーゾーン |
1986 | No summary. | |
Dangerous Curves |
1995 | No summary. | |
Dangerous Dungeons |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dangerous Seed デンジャラスシード |
1989 | No summary. | |
Dangun Feveron |
1998 | No summary. | |
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat |
1991 | No summary. | |
Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels |
1998 | No summary. | |
Darius ダライアス |
1986 | Multiple-monitor game. Scrolls from Left to Right for most of the game, except when choosing the next level to go to, which scrolls Up and Down. Can gain power-ups along the way for stronger Bombs and (laser?) Shots.. | |
Darius 2 ダライアス2 |
1989 | No summary. | |
Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk |
1994 | No summary. | |
Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk - Extra Version |
1995 | An official ROM swap by Taito with increased rapid fire and swapped bosses | |
Dark Adventure 魔獣の王国 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Dark Edge ダークエッジ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Dark Invader |
1978 | No summary. | |
Dark Mist ダークミスト |
1987 | No summary. | |
Dark Planet ダークプラネット |
1982 | No summary. | |
Dark Seal ダークシール |
1990 | No summary. | |
Dark Silhouette: Silent Scope 2 |
2000 | Sniper shooting with Silent Scope technology, a small LCD screen displayed through the rifle. Entitled "Fatal Judgment" in the U.K. | |
Dark Tower |
1992 | A Bubble Bobble variant | |
Dark Warrior ダークウォーリア |
1981 | No summary. | |
DarkStalkers |
1994 | Street Fighter II with a Gothic/Monster twist. | |
Darwin 4078 ダーウィン4078 |
1986 | No summary. | |
Dash |
1988 | No summary. | |
Davis Cup デビスカップ |
1973 | No summary. | |
Dawn Patrol |
1978 | No summary. | |
Daytona 500 |
1976 | No summary. | |
Daytona USA デイトナUSA |
1994 | No summary. | |
Daytona USA 2 |
1998 | No summary. | |
Daytona USA Championship edition デイトナUSAチャンピオンシップ |
1994 | No summary. | |
Dazzler ダズラー |
1981 | No summary. | |
DDRMAX Dance Dance Revolution 6thMix DDRMAXダンスダンスレボリューションシックスミックス |
2001 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
DDRMAX2 Dance Dance Revolution 7thMix DDRMAX2ダンスダンスレボリューションセブンスミックス |
2002 | Another in the series of Dance Dance Revolution / Dancing Stage games. | |
DE Block |
1991 | No summary. | |
Dead Angle リードアングル |
1988 | Shooting game with a 1930s gangster theme. | |
Dead Connection デッドコネクション |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dead Eye |
1978 | No summary. | |
Dead Eye (1978) |
1992 | Gangsters trying to rid city of crime, starting with the pipsqueeks all the way up to the big boss. | |
Dead Eye (1996) |
1996 | Police-style target shooting | |
Dead or Alive デッドオアアライブ |
1996 | 3D fighting game | |
Dead or Alive ++ デッドオアアライブ++ |
1998 | No summary. | |
Dead or Alive 2 デッドオアアライブ2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Dead or Alive 2 Millennium デッドオアアライブ2ミレニアム |
2000 | No summary. | |
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate デッドオアアライブ5 アルティメット アーケード |
2013 | No summary. | |
Deadly Sport |
1993 | Unreleased. Also known as Street Brawl and Deadly Splode | |
Death Brade |
1991 | No summary. | |
Death Crimson Ox |
2000 | No summary. | |
Death Race デスレース |
1976 | Run people over | |
Death Race 98 |
