The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Year
Game | Year | Description | |
P-47 Aces |
1995 | Also known as P-47: Ace Attacker. | |
P-47 Freedom Fighter P-47 |
1988 | No summary. | |
P-47: The Freedom Fighter |
1988 | This is the Japanese release of P-47: The Phantom Fighter. | |
P-47: The Phantom Fighter |
1988 | World version of P-47: The Freedom Fighter. | |
P.O.W. Prisoners of War 脱獄 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Pac & Pal パック&パル |
1983 | Another in the series of Pac-Man titles. | |
Pac Attack パックアタック |
1993 | No summary. | |
Pac Gal |
1981 | No summary. | |
Pac in Time |
1995 | No summary. | |
Pac Mania パックマニア |
1987 | No summary. | |
Pac-Land パックランド |
1984 | Adventure - Run & jump across levels | |
Pac-Man パックマン |
1980 | Gobble the dots, avoid the ghosts | |
Pac-Man & Chomp Chomp | 1983 | Pac & Pal with slight mod | |
Pac-Man '88 パックマン'88 |
1988 | No summary. | |
Pac-Man Plus パックマンプラス |
1982 | No summary. | |
Pac-Mania |
1988 | Gobble the dots. | |
PacapacaPassion パカパカパッション |
1999 | No summary. | |
PacapacaPassion2 パカパカパッション2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Pace Car Pro |
1975 | No summary. | |
Pachinko Sexy Reaction |
1998 | No summary. | |
Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Paddle Ball パドルボール |
1973 | This game, like virtually every other video game from the early 70s, is a black and white Pong clone. | |
Paddle Battle パドルバトル |
1973 | No summary. | |
Paddle Mania パドルマニア |
1988 | No summary. | |
Paint 'N' Puzzle |
1993 | No summary. | |
Paint Roller |
1981 | Paint the paths of the maze in this Pac-Man clone. Same as "Make Trax" and "Crush Roller." | |
Pair Pair Wars (Prototype) |
0 | No summary. | |
Pairs |
1994 | No summary. | |
Paladin |
1990 | No summary. | |
Palamedes パラメデス |
1990 | No summary. | |
Pandora's Palace |
1984 | No summary. | |
Pang パン |
1990 | No summary. | |
Pang 3 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Panic Bomber |
1994 | No summary. | |
Panic Park パニックパーク |
1998 | No summary. | |
Panic Road パニック·ロード |
1986 | Scrolling video pinball | |
Panic Street |
1999 | No summary. | |
Panther |
1980 | No summary. | |
Paperboy ペーパーボーイ |
1984 | Ride bike - deliver papers | |
Parallel Turn |
1984 | No summary. | |
Parodius パロディウスだ! |
1990 | A horizontal shooter. Full name: Parodius! From Myth to Laughter (Parodius Da! Shinwa kara Owarai e) | |
Parodius Excellent パロディウス |
1994 | No summary. | |
Pass |
1992 | No summary. | |
Passing Shot パッシングショット |
1988 | No summary. | |
Pastel Gal |
1985 | No summary. | |
Pastel Island |
1993 | No summary. | |
PAT 9000 |
1982 | Atari test hardware. | |
PC Genjin PC原人 |
1994 | No summary. | |
Pebble Beach ペブルビーチ(T&E SOFT) |
1996 | No summary. | |
Pebble Beach Golf |
1996 | No summary. | |
Peek a Boo |
1993 | By Jaleco. This game plays similar to Arkanoid, but at a seemingly smaller resolution. It runs on an 68000 chip. It should be noted that this is an "adult" game. | |
Peggle |
1991 | No summary. | |
Pengo ペンゴ |
1982 | Penguins! - squash sno-bees | |
Penguin-Kun Wars |
1983 | You are Penguin fighting to win | |
Penta ペンタ |
1982 | No summary. | |
Pepper II ペッパー2 |
1982 | Surround areas with zipper | |
Perachan ペラちゃん |
1981 | Strange Donkey Kong bootleg/clone | |
Percussion Master |
2004 | No summary. | |
Percussor, The |
1981 | Orca Corp shooter | |
Perestroika Girls |
1993 | Like Qix, uncover scantily clad women | |
Perfect Billiard パーフェクトビリヤード |
1987 | No summary. | |
Perfect Soldiers |
1993 | No summary. | |
Performan |
1985 | No summary. | |
Persuit |
1975 | No summary. | |
Peter Pack Rat |
1985 | Collect treasures | |
Peter Pepper's Ice Cream (ピーターペッパーs)アイスクリームファクトリー |
1984 | No summary. | |
Phantasm ファンタズム |
1991 | No summary. | |
Phantom II ファントム2 |
1979 | Vertical scrolling shooter in which you control a fighter jet. | |
