The first column is the average rating by members of the site.
It works like this: = rated
3 out of 5 possible. In Firefox (and probably Opera, etc) you can mouse over
the rating to see how many times the game was rated. See also: Browse By Year
Game | Year | Description | |
W.G.P W・G・P |
1990 | No summary. | |
W.G.P 2 W・G・P2 |
1990 | No summary. | |
Wacko ワコー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Waffupu |
1999 | No summary. | |
Waku Waku 7 |
1996 | Standard arcade fighter. | |
Walkure no Densetsu |
1989 | No summary. | |
Wall Block |
1978 | No summary. | |
Wall Street |
1982 | Rescue suicidal stock brokers from plummeting to their deaths Game and Watch style. And then, a tank game! | |
Wand |
0 | No summary. | |
Wanted |
1984 | No summary. | |
Wanted G7 ウォンテッドG7 |
1982 | No summary. | |
War Ball ウォーボール |
1986 | No summary. | |
War Gods ウォーゴッド |
1996 | 3-D Fighting Game. Play as a wide variety of Gods and Deities with Special Powers and Moves. | |
War of Aero - Project MEIOU |
1993 | No summary. | |
War of the Bugs ウォーオブザバグ |
1981 | Centipede Clone. | |
War of the Insects |
0 | No summary. | |
War of the Worlds ウォーオブザワールド |
1981 | No summary. | |
War-Xard |
1996 | No summary. | |
Wardner ワードナーの森 |
1987 | Scrolling platform adventure, similar to Wonder Boy. | |
Wardner no Mori |
1987 | No summary. | |
Warlords ウォーロード |
1977 | Breakout against opponents | |
Warlords of the Fates, The |
1995 | No summary. | |
Warp Warp ワープ&ワープ |
1981 | Shoot the beasties | |
Warpman (aka Warp Warp) |
1980 | No summary. | |
Warrior ウォーリア |
1978 | Two-player sword-fighting game with vector graphics. | |
Warrior Blade |
1990 | No summary. | |
Warrior's Rage |
1998 | No summary. | |
Warriors of Fate 三国志 |
1992 | No summary. | |
Water Match ウォーターマッチ |
1983 | No summary. | |
Water Ski ウォータースキー |
1983 | No summary. | |
Wave Runner ウェーブランナー |
1996 | No summary. | |
Wave Shark |
1996 | No summary. | |
Way of the Warrior |
1994 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey |
1996 | No summary. | |
Wazard |
1996 | No summary. | |
Web Wars ウェブウォーズ |
1978 | No summary. | |
WEC Le Mans WEC・ル・マン |
1986 | No summary. | |
Wedding Rhapsody ウェディングラプソディ |
1997 | No summary. | |
Welltris |
1991 | Tetris sequel. Designed by Alexey Pajitnov (the creator of Tetris) with Andrei Sgenov. | |
West Story |
1991 | No summary. | |
Western Express |
1986 | No summary. | |
Western Gun ウエスタンガン |
1975 | No summary. | |
Western Gun 2 ウエスタンガン2 |
1980 | No summary. | |
1989 | Taito World Grand Prix | |
WGP 2 |
1990 | Taito World Grand Prix 2 | |
Wheel of Fortune |
1989 | No summary. | |
Wheels ホイールズ |
1975 | Driving game | |
Wheels II ホイールズ2 |
1975 | One or two player racing | |
Wheels Runner |
1983 | Electorcoin's copy of Atari's Super Sprint, but with lower resolution graphics. | |
Where's Wally |
1992 | No summary. | |
Whiz Quiz |
1986 | No summary. | |
Who Shot Johnny Rock |
1991 | Laserdisc game by American Laser Games | |
WhoDunit |
1988 | Shoot at things with a gun and "solve" a murder mystery, of sorts. | |
Whoopee (Japan) / Pipi & Bibis (World) |
1991 | No summary. | |
Wild Fang |
1989 | No summary. | |
Wild Gunman ワイルドガンマン |
1984 | No summary. | |
Wild Pilots |
1993 | No summary. | |
Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa |
1993 | Sidescrolling shooter, but as a cow. | |
Wild Western ワイルドウェスタン |
1982 | No summary. | |
Wild Wood ワイルドウッド |
1978 | No summary. | |
Wiley Tower |
1984 | No summary. | |
Willow ウィロー |
1989 | No summary. | |
Winding Heat ワインディングヒート |
1996 | No summary. | |
Winding Heat Twin ワインディングヒートツイン |
1996 | No summary. | |
Windjammers (Flying Power Disk) |
1994 | No summary. | |
Wing War ウィングウォー |
1994 | No summary. | |
Wings |
1976 | Two player head-to-head air combat | |
Winner ウイナー |
1973 | No summary. | |
Winner IV |
1973 | No summary. | |
Winning Run ウィニングラン |