1976 | Unreleased sequel to Death Race | |
Deathsmiles |
2007 | No summary. | |
Deathsmiles II |
2009 | No summary. | |
DecAthlete デカスリート |
1996 | Newer and more 3D version of Track & Field | |
Deep Death |
1980 | No summary. | |
Deep Scan ディープスキャン |
1980 | Shoot at subs from your battleship. Sometimes packaged in a multigame with Invinco. | |
Deep, The |
1987 | No summary. | |
Defend The Terra Attack On The Red UFO レッドUFO |
1979 | Weird Galaxian hack involving a gaint Red UFO. | |
Defender ディフェンダー |
1980 | Side-scrolling shooter. Defend your humanoids against abduction. Zen. | |
Defense Command |
1980 | Clone of Defender. | |
Demolition Derby デモリションダービー |
1985 | 4-player table-top driving game. Destroy cars. | |
Demolition Derby |
1977 | Chicago Coin. B&W | |
Demon デーモン |
1982 | No summary. | |
Demon Eye X |
1981 | No summary. | |
Demon's World 魔獣の王国 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Demon's World / Horror Story |
1989 | No summary. | |
Depth Bomb デプスボム |
1978 | No summary. | |
Depth Charge デプスチャージ |
1979 | No summary. | |
Depthcharge |
1977 | No summary. | |
Derby |
1977 | No summary. | |
Derby Day |
1991 | No summary. | |
Desert Assault サンダーゾーン |
1991 | No summary. | |
Desert Fox |
1976 | A game by Milwaukee Coin Industries, Ltd. | |
Desert Gun デザートガン |
1977 | No summary. | |
Desert Patrol デザートパトロール |
1977 | No summary. | |
Desert Race デザートレース |
1983 | No summary. | |
Desert Tank デザートタンク |
1994 | No summary. | |
Desert War |
1995 | No summary. | |
Desolator |
1986 | No summary. | |
Dessert Breaker デザートブレイカー |
1992 | No summary. | |
Destination Earth |
1979 | A clone of Lunar Rescue. | |
Destiny Horoscope 幻魔タロット |
1983 | No summary. | |
Destroy Me |
0 | No summary. | |
Destroyer デストロイヤー |
1977 | No summary. | |
Destroyer from Jail |
1991 | No summary. | |
Destruction |
0 | No summary. | |
Destruction Derby デストラクションダービー |
1976 | No summary. | |
Detana!! Twin Bee |
1991 | No summary. | |
Devastator |
1984 | No summary. | |
Devastators 餓流禍? |
1988 | No summary. | |
Devil Fish |
1984 | No suUse fish as bait to capture octopod. | |
Devil Worlds 魔獣の王国 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Devil Zone デビルゾーン |
1980 | No summary. | |
Devil's Home |
0 | No summary. | |
Dharma |
0 | No summary. | |
Diamond Run ダイアモンドラン |
1989 | A BoulderDash-like game that runs on Ghosts 'N Goblins hardware. KH Video is the copyright on the game. | |
Die Alien Scum! |
1994 | No summary. | |
Die Hard |
1996 | Shooter. 3D. Based on a movie. | |
Die Hard - Arcade ダイハード |
1996 | No summary. | |
Diet Gogo |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dig Dug ディグダグ |
1982 | Mining - dig underground and inflate / squash mosters | |
Dig Dug 2 ディグダグ2 |
1983 | No summary. | |
Dig Dug II ディグダグII |
1985 | Sequel to Dig Dug. More underground fun. | |
Digger |
1980 | No summary. | |
Diggerman |
1994 | Prequel to Gururin. | |
Dino Blades |
0 | No summary. | |
Dino Rex ダイノレックス |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dinorex |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dinosaurs |
1982 | No summary. | |
Dirt Dash ダートダッシュ |
1996 | No summary. | |
Dirt Devils |
1998 | No summary. | |
Dirt Fox ダートフォックス |
1989 | No summary. | |
Dirtbike ダートバイク |
0 | Just drive along and jump things on the track. | |
