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Document Title: [mathdis2.html (html file)]
Atari mathbox disassembler C source
* Atari mathbox disassembler C source.
* Copyright (c) Zonn Moore, 1996 All rights reserved.
#define SUBR 1 // Subtract R from S instruction
#define NOTRS 5 // Not R and S instruction
#define r_ZERO 16
#define r_DATA 17
#define r_QREG 18
#define LDAB 0x08
#define STOP 0x08
#define Sb 0x08
#define Jb 0x04
#define Mb 0x02
#define Cb 0x01
int cnvReg( int reg, int index);
/* source indexis */
int RopVal[8] =
{ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3};
int SopVal[8] =
{ 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 4, 0};
/* mnemonic names */
char *SourceName[5] =
{ "0", "A", "B", "D", "Q"};
char *RegName[19] =
{ "r00", "r01", "r02", "r03", "r04", "r05", "r06", "r07",
"r08", "r09", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15",
"#00", "Dre", "Qre"
char *FuncName[8][2] =
{ "add", "adc",
"sbc", "sub", // SUBR
"sbc", "sub", // SUBS
"ior", "ior",
"and", "and",
"and", "and", // NOTRS
"xor", "xor",
"xnr", "xnr"
#if 0
char *DestName[8] =
{ "qreg",
unsigned char Prom[6][256];
void main( void)
FILE *inFile;
int ii, mm, pp, tt;
int ropH, ropL, sopL, sopH, func, dest;
int regH1, regH2, regL1, regL2, notf, jmpf, A10inv;
// print header
fputs( " 132 131 130 129
128 127\n\n", stdout);
fputs( " A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
A A A A\n", stdout);
fputs( " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 S J M C\n\n", stdout);
fputs( " D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0
D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0\n\n", stdout);
fputs( " 1 2 3 4 20 19 18 17 14H 14L 13* 12 ST 27 28 26
LD 6 7 5 S J M 29\n\n", stdout);
fputs( " A3 A2 A1 A0 B3 B2 B1 B0 I2 I2 I1 I0 I5 I4 I3
I8 I7 I6 Cn\n\n", stdout);
fputs( "Miscellaneous notes:\n", stdout);
fputs( " C = Cin to Acc\n\n", stdout);
fputs( " if ST high, STOP\n\n", stdout);
fputs( " if LD high, Load latch with AB (A0-A7)\n\n", stdout);
fputs( " if J low, never JMP\n", stdout);
fputs( " if J high and S low, JMP to latched value\n", stdout);
fputs( " if J high and S high, JMP if (pos and no OVF) or (neg and OVF)\n\n",
fputs( " if M low, A10= A10\n",
fputs( " if M high and prev A18 high, A10=~A10\n",
fputs( " if M high and prev A18 low and prev RRQ shift out 0, A10=~A10\n",
fputs( " if M high and prev A18 low and prev RRQ shift out 1, A10= A10\n\n",
fputs( " if A18 high,
R15=1\n", stdout);
fputs( " if S low and A18 low,
R15=0\n", stdout);
fputs( " if S high and A18 low and (pos and no OVF) or (neg and OVF),
R15=0\n", stdout);
fputs( " if S high and A18 low and (pos and OVF) or (neg and no OVF),
R15=1\n\n", stdout);
fputs( " Note that R0 of LSB goes to Q3 of MSB, making all RRQs an extension
of the ALU.\n\n", stdout);
fputs( " In lines that display two opcodes with no asterisk preceeding\n",
fputs( " the first opcode, the two opcodes are both executed
simultaneously.\n\n", stdout);
fputs( " The lines proceeded by an asterisk indicates instructions
modified\n", stdout);
fputs( " by the S flag. The instructions marked with a '*' are executed if
the\n", stdout);
fputs( " shift of the prvious instruction shifts out a 0. Otherwise the
alternative\n", stdout);
fputs( " instruction is executed.\n\n", stdout);
fputs( "Jump table:\n", stdout);
fputs( " 00: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 41 2C 34 35 36\n", stdout);
fputs( " 10: 37 42 7E B8 BD 2E 2F 17 19 18 30 31 D9 EB F4 00\n\n",
fputs( "Microcode:", stdout);
// Read in PROMS
inFile = fopen( "136002.132", "rb");
if (inFile == 0)
{ perror( "136002.132");
exit( 0);
fread( Prom[0], 1, 256, inFile); // read buffer
fclose( inFile); // close file
inFile = fopen( "136002.131", "rb");
if (inFile == 0)
{ perror( "136002.131");
exit( 0);
fread( Prom[1], 1, 256, inFile); // read buffer
fclose( inFile); // close file
inFile = fopen( "136002.130", "rb");
if (inFile == 0)
