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Document Title: [SEGA-gremlinEPROM.html (html file)]

Gremlin/Sega EPROM / Board Numbers

Gremlin/Sega EPROM / Board Numbers

Submitted by Unknown

Gremlin/Sega EPROM / Board Numbers

Manual Part Numbers:

Head-On              420-0193
Gee Bee              420-0199
Monaco GP            420-0358
Head On 2 / Invinco  420-0359
Astro Fighter        420-0410
                  or 420-0411
Carnival             420-0498
Moon Cresta          420-0518
Space Firebird       420-0533
Astro Blaster        420-0552
Space Tactics        420-0556
Pulsar               420-0601
G08 Color X/Y        420-0605
Space Odyssey        420-0610
Borderline           420-0613
Pengo                420-0811
SubRoc-3D            420-0822

Frogs           721-0001

Eprom / Board Numbers

all PROM/EPROM part numbers start with 316-, EPR, or PR

These were all on the little 8080 board that used 18 pin bipolar proms and
no DRAM (there is a picture of it up on www.spies.com/arcade/bronzeage)

Blockade        #807-0001   01->04 (Oct '76)
coMotion        #808-0001   05->10 (Oct '76)
Hustle          #813-0001   16->19 (May '77) 
Blasto          #819-0001   95->100

bigger 8080 board that uses 4k DRAMs, and 1k x 4 bipolar proms
Depth Charge    #xxx-xxxx   13,14, 22->31, 45,46 (Sept '77)

Boards that use  Z80 4k DRAMs
Depth Charge    #???-????   50->55 (2708's)
Safari		#815-0001   57->66 (2708's), 42,43  (Nov '77)
Frogs           #821-0001   112-119 (2708's) 42,43 (Oct'78)
Space Attack    #830-0001   138->146 (2708's)  42,43 ('79)
Head On 	#822-0001   163->167 192,193 (2708's)
Fortress        #xxx-xxxx    (Dec '78)

Gee Bee         #825-0001    (lic from Namco)

Moon Cresta	#800-3121   171,172,194->203  (Sega #97150-P)

Unique board (large)
Space Tactics	#171-0028   217-224   (Sega 97209-P)

Dual game VIC boards (color)
Head On 2/Deep Scan          255->270 clut=283
Invinco/HO2                  271->286 clut=287
Invinco                      310->318
Invinco/Deep Scan            367->382 clut=246
Tranquilizer Gun             413->428 (??  '80) 
Tranquilizer Gun             450->465 clut=PR57
Space Trek                   630->645 clut=PR80 (?? '80)
Carnival                     651->666 (Jul '80)
Pulsar          #734-0039    790->805

316-0390(color prom)         Car Hunt/Deep Scan 
Car Hunt        #xxx-xxxx    (single game version) (May '80)
Deep Scan       #xxx-xxxx    (single game version)

Frogger		#834-0068    606-610
Digger          #xxx-xxxx    (Frogger/MCresta style HW) (Jul '80)

Space Firebird	#834-0031    767-778    (Nintendo board set)
                #834-0030    video bd
                #834-0029    sound bd
Frogger		#800-3110    1031-1037, 1082  (22 pin EC)
Borderline      #834-0058    1171-1186 (1981) PR42 Clr
Pengo           #834-0386

G80 Games
G80 games (005, Monster Bash, Astro Blaster, etc) are all described 
in Mark and Clay's G80 FAQ on spies.

8       18      #800-0053  Space Odyssey Back Scene Hardware 1
808     812     #800-0183  Astro Blaster Speech board
829             #800-0107  Astro Blaster CPU EPROM
837     852     #800-0151  Astro Blaster
888     906     #800-0151  Space Odyssey
959             #800-0107  Space Odyssey CPU
960     968     #xxx-xxxx  Space Fury
969             #xxx-xxxx  Space Fury, and ckt/ur Eliminators CPU EPROM
970     972     #xxx-xxxx  Space Fury speech board
1158    1170    #xxx-xxxx  Eliminator ???
1200    1212    #xxx-xxxx  Eliminator cocktail
1286            #xxx-xxxx  005
1333    1345    #xxx-xxxx  Eliminator upright
1346            #xxx-xxxx  Eliminator upright CPU EPROM, 005
1347    1360    #xxx-xxxx  Eliminator 4-player
1390            #xxx-xxxx  4-player Eliminator CPU EPROM
1516    1518    #xxx-xxxx  Monster Bash Background board
1543    1544    #xxx-xxxx  Monster Bash Sound board
1586    1606    #xxx-xxxx  Zektor
1607    1610    #xxx-xxxx  Zektor speech board
1611            #xxx-xxxx  Zektor CPU EPROM
1670    1688    #xxx-xxxx  Tac/Scan
1709    1710    #xxx-xxxx  Tac/Scan
1711            #xxx-xxxx  Tac/Scan CPU EPROM
1778            #xxx-xxxx  Monster Bash CPU EPROM
1779    1801    #xxx-xxxx  Monster Bash
1848    1870    #xxx-xxxx  Star Trek
1871    1872    #xxx-xxxx  Star Trek speech board
1873            #xxx-xxxx  Star Trek CPU ERPOM
5092    5111    #xxx-xxxx  005

                #800-0051  Space Odyssey Sound Bd
                #800-0106  Astro Blaster Video 1
                #800-0111  Space Odyssey Hardware Shifter
                #800-3160  Space Odyssey Video 1
                #800-3122  Astro Blaster Sound

5318-5332       #834-5191 Suntory Tapper (verify??)  1984
5785-5788       #834-5385 Suntory Tapper (verify??)  BD #834-5385 1984

5285, 5286,
5338, 5473,
5474            #834-5271 (PROM) Astron Belt (1983)
                #834-5270 (CPU)
                #834-5272 (SND)

Change Log
1.0	Apr 2,1998  Initial Release
1.1	Apr 6,1998  Add Space Attack, Tranquilizer Gun
1.2	Apr 9,1998  Add Astron Belt, Suntory Tapper(?)
1.3     Apr 11,1998 Add Frogs board info, add column for bd #
1.4     Apr 23,1998 Add Borderline
1.5     Apr 24,1998 Add Space Trek
1.6     May 15,1998 Add HO2/DS, Inv/DS prom info