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Document Title: [SpacezapPinouts.html (html file)]

Space Zap pinouts

Space Zap pinouts

Submitted by Dave Holcomb (holcomb@halcyon.com)

There are seven boards in the Space Zap boardset:
Qty                                                Position on
1 *Game Bd                 A084-90708-A902             J5
1  Pattern Bd              A082-91348-0000             J4
1  CPU Bd (C.P.U.)         A082-91354-E000             J3
2  RAM Card                A082-91356-C000           J2 & J1
1  Comm. Mother Bd         A082-90006-B/C000
1 *Audio Amp Board         A084-90903-A000
With the exception of those boards marked with an asterisk (*), the rest of
the boards are used by at least two other Midway games -- Gorf and Space Zap.
All three of these games -- Space Zap, Wizard of Wor, and Gorf -- also share
the same power supply (A082-90411-A000).
Unfortunately, each of these games uses completely different pinouts on the
main Game board.  Also, Wizard of Wor uses a different amp board (the Audio
Amp #2 vs. the regular Audio Amp board) because it uses three speakers.  Gorf
and Space Zap can only use 2 speakers.  The power supply outputs from the
motherboard are the same for all these games, which means if you have the
power supply and the motherboard, you have all the power requirements for any
one of these games taken care of.
Unlike Gorf and Wizard of Wor, Space Zap does not require a Memory Board
(Wizard of Wor) or a 44k RAM/ROM Board (Gorf).  Space Zap also does not
require the RGB Interface Board.  Space Zap is a black & white game.
The "Position on Motherboard" column refers to the fact that these boards
plug into a common motherboard much like ISA/EISA/VESA/PCI cards plug into
PC card expansion slots.
PS = Power Supply
IB = RGB Interface Board
AA = Audio Amp Board
GB = Game Board
Motherboard (9-pos, 0.156") (outputs & inputs from power supply)
Pin | Definition
  1 | +5V
  2 | +5V
  3 | +12V
  4 | !Reset
  5 | -5V
  6 | Key
  7 | Gnd
  8 | Gnd
  9 | -Sense (Gnd)
P1 Game Board (13-pos, 0.100")
Pin | Definition
  1 | P2 Down
  2 | P2 Up
  3 | P2 Right
  4 | P2 Left
  5 | P2 Fire
  6 | Key
  7 | Gnd (P2 common return)
  8 | P1 Up
  9 | P1 Down
 10 | P1 Left
 11 | P1 Right
 12 | P1 Fire
 13 | Gnd (P1 common return)
P2 Game Board (16-pos, 0.100")
Pin | Definition
  1 | Coin #1
  2 | Coin #2
  3 | Test [to AA-1]
  4 | Door Slam
  5 | 1P Select
  6 | 2P Select
  7 | Gnd (common return for pins 1,2,4,5,6)
  8 | Audio [to AA-6]
  9 | Audio Common [from AA-2]
 10 | Coin Meter #1
 11 | Gnd [to PS]
 12 | Coin Meter #2
 13 | Gnd [to PS]
 14 | Key
 15 | Video Signal [to monitor]
 16 | Video Signal Gnd [from monitor]
Audio Amp Board (11-pos, 0.100"?)
(to & from Game Board)
Pin | Definition
  1 | Test (Test/Play SW1 located on Audio Amp Board) [to GB/J2-3]
  2 | Audio Common (common return from speakers)
  3 | Key
  4 | Audio In #2
  5 | V Audio (~13V) [from PS-1]
  6 | Audio In #1 [from GB/J2-8]
  7 | V Audio Return [to PS-11]
  8 | Speaker #1 [to Speaker]
  9 | Speaker #1 [from Speaker]
 10 | Speaker #2
 11 | Speaker #2
1) For mono output, only 1 speaker output used
2) For dual-mono output, both speakers used and jumper JU1
3) For stereo output, both speakers used and no jumper on JU1
Here is most of the information for the power supply pinouts on the game
side of the power supply (A082-90411-0000).  A question mark indicates
information I was not absolutely sure about.  This power supply uses almost
exactly the same outputs and inputs as the one in Super Pac-Man (A082-
Power Supply (19-pos?)
1   +V Audio (~13V @ 1.5A)
2   -5V @ 0.45A
3   +V Independent [~10V @ 3.5A, to coin door and control lights?]
4   !Reset
5   V.Batt?
6   Key
7   +12V @ 1.45A
8   +12V @ 1.45A
9   -Sense
10  AC Sync?
11  -V Independent [Gnd, control lights return?]