Phelios フェリオス |
1989 | No summary. | |
Phoenix フェニックス |
1980 | Space - Shoot the birds, destroy the battleship. | |
Phozon フォゾン |
1983 | Collect floating pieces to match a given pattern while avoiding a solitary enemy. | |
Phraze Craze |
1986 | No summary. | |
PhychicForce サイキックフォース |
1996 | No summary. | |
Pibi and Bibis |
1991 | No summary. | |
Piccolo |
1978 | No summary. | |
Pick-N-Play |
1988 | No summary. | |
Pickin' |
1983 | No summary. | |
Picture Trivia |
1991 | No summary. | |
Pig Newton |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pig Out |
1990 | Platform game. | |
Pigskin 621 A.D. |
1990 | Football with fantasy races. You and your opponent use weapons, traps, and magic to score touchdowns. | |
Pilot KIDS パイロットキッズ |
1999 | No summary. | |
Pin Pong ピンポン |
1974 | No summary. | |
Pinball ピンボール |
1984 | No summary. | |
Pinball & Golf |
1984 | No summary. | |
Pinball Action ピンボールアクション |
1985 | A video pinball game from Tehkan (later Tecmo). | |
Pinbo |
1984 | No summary. | |
Pinbo (Strike) |
1985 | No summary. | |
Pinbot ピンボット |
1988 | No summary. | |
Ping Pong |
1985 | No summary. | |
Ping Pong King |
1985 | No summary. | |
Ping Pong Masters |
1993 | No summary. | |
Pioneer Balloon パイオニアバルーン |
1982 | No summary. | |
Pipe Dream パイプドリーム |
1991 | No summary. | |
PiPi & BiBis |
1992 | No summary. | |
Pirate Pete |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pirate Ship Higemaru |
1984 | Pirate ship game similar in play to Pengo. | |
Pirranha ピラニア |
1981 | A bootleg game on Pac-Man hardware. | |
Pisces |
0 | The date of this game is unknown (really! -it is not even mentioned in the ROMs for the game). | |
Pistol Daimyo no Bouken |
1990 | No summary. | |
Pistol Shogun |
1990 | No summary. | |
Pit ピット |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pit & Run ピット&ラン |
1984 | Vertical racing game | |
Pit Boss |
1984 | Game includes poker and 3 of several games; blackjack, acey deucey, foto finish (horse racing), super slots. | |
Pit Boss Jr. |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pit Boss Superstar |
1990 | No summary. | |
Pit Fighter ピットファイター |
1990 | First (maybe only) entirely digitized fighter game, for up to 3 players. | |
Pit, The ザ・ピット |
1982 | No summary. | |
Pitchman ピッチマン |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pitfall ピットフォール |
1985 | No summary. | |
Pitfall II ピットフォールⅡ |
1986 | Sequel to the popular Pifall. | |
Pixel |
1989 | No summary. | |
Pixel #903 |
1989 | No summary. | |
Pixel #905 |
1989 | No summary. | |
Planet Patrol |
1981 | No summary. | |
Platoon |
1995 | No summary. | |
Play Girls |
1993 | No summary. | |
Play Girls 2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
Playchoice 10 Cabinet |
1986 | A hardware design that reused the Punch Out!cabinet. A Nintendo Entertainment System with some hardware that handles changing/selecting games and buying game time. | |
Player's Choice |
1974 | No summary. | |
Playtime |
1974 | A pong game by Midway | |
Pleasure Goal |
1996 | No summary. | |
Pleiades プレアデス |
1980 | Space - Shoot the martians over 4 sectors | |
Pleiades Part 2 |
1981 | No summary. | |
Pleiads |
1981 | The same play style as Phoenix. Move your ship left and right, and destroy the enemy characters. Several different waves, with the major difference from Phoenix being a wave where you have to land the ship. | |
Pleitek |
1981 | No summary. | |
Pleybirian |
1986 | No summary. | |
Pliades Part 2 プレアデス |
1981 | No summary. | |
Plinkers Canyon |
1976 | No summary. | |
Plotting |
1989 | A puzzle game: As a blob, you must clear screens full of blocks...or DIE! | |
Plump Pop |
1987 | No summary. | |
Plus Alpha |
1989 | No summary. | |
Pnickies |
1994 | Like Tetris on steroids. | |
Pocket Gal ポケットギャル |
1987 | No summary. | |
Pocket Gal 2 ポケットギャル2 |
