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Document Title: [OmegaRace.html (html file)]

Omega Race Memory Map

Version 1.1 (Jul 24,1997)

Main CPU clock rate: 3Mhz
Main CPU intr rate: 240Hz

Sound CPU clock rate: 1.5Mhz

0000 - 3fff	PROM
4000 - 4bff	RAM (3k)
5c00 - 5cff	NVRAM (256 x 4bits)
8000 - 8fff	Vec RAM (4k)
9000 - 9fff	Vec ROM (4k)

15 14 13 12 11 10 
0  0  0  0                       M8 - 2732  (4k)
0  0  0  1                       L8 - 2732
0  0  1  0                       K8 - 2732
0  0  1  1                       J8 - 2732

0  1  -  0  0  0                 RAM (3k)
0  1  -  0  0  1
0  1  -  0  1  0

0  1  -  1  1  1                 4 Bit BB RAM (d0-d3)

1  -  -  0  0                    Vec RAM (4k)
1  -  -  0  1
1  -  -  1  0			 Vec ROM (2k) E1
1  -  -  1  1                    Vec ROM (2k) F1

I/O Ports

8	Start/ (VG start)
9	WDOG/  (Reset watchdog)
A	SEQRES/ (VG stop/reset?)
B	RDSTOP/ d7 = stop (VG running if 0)

10 I	DIP SW C4 (game ship settings)

	6 5  4 3  2 1
                      1st bonus ship at
        | |  | |  0 0  40,000
        | |  | |  0 1  50,000
        | |  | |  1 0  70,000
        | |  | |  1 1 100,000
        | |  | |      2nd and  3rd bonus ships
        | |  0 0      150,000   250,000
        | |  0 1      250,000   500,000
        | |  1 0      500,000   750,000
        | |  1 1      750,000 1,500,000
        | |           ships per credit
        0 0           1 credit = 2 ships / 2 credits = 4 ships
        0 1           1 credit = 2 ships / 2 credits = 5 ships
        1 0           1 credit = 3 ships / 2 credits = 6 ships
        1 1           1 credit = 3 ships / 2 credits = 7 ships

11 I	7 = Test
	6 = P1 Fire
	5 = P1 Thrust
	4 = Tilt

	1 = Coin 2
	0 = Coin 1

12 I	7 = 1P1CR
	6 = 1P2CR

	3 = 2P2CR -+
	2 = 2P1CR  |
	1 = P2Fire |
	0 = P2Thr -+ cocktail only

13 O   7 =
        6 = screen reverse
        5 = 2 player 2 credit start LED 
        4 = 2 player 1 credit start LED 
        3 = 1 player 1 credit start LED
        2 = 1 player 1 credit start LED
        1 = coin meter 2
        0 = coin meter 1

14 O	sound command (interrupts sound Z80)

15 I	encoder 1 (d7-d2)

	The encoder is a 64 position Grey Code encoder, or a
	pot and A to D converter.

	Unlike the quadrature inputs on Atari and Sega games,
        Omega Race's controller is an absolute angle.

	0x00, 0x04, 0x14, 0x10, 0x18, 0x1c, 0x5c, 0x58,
	0x50, 0x54, 0x44, 0x40, 0x48, 0x4c, 0x6c, 0x68,
	0x60, 0x64, 0x74, 0x70, 0x78, 0x7c, 0xfc, 0xf8,
	0xf0, 0xf4, 0xe4, 0xe0, 0xe8, 0xec, 0xcc, 0xc8,
	0xc0, 0xc4, 0xd4, 0xd0, 0xd8, 0xdc, 0x9c, 0x98,
	0x90, 0x94, 0x84, 0x80, 0x88, 0x8c, 0xac, 0xa8,
	0xa0, 0xa4, 0xb4, 0xb0, 0xb8, 0xbc, 0x3c, 0x38,
	0x30, 0x34, 0x24, 0x20, 0x28, 0x2c, 0x0c, 0x08

16 I	encoder 2 (d5-d0)

	The inputs aren't scrambled as they are on the 1 player

17 I	DIP SW C6 (coin/cocktail settings)

        8  7  6 5 4  3 2 1
                             coin switch 1
        |  |  | | |  0 0 0   1 coin  2 credits
        |  |  | | |  0 0 1   1 coin  3 credits
        |  |  | | |  0 1 0   1 coin  5 credits
        |  |  | | |  0 1 1   4 coins 5 credits
        |  |  | | |  1 0 0   3 coins 4 credits
        |  |  | | |  1 0 1   2 coins 3 credits
        |  |  | | |  1 1 0   2 coins 1 credit
        |  |  | | |  1 1 1   1 coin  1 credit
        |  |  | | |
        |  |  | | |          coin switch 2
        |  |  0 0 0          1 coin  2 credits
        |  |  0 0 1          1 coin  3 credits
        |  |  0 1 0          1 coin  5 credits
        |  |  0 1 1          4 coins 5 credits
        |  |  1 0 0          3 coins 4 credits
        |  |  1 0 1          2 coins 3 credits
        |  |  1 1 0          2 coins 1 credit
        |  |  1 1 1          1 coin  1 credit
        |  |
        |  0                 coin play
        |  1                 free play
        0                    normal
        1                    cocktail

display list format: (4 byte opcodes)

|DY07   DY06   DY05   DY04   DY03   DY02   DY01   DY00  | 0
|OPCD3  OPCD2  OPCD1  OPCD0  DY11   DY10   DY09   DY08  | 1 OPCD 1111 = ABBREV/
|DX07   DX06   DX05   DX04   DX03   DX02   DX01   DX00  | 2
|INTEN3 INTEN2 INTEN1 INTEN0 DX11   DX10   DX09   DX08  | 3

    Draw relative vector       0x80      1000YYYY YYYYYYYY IIIIXXXX XXXXXXXX

    Draw relative vector
    and load scale             0x90      1001YYYY YYYYYYYY SSSSXXXX XXXXXXXX

    Beam to absolute
    screen position            0xA0      1010YYYY YYYYYYYY ----XXXX XXXXXXXX

    Halt                       0xB0      1011---- --------

    Jump to subroutine         0xC0      1100AAAA AAAAAAAA

    Return from subroutine     0xD0      1101---- --------

    Jump to new address        0xE0      1110AAAA AAAAAAAA

    Short vector draw          0xF0      1111YYYY IIIIXXXX

Sound Z80 Memory Map

0000 ROM
1000 RAM

15 14 13 12 11 10
            0           2k prom (K5)
            1           2k prom (J5)
         1              1k RAM  (K4,J4)

I/O (write-only)

0,1 			8912 (K3)
2,3			8912 (J3)

I/O (read-only)

0                       input port from main CPU.
                        main CPU writing port generated INT
Sound Commands:

0 - reset sound CPU