12  -V Audio [Gnd for Audio circuit]
13  Gnd
14  Gnd
15  Gnd
16  Gnd
17  Coin Counter Drivers (~8V, unreg +5V) [from coin meter]
18  +5V @ 3A
19  +5V @ 2A regulated for logic
                    Strapping Chart
|             |JU1|JU2|JU3|JU4|JU5|JU6|JU7|JU8|JU9|
| Single +5V  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
| 2716 EPROM  | X |   |   | X |   | X |   | X |   |
| 2316E ROM   |   | X |   | X |   | X |   | X |   |
| 2332 ROM    |   | X |   |   | X |   | X | X |   |
| 2364 ROM    |   |   | X |   | X |   | X |   | X |
|                         | JU10 | JU11|
| Upright Cabinet         |  X   |     |
| Cocktail                |      |  X  |
|                         | JU12 | JU13|
| U8,U9,U10 are 74LS08    |  X   |     |
| U8,U9,U10 are 74LS32    |      |  X  |
The strapping chart above, I think, serves one of two purposes (or some
combination of these): 1) lets you identify certain properties of the
Game Board, or 2) allows you to change the properties of the Game
For example, on some games to set it to cocktail mode you set a switch
on a board; on some games you connect the player 2 controls and the
game is automatically set up for cocktail mode; and on some games you
simply ground a certain pin to put the game into cocktail mode.  Perhaps
on some games you even have to buy a separate set of boards for cocktail
versus upright use.
Placing the Test Switch (located on the Audio Amplifier assembly in the
coin box area) to "ON" performs the following functions:
   (1) Removes all accumulated credits
   (2) Tests the screen RAM
   (3) Tests the static RAM
   (4) Tests the game ROMs/EPROMs
   (5) Repeats all tests indefinitely
Placing the Test Switch in the "OFF" position returns the game to normal
operation after completion of the ROM test.  If you were to turn the test
switch off during the screen RAM test, it would take approximately 15
seconds before the game woule re-appear.
The game does a modified for of RAM test upon power-up or whenever the
door slam switch is activated.  If an error is found, the program
continues the test until the error is cleared.  Therefore, it is possible
that the game will never start and/or there may be no indication of
anything on the screen if there is a RAM error.
Error Indications
If all RAMs and ROMs are good, the only indication will be an occasional
flash on the screen (approximately every 16 seconds).  This indicates that
it has passed all tests and is starting the test sequence over again.
If an error is found in the screen RAM, you will see the flash on the
screen followed by flashing random horizontal bars.  It will then cycle
through the test again until the error is cleared.
If an error is found in the static RAM, there will be short bursts of
flashing horizontal bars displayed on the screen.  It will then cycle
through the screen RAM test and the static RAM test again until the error
is cleared.  The cycle time is approximately 3 seconds.
A bad ROM or EPROM is indicated by a number "1" through "8" displayed on
the screen.  If more than one ROM or EPROM is bad, both numbers will appear
on the screen.
   Number Displayed   Bad ROM/EPROM in Socket
   ----------------   -----------------------
     (If you have eight 2k ROMs/EPROMs)
          1                     X1
          2                     X2
          3                     X3
          4                     X4
          5                     X5
          6                     X6
          7                     X7
          8                     X8
     (If you have four 4k ROMs/EPROMs)
          1                     X1
          2                     X1
          3                     X3
          4                     X3
          5                     X5
          6                     X5
          7                     X7
          8                     X7