1988 | pool game. | |
Pocket Gal Deluxe |
1992 | No summary. | |
Pocket Gal DX ポケットギャルDX |
1992 | No summary. | |
Pocket Racer ポケットレーサー |
1996 | No summary. | |
Pocket Racer '96: Super World |
1996 | No summary. | |
Pocket Shooting |
1999 | No summary. | |
Point Black |
1994 | No summary. | |
Point Blank |
1995 | No summary. | |
Poker Dice |
1991 | No summary. | |
Poker Ladies |
1989 | Strip Poker. Copyright on game is "Mitchell." | |
Pokkutokyaru |
1987 | No summary. | |
Polaris ポラリス |
1980 | No summary. | |
Pole Position ポールポジション |
1982 | Race around Fuji circuit | |
Pole Position II ポールポジションII |
1982 | Race against cars | |
Pollux ポラックス |
1991 | No summary. | |
Poly Play |
1985 | An East German multigame | |
Poly Stars - Tobe! |
1997 | No summary. | |
Polybius |
1981 | We need information. | |
Polygonizer Solvalou |
1991 | No summary. | |
Polynet Comm. |
1993 | No summary. | |
Pomping World ポンピングワールド |
1989 | (Buster Bros.) | |
Pong ポン |
1972 | Tennis | |
Pong Doubles ポンダブルス |
1973 | No summary. | |
Pong Tron ポントロン |
1973 | No summary. | |
Pong Tron II ポントロン2 |
1973 | No summary. | |
Ponpoko ポンポコ |
1982 | Collect food while dodging creatures that walk back and forth across the platforms. Avoid apple cores. | |
Pontoon |
1985 | No summary. | |
Pool |
1989 | No summary. | |
Pool Shark プールシャーク |
1977 | Pool. | |
Pootan プータン |
1983 | A Pooyan bootleg. | |
Pooyan プーヤン |
1983 | Shoot arrows to pop wolves' balloons. Licensed from Konami by Stern for USA | |
Pop 'n Bounce |
1997 | No summary. | |
Pop 'n Pop |
1997 | No summary. | |
Pop Flamer ポップフレーマー |
1982 | Pop Flamer - a mouse with a flame-thrower flames anything that moves and is not a balloon. Pop all the balloons on each level to move to the next. | |
Pop'n music ポップンミュージック |
1999 | No summary. | |
pop'n music 2 ポップンミュージック2 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Pop'n music 3 ポップンミュージック3 |
1999 | No summary. | |
Pop'n stage ポップンステージ |
1999 | No summary. | |
Pop'n stage ex ポップンステージex |
2000 | No summary. | |
Popeye ポパイ |
1982 | Collect items - avoid Brutus | |
Popeye Pac-Man |
1980 | Bootleg version of Pac-Man | |
Popper ポッパー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Porky |
1985 | No summary. | |
Port Man ポートマン |
1982 | Taito | |
Portman |
1982 | Nova Games Ltd | |
Portraits |
1983 | Find and take photos of animals | |
Poseidon Sea Fighter シーファイターポセイドン |
1984 | No summary. | |
Pot of Gold |
1982 | An avoid-the-bad-guy-and-collect-stuff game. | |
Pot Shot |
1988 | No summary. | |
Potopoto ポトポト |
1992 | No summary. | |
Potrio |
1992 | No summary. | |
Pound For Pound パウンドフォーパウンド |
1990 | No summary. | |
1988 | No summary. | |
Power Block |
1978 | No summary. | |
Power Drift パワードリフト |
1988 | One player first-person sprite based driving game. | |
Power Drive パワードライブ |
1989 | No summary. | |
Power Instinct |
1993 | No summary. | |
Power Instinct 2 |
1994 | No summary. | |
Power Play |
1985 | No summary. | |
Power Smash パワースマッシュ |
1999 | No summary. | |
Power Spikes |
1991 | No summary. | |
Power Spikes 2 |
1994 | No summary. | |
Power Stone |
1999 | No summary. | |
Power Stone 2 パワーストーン2 |
2000 | No summary. | |
Power Surge |
1988 | No summary. | |
Power Wheels パワーホイールズ |
1991 | No summary. | |
Powered Gear パワードギア |
1994 | No summary. | |
Prebillian プレビリアン |
1986 | No summary. | |
Predators プレデター |
1986 | No summary. | |
Prehistoric Isle 原始島 |
1989 | No summary. | |
Prehistoric Isle 2 |
1999 | Sequel to the 1989 game "Prehistoric Isle in the 1930s." | |
Prehistoric Isle in 1930 |
1989 | Battle dinosaurs in your Sopwith Camel. | |
Premier Soccer プレミアサッカー |
1993 | No summary. | |
Premier Soccer '95 プレミアサッカー'95 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Primal Rage プライマルレイジ |
1994 | No summary. | |
Prime Goal EX |
1995 | No summary. | |
Prime Time Fighter |
1993 | No summary. | |
