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Released in 1994

Developer: Capcom
Manufacturer: Capcom
Distributor: Capcom

***** (2 total votes)

Game Summary

Like Tetris on steroids.

Hardware Info

Controls: 1 Joystick / Button(s)
Horizontal-mounted Raster monitor
384 x 224 Resolution
Colors: 2048 Color

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

68000 cpu @ 10 Mhz
Z80 cpu @ 4 Mhz
YM-2151 audio @ 3 Mhz
OKI6295 audio

Hardware Platform


Mame ROMs

pnickj, Pnickies (Japan)

Game Details

This game combines the addictive hold of tetris with the cut throat competitiveness of...well nothing compares the multiplayer maddness of this game. It's great fun to invite a friend over for a friendly game of Pnickies.

Pnickies title screen
title screen
Pnickies gameplay screen shot
gameplay screen
Pnickies promotional flyer
promotional flyer Member Ratings / Comments

***** by Prince_Amir. Comment: "Excellent, me and my wife have great fin thrashing each other on this!! Much better gameplay than Tetris, Columns and any other puzzle game that I've ever played on!! Cheers Prince Amir" 2000-10-17 12:30:25Z

***** by shankell. Comment: "this is the coolest game ever... It's especially great for avoiding homework and other boring tasks" 2000-11-09 21:59:41Z

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/13/2021 7:06:25 AM