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Document Title: [WintronHVTrans.html (html file)]

Wintron Amplifone X/Y monitor replacement Hi-V Transformer Information

Wintron Amplifone X/Y monitor replacement Hi-V Transformer Information

Submitted by Dave Fish

Just got off the phone with the engineer at Wintron who designed the replacement Hi-V transformer for the Amplifone X/Y monitor. It seems that the documentation which was sent out with some of the transformers a while back had some errors in it. He faxed me out a copy of the newer drawing which has a date of September 19, 1996. With Rick's permission here are the correct connections:

Wintron Drawing #26862802

Lead connections:
[COLOR   Pin #   Signal]

 RED    - 9   - B+
 YELLOW - 8   - Start of 180V secondary
 BLACK  - 6,7 - GROUND
 GREEN  - 4   - 180V secondary (Video B+)
 ORANGE - 1   - Collector of switch transistor
 GRAY   - 10 (HTR1) - Filament
Here's my interpetation:

RED wire from XFMR to PCB hole T2 pin 9. Low side of MC1.

YEL wire from XFMR to PCB hole T2 pin 8. This is +24VDC.

BLK to PCB hole T2 pin 6 or 7. This is GROUND.

GRN wire from XFMR to PCB hole T2 pin 4. Video B+, connects to anode of CR3.

ORG wire from XFMR to PCB hole T2 pin 1. Goes to COLLECTOR of Q3 (BU406D).

GRY wire from XFMR to PCB hole T2 pin 10. This is the filament's hot side.

If anyone has the original copy which is a partial copy of the Hi-V schematic with hand-written connections, don't use it, it has errors.
