World Soccer Finals
1990 |
No summary. |
Soccer Finals
1990 |
No summary. |
Kuhga - Operation Code Vapor Trail 空牙 – Operation Code Vapor Trail
1989 |
In 1999, a terrorist organization known only as DAGGER has occupied the city of New York where they have hacked into military defenses world-wide, established their own military command and gained access to nuclear missile silos. They hold the world hostage in this position and promise to cancel their threats of destroying the Earth only until the world's governments relinquish their power to DAGGER. |
Taito Cup Finals
1992 |
Football (soccer) game where you can kick in opponents as well as score goals. |
Super Cup Finals
1994 |
No summary. |
Tecmo World Soccer '96
1996 |
No summary. |
World PK Soccer V2
1997 |
No summary. |
World Soccer '96
1996 |
No summary. |
World PK Soccer
1994 |
No summary. |
World Soccer Winning Eleven 2006 Arcade Championship
2006 |
No summary. |
World Soccer Winning Eleven 2014 Arcade Championship
2014 |
No summary. |
World Soccer Winning Eleven Arcade Game Style 2003
2003 |
No summary. |
Soccer サッカー
1973 |
No summary. |
Atari Soccer
1979 |
No summary. |
Pro Soccer プロサッカー
1983 |
No summary. |
Exciting Soccer エキサイティングサッカー
1983 |
No summary. |
Fighting Soccer
1988 |
No summary. |
Indoor Soccer インドアサッカー
1985 |
No summary. |
Super Soccer スーパーサッカー
1973 |
No summary. |
V Goal Soccer
0 |
No summary. |
Dream Soccer '94 ドリームサッカー'94
1994 |
No summary. |
J-League Soccer V-Shoot JリーグサッカーVシュート
1994 |
No summary. |
Premier Soccer プレミアサッカー
1993 |
No summary. |
Premier Soccer '95 プレミアサッカー'95
1995 |
No summary. |
Soccer Brawl サッカーブロール
1991 |
No summary. |
Soccer Super Stars サッカースーパースターズ
1995 |
No summary. |
Exciting Soccer II
1984 |
No summary. |
Five a Side Soccer
1995 |
No summary. |
Olympic Soccer 92
1992 |
No summary. |
Seibu Cup Soccer
1991 |
No summary. |
Versus Net Soccer
1996 |
No summary. |
Wonder Boy ワンダーボーイ
1986 |
Guide Wonder Boy through cartoon world - Cutsey platform game, save yer girlfriend - Also called Wonder Boy Deluxe (ワンダーボーイデラックス) |
GP World GPワールド
1984 |
F1 racing |
World Cup '90 ワールドカップ'90
1989 |
Football. (Soccer - for people on the other side of the pond). |
Cruis'n World クルージンワールド
1996 |
No summary. |
Rampage World Tour
1997 |
No summary. |
Tehkan World Cup ワールドカップ
1985 |
No summary. |
Adventure Quiz: Capcom World アドベンチャークイズ カプコンワールド
1989 |
Quiz game |
Pomping World ポンピングワールド
1989 |
(Buster Bros.) |
Lost World
1988 |
No summary.
Street Fighter 2: World Warrior
1991 |
No summary. |
World Court ワールドコート
1988 |
No summary. |
World Series: The Season
1985 |
No summary. |
World Stadium '89 ワールドスタジアム’89
1989 |
No summary. |
World Stadium '90 ワールドスタジアム’90
1990 |
No summary. |
World Wars
1987 |
vertically scrolling shoot em up |
ADK World
1995 |
No summary. |
Pocket Racer '96: Super World
1996 |
No summary. |
Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan onl
1992 |
No summary. |
Super World Stadium スーパーワールドスタジアム
1991 |
No summary. |
Super World Stadium '92 スーパーワールドスタジアム’92
1992 |
No summary. |
Super World Stadium '93 スーパーワールドスタジアム’93
1993 |
No summary. |
Super World Stadium '95 スーパーワールドスタジアム'95
1995 |
No summary. |
Lost World, The
1997 |
Based on the film "The Lost World" with high detailed dinosaurs. |
World Class Bowling
1997 |
Video Bowling |
World Cup '94 ワールドカップ'94
1994 |
No summary. |
World Cup VolleyBall
1995 |
Classic Volleyball action for the NeoGeo. |
World Heroes ワールドヒーローズ
1992 |
No summary. |
World Heroes 2 ワールドヒーローズ2
1993 |
No summary. |
World Heroes 2 Jet ワールドヒーローズ2Jet
1994 |
No summary. |
World Heroes Perfect ワールドヒーローズパーフェクト
1995 |
No summary. |
World Rally ワールドラリー
1993 |
Top-down rally race |
Bomber Man World
1992 |
No summary. |
Adventure Quiz: Capcom World 2 アドベンチャークイズ カプコンワールド2
1992 |
Quiz game, sequel to Adventure Quiz: Capcom World. |
Demon's World / Horror Story
1989 |
No summary. |
Dragon World 2
1997 |
No summary. |
F-1 World Racing
1993 |
No summary. |
Super World Court スーパーワールドコート
1993 |
No summary. |
Super World Stadium '96 スーパーワールドスタジアム'96
1997 |
No summary. |
Super World Stadium '97 スーパーワールドスタジアム'97
1997 |
No summary. |
Whoopee (Japan) / Pipi & Bibis (World)