Disco Number One ディスコNo.1 |
1982 | No summary. | |
Discs of Tron ディスクオブトロン |
1983 | Duel with discs in futuristic arena. | |
DJ Boy DJボーイ |
1989 | No summary. | |
Do! Run Run |
1989 | Continuing the Mr. Do! Series, Do! Run Run is the final incarnation of Mr. Do! and his bout with the baddies and letter-munchies. Played on a multi-level playfield. | |
Dodgeball ドッヂボール |
1975 | No summary. | |
Dodgem |
1977 | Avoid head-on collisions | |
Dodonpachi |
1997 | No summary. | |
Dog Fight |
1983 | No summary. | |
Dog Patch ドッグパッチ |
1978 | No summary. | |
Dogou Souken |
1986 | No summary. | |
Dogou Souken (Victory Road - Japan) 怒号層圏 |
0 | No summary. | |
Dogyuun |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dokaben ドカベン |
1989 | No summary. | |
Dokaben 2 |
1989 | No summary. | |
Dokaben 2 (Japan) ドカベン2 |
1989 | No summary. | |
DokiDoki Penguin La |
1985 | No summary. | |
DokiDoki Penguin Land ドキドキペンギンランド |
1985 | No summary. | |
Domino Man ドミノマン |
1982 | Set up a row of dominoes before the other characters in the game knock them over. | |
Dominos ドミノ |
1977 | No summary. | |
Dommy |
1983 | No summary. | |
Don Doko Don ドンドコドン |
1989 | Play as one of two bearded dwarves in search of a princess who is kidnapped by a purple dragon. | |
Don Pachi |
1995 | No summary. | |
Donkey King |
1981 | No summary. | |
Donkey King Jr. |
1982 | No summary. | |
Donkey Kong ドンキーコング |
1981 | Guide Mario (jumpman) to rescue Pauline from Donkey Kong. | |
Donkey Kong 3 ドンキーコング3 |
1984 | Pest control in Mario's garden | |
Donkey Kong Jr. ドンキーコングジュニア |
1982 | Guide Jr. to rescue Kong Snr. | |
Dorachan |
1980 | No summary. | |
Dorodon |
0 | No summary. | |
Doshi |
1990 | No summary. | |
Dottori Kun どっとりくん |
1990 | No summary. | |
Double Axle |
1991 | No summary. | |
Double Block T3 ダブルブロックT3 |
1979 | No summary. | |
Double Dealer |
0 | No summary. | |
Double Dragon ダブルドラゴン |
1986 | Your girlfriend has been kidnapped, and you must rescue her. Fight alone or with a friend as a team. | |
Double Dragon (Neo Geo) ダブルドラゴン |
1995 | No summary. | |
Double Dragon 2 : The Revenge ダブルドラゴン2 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Double Dragon 3 ダブルドラゴン3 |
0 | No summary. | |
Double Dragon 3 : The Rosetta Stone ダブルドラゴン3 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Double Dribble ダブルドリブル |
1986 | Basketball, either 1 player or head-to-head. | |
Double Dynamites, The |
1989 | No summary. | |
Double Play ダブルプレイ |
1986 | No summary. | |
Double Play Baseball |
0 | No summary. | |
Double Vapors |
0 | No summary. | |
Downhill Bikers ダウンヒルバイカーズ |
0 | Namco | |
Downtown ダウンタウン |
1990 | No summary. | |
Dr. Mario Dr.マリオ |
1990 | A version of Tetris with Mario doing pills and destroying viruses. | |
Dr. Pong Dr.ポン |
1974 | No summary. | |
Dr. Toppel Tankentai |
1987 | No summary. | |
Dr.Micro Dr.ミクロ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Dracula-X 悪魔城ドラキュラ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Drag Race ドラッグレース |
1977 | No summary. | |
Dragon Ball Z ドラゴンボールZ |
1994 | No summary. | |
Dragon Breed ドラゴンブリード |
1989 | Nicely extends the horizontal-shooter genre. | |
Dragon Buster ドラゴンバスター |
1984 | Platformer with a sword. Your mission: save the princess. | |
Dragon Buster II |