{ perror( "136002.130");
exit( 0);
fread( Prom[2], 1, 256, inFile); // read buffer
fclose( inFile); // close file
inFile = fopen( "136002.129", "rb");
if (inFile == 0)
{ perror( "136002.129");
exit( 0);
fread( Prom[3], 1, 256, inFile); // read buffer
fclose( inFile); // close file
inFile = fopen( "136002.128", "rb");
if (inFile == 0)
{ perror( "136002.128");
exit( 0);
fread( Prom[4], 1, 256, inFile); // read buffer
fclose( inFile); // close file
inFile = fopen( "136002.127", "rb");
if (inFile == 0)
{ perror( "136002.127");
exit( 0);
fread( Prom[5], 1, 256, inFile); // read buffer
fclose( inFile); // close file
// display PROMS
for (ii = 0; ii < 256; ii++)
printf( "\n %02X: ", ii); // print address
/* Print microcode */
for (pp = 0; pp < 6; pp++)
for (mm = 0x08; mm != 0; mm >>= 1)
printf( "%c", (Prom[pp][ii] & mm) ? '1' : '0');
putchar( ' ');
/* Point to mnemonics */
if (!(Prom[5][ii] & Mb))
A10inv = 0x00; // src doesn't change
A10inv = 0x02; // src based on OV and Sign
ropL = RopVal[Prom[2][ii] & 0x07];
ropH = RopVal[(Prom[2][ii] & 0x03) | ((Prom[2][ii] & 0x08) >> 1) ^
sopL = SopVal[Prom[2][ii] & 0x07];
sopH = SopVal[(Prom[2][ii] & 0x03) | ((Prom[2][ii] & 0x08) >> 1) ^
func = Prom[3][ii] & 0x07;
dest = Prom[4][ii] & 0x07;
notf = (func == NOTRS);
/* check if sources reversed */
if (func == SUBR)
{ regH1 = sopH;
regH2 = ropH;
regL1 = sopL;
regL2 = ropL;
{ regH1 = ropH;
regH2 = sopH;
regL1 = ropL;
regL2 = sopL;
/* convert to values */
regH1 = cnvReg( regH1, ii);
regH2 = cnvReg( regH2, ii);
regL1 = cnvReg( regL1, ii);
regL2 = cnvReg( regL2, ii);
/* Print mnemonics */
if (A10inv)
fputc( '*', stdout);
fputc( ' ', stdout);
fprintf( stdout, "%s(%c%s, %s)",
FuncName[func][Prom[5][ii] & Cb], (notf) ? '~' : ' ', RegName[regH1],
if ((((Prom[2][ii] >> 1) ^ Prom[2][ii]) & 0x04) && A10inv)
{ fprintf( stdout, "\nError: Different sources from A14 and A10.\n");
exit( 0);
/* Check if High and Low sources differ, if so, print low */
if ((((Prom[2][ii] >> 1) ^ Prom[2][ii]) & 0x04) || A10inv)
fprintf( stdout, " %s( %s, %s)",
FuncName[func][Prom[5][ii] & Cb], RegName[regL1],
fputs( " ", stdout);
/* print destination */
fputc( ' ', stdout);
switch (dest)
case 0: // QREG
fprintf( stdout, " Qre=ALU OUT=ALU");
case 1: // NOP
fprintf( stdout, " OUT=ALU");
case 2: // RAMA
fprintf( stdout, "%3s=ALU OUT=%3s",
RegName[cnvReg( 2, ii)], RegName[cnvReg( 1, ii)]);
case 3: // RAMF
fprintf( stdout, "%3s=ALU OUT=ALU", RegName[cnvReg( 2, ii)]);
case 4: // RAMQD
/* normal shift with zero */
if (!(Prom[5][ii] & Sb))
fprintf( stdout, "%3s=SRA Qre=RRQ OUT=ALU", RegName[cnvReg( 2,
/* modified shift with overflow */
fprintf( stdout, "%3s=OSR Qre=RRQ OUT=ALU", RegName[cnvReg( 2,
case 5: // RAMD
/* normal shift with zero */
if (!(Prom[5][ii] & Sb))
fprintf( stdout, "%3s=SRA OUT=ALU", RegName[cnvReg( 2,
/* modified shift with overflow */
fprintf( stdout, "%3s=OSR OUT=ALU", RegName[cnvReg( 2,
case 6: // RAMQU
fprintf( stdout, "%3s=RLA Qre=SLQ OUT=ALU", RegName[cnvReg( 2, ii)]);
case 7: // RAMU
fprintf( stdout, "%3s=RLA OUT=ALU", RegName[cnvReg( 2, ii)]);
fputc( ' ', stdout);
/* Print PC control information */
jmpf = 0;
/* check for jumps */
if (Prom[5][ii] & Jb) // if J high, check for jumps
if (Prom[5][ii] & Sb) // is S high, JNO
fputs( "JNO ", stdout);
else // if S low, always jmp
{ fputs( "JMP ", stdout);
jmpf = 1;
fputs( " ", stdout);
/* check if latch loaded */
if (Prom[4][ii] & LDAB)
fprintf( stdout, "L%1X%1X ", Prom[0][ii], Prom[1][ii]);
fputs( " ", stdout);
/* check for STOP instruction */
if (Prom[3][ii] & STOP)
{ fputs( "HLT", stdout);
jmpf = 1;
/* else */
/* fputs( " ", stdout); */
if (jmpf)
putchar( '\n');
int cnvReg( int reg, int index)
int newReg;
switch (reg)
case 0:
newReg = r_ZERO; // abs zero
case 1:
newReg = Prom[0][index]; // 0-15 = register numbers
case 2:
newReg = Prom[1][index]; // 0-15 = register numbers
case 3:
newReg = r_DATA; // data port
case 4:
newReg = r_QREG; // Q register
return (newReg);