1991 |
No summary. |
World Rally 2
1995 |
No summary. |
World Stadium ワールドスタジアム
1988 |
No summary. |
World Tennis
1982 |
No summary. |
World Cup ワールドカップ
1974 |
No summary. |
World Cup ワールドカップ
1977 |
No summary. |
World HeadOn ワールドヘッドオン
0 |
No summary. |
The Lost World ロストワールド
1997 |
No summary. |
1998 |
No summary. |
World Cup Volleyball '95 ワールドカップバレーボール'95
1995 |
No summary. |
Super World Court;93 Great Sluggers スーパーワールドコート
1993 |
No summary. |
Street Fighter 2: World Warriors (Japan) ストリートファイター2ダッシュ
1992 |
No summary. |
Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan only) カプコンワールド2
1992 |
No summary. |
Lost World (Japan) ロストワールド
1988 |
No summary. |
Demon's World 魔獣の王国
1987 |
No summary. |
Freedom Fighter
1986 |
Help free the world from robot tyrany! Grab your laser and shoot anything
mechanical. |
1983 |
Hoccer is a future sport combining elements of hockey and soccer. |
Thrill Drive
2000 |
Konami driving game, includes simulated real highways from across the world |
Smash TV
1990 |
In the "distant" future of 1999, you are a contestant on the most violent game show of all – Smash TV. On this game show anything goes, as you attempt to collect prizes, cash, and keys by fighting off a host of enemies with your array of weapons. In some versions, if you collect enough keys, you are rewarded with a trip to the Pleasure Dome. |
Renegade 熱血硬派くにおくん
1986 |
It's 2am. You're in the subway. The wrong place to be unless you're
looking for trouble. They've got sticks, chains and your girlfriend. It's
up to you to fight your way through the thug infested city to save her.
Qix クイックス
1981 |
Qix (pronounced "kicks") is a simple and elegant game in which you claim territory by drawing boxes to fill a rectangular space. You must avoid the Qix – sticklike objects that float and bounce through your space in unpredictable patterns. You can rack up more points for creating boxes more slowly, and besides the Qix, you must be careful of Sparx and Fuses which appear if your marker stops while you are drawing. |
Car Polo カーポロ
1977 |
Soccer (or polo) with cars instead of people. |
Zero Target
1985 |
World version of Gekitsui Oh. Data East. |
Alien Syndrome エイリアンシンドローム
1987 |
Third-person shooter where you get to blast all kinds of aliens and rescue people. You can also find power-ups for better blasting power!
Psycho - Nics Oscar サイコニクスオスカー
1987 |
Control a yellow robot named Oscar, collect shield and weapon power-ups, shoot bad guys until you get to a massive boss-monster at the end. |
1991 |
Guide Spider-Man, Black-Cat, Hawkeye and/or Sub-Mariner as they punch and
kick their way through four chapters worth of Dr. Doom's villains. |
Pulsar パルサー
1981 |
You drive through a maze while strange opponents fire at you. You must vanquish opponents before you move to the next maze. Watch for the maze to change, because as some walls disappear others materialize. |
Quiz and Dragons クイズ&ドラゴンズ
1992 |
A Capcom Quiz/Trivia game based on the atmosphere of their "King of Dragons" and "Dungeons and Dragons" games.
Wardner ワードナーの森
1987 |
Scrolling platform adventure, similar to Wonder Boy. |
1989 |
Taito World Grand Prix |
1990 |
Taito World Grand Prix 2 |
Darius ダライアス
1986 |
Multiple-monitor game. Scrolls from Left to Right for most of the game,
except when choosing the next level to go to, which scrolls Up and Down.
Can gain power-ups along the way for stronger Bombs and (laser?) Shots.. |
Kuuga – Operation Code Vapor Trail 空牙 – Operation Code Vapor Trail
1989 |
Vapor Trail: Hyper Offense Formation, known in Japan as Kuuga – Operation Code Vapor Trail (空牙 – Operation Code Vapor Trail) and usually simply referred to as Vapor Trail, is a 1989 shoot 'em up arcade game developed and published by Data East. Vapor Trail was followed by Rohga: Armor Force and Skull Fang. |
Vapor Trail 空牙
1989 |
Vapor Trail: Hyper Offense Formation, known in Japan as Kuuga – Operation Code Vapor Trail (空牙 – Operation Code Vapor Trail) and usually simply referred to as Vapor Trail, is a 1989 shoot 'em up arcade game developed and published by Data East. Vapor Trail was followed by Rohga: Armor Force and Skull Fang. |