Print Club 2 |
1997 | A classic photo booth that can be reconfigured to print stickers. Has two verified styles of printers and can print one, four or sixteen pictures to a page in beautiful photo-quality images. Has overlays that are applied to the frame of the image. | |
Pro Bowling プロボウリング |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pro Golf プロゴルフ(18H) |
1982 | No summary. | |
Pro Hockey プロホッケー |
1973 | No summary. | |
Pro Mahjong Kiwame S |
1995 | No summary. | |
Pro Monaco GP プロモナコGP |
1980 | No summary. | |
Pro Racer プロレーサー |
1978 | No summary. | |
Pro Soccer プロサッカー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pro Sports |
1983 | No summary. | |
Pro Tennis プロテニス |
1973 | Yet Another Pong Clone. | |
Pro Yakyuu Nyuudan Test Tryout |
1985 | No summary. | |
Professional Ms. Pac-Man |
1982 | No summary. | |
Professor Pac-Man プロフェッサーパックマン |
1983 | Trivia game with Pac-Man branding. | |
Progress |
1984 | Chuo Co. Ltd - scrolling tank shoot-em-up | |
Project Dragoon プロジェクトドラグーン |
1993 | No summary. | |
Prop Cycle プロップサイクル |
1996 | Bike racing on a flying bike. | |
Psychic 5 サイキック5 |
1987 | No summary. | |
Psychic Force サイキックフォース |
1995 | No summary. | |
Psychic Force 2012 |
1998 | No summary. | |
Psycho - Nics Oscar サイコニクスオスカー |
1987 | Control a yellow robot named Oscar, collect shield and weapon power-ups, shoot bad guys until you get to a massive boss-monster at the end. | |
Psycho Soldier サイコソルジャー |
1987 | No summary. | |
PT-109 |
1976 | No summary. | |
Puchi Carat |
1997 | No summary. | |
PuchiCarat プチカラット |
1997 | No summary. | |
Puck-Man パックマン |
1980 | The classic maze game. American version called "Pac-Man." | |
Puffoman |
1985 | No summary. | |
PuLiRuLa プリルラ アーケードギアース |
1991 | An insane beat-em-up. | |
Pulsar パルサー |
1981 | You drive through a maze while strange opponents fire at you. You must vanquish opponents before you move to the next maze. Watch for the maze to change, because as some walls disappear others materialize. | |
Pulstar パルスター |
1995 | eradicate the Solar System of a hostile race of aliens that threaten mankind | |
Pumper |
1985 | No summary. | |
Punch-Out!! パンチアウト!! |
1984 | (Punch Out) 3d Boxing Game with wireframe graphics. | |
Punching Kid パンチングキッド |
1982 | No summary. | |
Punisher |
1991 | No summary. | |
Punisher, The |
1993 | No summary. | |
Punk Shot パンクショット |
1990 | No summary. | |
Punky Doodle |
1993 | A PacMan-style game where Punky Doodle and his brother Curly Doodle defend the pumpkin patch against enemy monsters by drawing magic doodles using magic markers. | |
Puppy Pong |
1974 | No summary. | |
Purikura Daisakusen |
1996 | No summary. | |
Purotenisuwa Rudoko To |
1988 | No summary. | |
Pursuit パースーツ |
1975 | No summary. | |
Pushman |
1990 | No summary. | |
Pushover |
1991 | No summary. | |
Puyo Da! |
1999 | No summary. | |
PuyoPuyo ぷよぷよ(コンパイル) |
1993 | Tetris variant puzzle game. | |
PuyoPuyo 2 ぷよぷよ通(コンパイル) |
1994 | No summary. | |
PuyoPuyo Sun ぷよぷよSUN(コンパイル) |
1997 | No summary. | |
PuyoPuyo Sun 2 |
1998 | Sequel to PuyoPuyo Sun. | |
Puzz Loop |
1998 | No summary. | |
Puzzle & Action: Treasure Hunt |
1997 | No summary. | |
Puzzle Bobble (Bust-A-Move) パズルボブル |
1994 | Puzzle sequel to Bubble Bobble. | |
Puzzle Bobble 2 (Bust-A-Move Again) パズルボブル2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
Puzzle Bobble 2x パズルボブル2X |
1995 | No summary. | |
Puzzle Bobble 3 パズルボブル3 |
1996 | No summary. | |
Puzzle Bobble 4 パズルボブル4 |
1998 | No summary. | |
Puzzle Bobble Live! (Bust-A-Move Live!) |
2009 | No summary. | |
Puzzle Club (prototype) |
1990 | No summary. | |
Puzzle Dama ぱずるだま |
1994 | No summary. | |
Puzzle De Pon! |
1995 | No summary. | |
Puzznic パズニック |
1989 | No summary. | |
Pyros ワードナーの森? |
1987 | Steer the little dude through levels of evil mobs to get to the castle and rescue your chick. |