1988 | No summary. | |
Winning Run '91 ウィニングラン'91 |
1991 | No summary. | |
Winning Run 3 ウィニングラン3 |
1989 | No summary. | |
Winning Run Suzuka Grand Prix ウィニングラン鈴鹿GP |
1989 | No summary. | |
Winning Spike ウィニングスパイク |
1997 | No summary. | |
Winter Bobble |
1990 | Bootleg Snow Bros | |
Winter Games |
1987 | Rather tricky lil' game w/8 diffrent levels of snow slashin' atari action | |
Winter Heat ウィンターヒート |
1997 | No summary. | |
Wipe Out |
1974 | No summary. | |
Wiping ワイピング |
1982 | No summary. | |
Wise Guy |
1990 | No summary. | |
Witch |
1992 | No summary. | |
Witch Hunt |
1977 | Kee Games | |
Witch Way |
1982 | No summary. | |
Wiz Wiz |
1985 | No summary. | |
Wizard Fire ウィザードファイアー |
1992 | No summary. | |
Wizard of Wor ウィザードオブウォー |
1981 | Adventure - clear dungeons of monsters | |
Wizz Quiz |
1985 | A trivia game. Each question has 3 choices. | |
Wolf Fang |
1991 | You're the mech in this side scrolling platformer which its you against a host of enemy soldiers, bosses and harsh terrain. | |
Wolf Pack |
1978 | No summary. | |
Wolfenstein VR |
1993 | No summary. | |
Wonder Boy ワンダーボーイ |
1986 | Guide Wonder Boy through cartoon world - Cutsey platform game, save yer girlfriend - Also called Wonder Boy Deluxe (ワンダーボーイデラックス) | |
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair ワンダーボーイ3モンスターレア |
1988 | No summary. | |
Wonder Boy in Monster Land ワンダーボーイモンスターランド |
1987 | Fantasy platform adventure RPG kinda game.. | |
Wonder Momo ワンダーモモ |
1987 | No summary. | |
Wonder Planet |
1987 | No summary. | |
Wonsido 1930's |
1989 | Battle dinosaurs in your Sopwith Camel. | |
Woodpecker |
1981 | No summary. | |
Word Zapper |
1982 | Use your fully loaded craft to blast the oncommin letters to spell your word | |
World Class Bowling |
1997 | Video Bowling | |
World Court ワールドコート |
1988 | No summary. | |
World Cup ワールドカップ |
1974 | No summary. | |
World Cup ワールドカップ |
1977 | No summary. | |
World Cup '90 ワールドカップ'90 |
1989 | Football. (Soccer - for people on the other side of the pond). | |
World Cup '94 ワールドカップ'94 |
1994 | No summary. | |
World Cup VolleyBall |
1995 | Classic Volleyball action for the NeoGeo. | |
World Cup Volleyball '95 ワールドカップバレーボール'95 |
1995 | No summary. | |
World HeadOn ワールドヘッドオン |
0 | No summary. | |
World Heroes ワールドヒーローズ |
1992 | No summary. | |
World Heroes 2 ワールドヒーローズ2 |
1993 | No summary. | |
World Heroes 2 Jet ワールドヒーローズ2Jet |
1994 | No summary. | |
World Heroes Perfect ワールドヒーローズパーフェクト |
1995 | No summary. | |
World PK Soccer |
1994 | No summary. | |
World PK Soccer V2 |
1997 | No summary. | |
World Rally ワールドラリー |
1993 | Top-down rally race | |
World Rally 2 |
1995 | No summary. | |
World Series: The Season |
1985 | No summary. | |
World Soccer '96 |
1996 | No summary. | |
World Soccer Finals |
1990 | No summary. | |
World Soccer Winning Eleven 2006 Arcade Championship |
2006 | No summary. | |
World Soccer Winning Eleven 2014 Arcade Championship |
2014 | No summary. | |
World Soccer Winning Eleven Arcade Game Style 2003 |
2003 | No summary. | |
World Stadium ワールドスタジアム |
1988 | No summary. | |
World Stadium '89 ワールドスタジアム’89 |
1989 | No summary. | |
World Stadium '90 ワールドスタジアム’90 |
1990 | No summary. | |
World Tennis |
1982 | No summary. | |
World Wars |
1987 | vertically scrolling shoot em up | |
Wrecking Crew |
1984 | No summary. | |
Wrestle War レッスルウォー |
1989 | No summary. | |
WWF Superstars WWFスーパースターズ |
1989 | WWF Wrestling game featuring the big names of 1989 | |
WWF Wrestlefest WWFレッスルフェスト |
1991 | Wrestling, not that it's a sport really, just acting. WWF WrestleFest is a wrestling game that is a follow-up to WWF Superstars. One to four players can play in a Tag Team Challenge or the Battle Royal. | |
WWF WrestleMania |
1995 | A WWF-licensed wrestling game, with digitized stars like Bret Hart, the Undertaker, and Doink the Clown. | |
Wybern F-0 ワイバーンF-0 |
1985 | No summary. |