1986 | No summary. | |
Dragon Gun |
1992 | No summary. | |
Dragon Might |
1995 | No summary. | |
Dragon Ninja ドラゴンニンジャ |
1988 | No summary. | |
Dragon Saber ドラゴンセイバー |
1990 | No summary. | |
Dragon Spirit ドラゴンスピリット |
1987 | No summary. | |
Dragon World 2 |
1997 | No summary. | |
Dragon's Lair ドラゴンズレア |
1983 | Rescue Princess Daphne - kill the dragon | |
Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp ドラゴンズレア2 |
1991 | Rescue Princess Daphnie from the Evil Wizard Mordoc. | |
Dragonball Z II |
1994 | No summary. | |
Dragoon Might ドラグーンマイト |
1995 | No summary. | |
Draius Gaiden ダライアス外伝 |
1994 | No summary. | |
Drakton |
1985 | No summary. | |
Dramatic Adventure Quiz Keith & Lucy |
1993 | No summary. | |
Draw Poker |
1982 | No summary. | |
Dream Shopper |
1982 | No summary. | |
Dream Soccer '94 ドリームサッカー'94 |
1994 | No summary. | |
DreamShopper ドリームショッパー |
0 | No summary. | |
Dribbling |
1983 | No summary. | |
Drift Out ドリフトアウト |
1991 | No summary. | |
Drift Out '94 ドリフトアウト'94 |
1994 | No summary. | |
Drift Out:New Technology |
1991 | No summary. | |
Drive Out ドライブアウト |
1992 | No summary. | |
Driver's Edge ドライバーズエッジ |
1993 | No summary. | |
Driver's Eye ドライバーズアイ |
1990 | No summary. | |
Driver's License |
1984 | No summary. | |
Driving Force ドライビングフォース |
1984 | No summary. | |
Drop Zone 4 |
1975 | No summary. | |
Droppers (Prototype) |
0 | No summary. | |
drummania ドラムマニア |
1999 | No summary. | |
DS Telejong |
1981 | No summary. | |
Duck Hunt ダックハント |
1984 | Shooting game, with gun. | |
Duck Shoot ダックシュート? |
1975 | No summary. | |
Dump Matsumoto ダンプ松本 |
1987 | Female wrestling | |
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ |
1985 | No summary. | |
Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ |
1994 | Medieval 1-4 player cooperative slash'n'trash game where you choose from 4 diffrent characters, a fighter, an elf, a cleric and a dwarf. | |
Dunk Mania ダンクマニア |
1996 | No summary. | |
Dunk Mania Prime GoalEX ダンクマニア プライムゴールEX |
1996 | No summary. | |
Dunk Shot ダンクショット |
1987 | 4 Player basketball game. | |
Dunk Star ダンクスター |
1991 | Unreleased basketball game by American Sammy for the Neo Geo MVS. | |
Dyger |
1989 | No summary. | |
Dyna Blaster |
1991 | Dyna Blaster was Hudsonsoft's Bomberman under a new name. | |
Dyna Gear |
1993 | No summary. | |
Dynamic Ski ダイナミックスキー |
1984 | No summary. | |
Dynamic Trial 7 |
1993 | Racing game by Toaplan Co., Ltd. | |
Dynamite Baseball ダイナマイトベースボール |
1996 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Baseball '97 ダイナマイトリーグ |
1997 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Baseball '99 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Bomber |
2000 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Cop ダイナマイト刑事 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Country Club ダイナマイトカントリークラブ |
1991 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Deka |
1996 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Deka 2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Duke ダイナマイトデューク |
1989 | No summary. | |
Dynamite Düx ダイナマイトダックス |
1989 | No summary. | |
Dynamite League ダイナマイトリーグ |
1989 | No summary. | |
Dynasty |
1983 | No summary. | |
Dynasty Wars |
1989 | No summary. | |
Dyno Bop |
1990 | No summary. |