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Document Title: [KonamiBoards.html (html file)]

Konami board numbers, Revision V2.7

Konami board numbers, Revision V2.7

Submitted by Graham Bisset (boards@nmisystems.demon.co.uk)

Konami board numbers, Revision V2.7
(c) 1995-1997 Graham Bisset, All rights reserved.
This document can be freely copied so long as all credit
to myself remains and the document remains INTACT!
The latest revision of this document is always available
from : http://www.nmisystems.demon.co.uk/konami.htm
Last updated : 5/4/98 (UK date format)
Changes since last update : +1
Changes made : Modified GX123 (Gaiapolis)
Total number of boards : 116
GX060 - Bells and Whistles
GX061 - Golfing Greats
GX063 - T.M.H.T. 2
GX064 - Sunset Riders
GX065 - X-Men
GX068 - Asterix
GX069 - G.I. Joe
GX072 - Simpsons
GX073 - Thunder Cross 2
GX081 - Vendetta
GX101 - Premier Soccer
GX122 - Hexion
GX123 - Entapous (UK)/Gaiapolis (Jap)
GX128 - Mystic Warrior
GX151 - Cowboys of Moo Mesa
GX168 - Violent Storm
GX170 - Brain Busters
GX170 - Monster Maulers
GX173 - Bucky 'O Hare
GX174 - Potrio
GX191 - Lethal Enforcers
GX218 - Konami's Open Golf Chmp.
GX224 - Metamorphic Force
GX234 - Martial Champion
GX247 - Run and Gun
GM250 - Racing Force      - NOTE : GM number!!
GX305 - Polynet Comm.
GX306 - Strategy X
GX310 - Juno First
GX312 - Gun Fighters
GX316 - Super Cobra
GX319 - Mega Zone
GX320 - Pooyan
GX321 - Fantastic Journey
GX327 - Jungler
GX330 - Hyper Olympics (UK) / Hyper Sports (US)
GX332 - (Sparkie)
GX335 - (Tactician)
GX337 - Amidar
GX343 - The Hustler
GX347 - Gyruss
GX350 - Tutankham
GX353 - Turtles (Turpin)
GX359 - Locomotion
GX361 - Track n Field
GX364 - Rock 'n' Rope
GX369 - Ultra Dome
GX380 - Circus Charlie
GX387 - Scramble
GX388 - Time Pilot '84
GX392 - Frogger
GX393 - Time Pilot
GX400 - Nemesis
GX401 - Hyper Crash
GX405 - Super Basketball
GX407 - Yie Ar Kung Fu
GX412 - Twinbee
GX455 - Badlands
GX456 - Gradius
GX461 - Road Fighter
GX469 - Mikie
GX477 - Sholins Road
GX507 - Jail Break
GX523 - Finaliser
GX555 - Konami's Ping Pong
GX560 - Iron Horse
GX561 - Konami GT
GX577 - Green Beret/Rush 'n' Attack (2)
GX587 - Salamander
GX602 - WEC Le Mans
GX604 - BAW
GX611 - Boot Camp/Combat School (3)
GX620 - Rock 'n' Rage
GX621 - Mr Kabuki
GX631 - Jackal (UK) / Top Gunner (US)
GX633 - Gryzor/Contra (1)
GX669 - Flak Attack
GX687 - Devil World/Dark Adventure (3)
GX690 - Double Dribble
GX712 - Kitten Kaboodle
GX717 - Chequered Flag
GX752 - Fast Lane
GX763 - Hot Chase
GX765 - Rack 'Em Up
GX768 - Haunted Castle
GX770 - AJAX/Typhoon (3)
GX771 - Labyrinth Runner
GX775 - Super Contra
GX777 - Battlantis
GX785 - Vulcan Venture
GX787 - City Bomber
GX789 - Over Drive
GX790 - Hyper Crash
GX797 - Blades of Steel
GX799 - The Main Event
GX808 - Missing in Action
GX813 - (Com'on Mama)
GX821 - Crime Fighters
GX857 - S.P.Y. (Special Project Y)
GX875 - Aliens
GX861 - Konami '88
GX870 - Final Round
GX873 - Thunder Cross
GX878 - Gangbusters
GX890 - Devastators
GX891 - Bottom of the Ninth
GX903 - Cue Brick
GX907 - Punk Shot
GX911 - Surprise Attack
GX939 - Lightning Fighters
GX945 - Gradius 3
GX955 - Parodius
GX963 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
GX973 - Block Hole
GX999 - Rollergames
1 - Gryzor seems to be the UK name for Contra (US)
2 - Green Beret is the UK name for Rush 'n' Attack (US)
3 - Are these the same games??
And now in date order from 1978 - 1995 (total 127 boards),
note there are some boards on the above list that dont
appear below, can anyone help me place a game to a date?
Date    Games name                      GX board number
----    ------------------------------  ---------------
1978    Block Game                      no number
1980    Astro Invader                   no number
        (Side Winder)                   no number
        The End                         no number
        (Missile X)                     no number
1981    Scramble                        GX387
        Space War                       no number
        Frogger                         GX392
        The Hustler                     GX343
        Ultra Dome                      GX369
        Super Cobra                     GX316
        Jungler                         GX327
        Journey                         no number
        (Invelian Type 106)             no number
        Turtles (Turpin)                GX353
        Strategy X                      GX306
        (Tactician)                     GX335
        Amidar                          GX337
        Locomotion                      GX359
1982    Tutankham                       GX350
        (Com'on Mama)                   GX813
        Pooyan                          GX320
        Time Pilot                      GX393
        Juno First                      GX310
        Rock 'n' Rope                   GX364
1983    Gyruss                          GX347
        (Sparkie)                       GX332
        Track n Field                   GX361
        Circus Charlie                  GX380
        Mega Zone                       GX319
        Badlands                        GX455
1984    Time Pilot '84                  GX388
        Hyper Sports                    GX330
        Super Basketball                GX405
        Mikie                           GX469
        Road Fighter                    GX461
1985    Yie Ar Kung Fu                  GX407
        Shao-lins Road                  GX477
        Konami's Ping Pong              GX555
        Green Beret                     GX577
        Twinbee                         GX412
        Hyper Crash                     GX401
        Gradius                         GX456
        Finaliser                       GX523
1986    Konami GT                       GX561
        Jail Break                      GX507
        Mr Kabuki                       GX621
        Iron Horse                      GX560
        Salamander                      GX587
        Jackal                          GX631
        Gryzor                          GX633
        Rock 'n Rage                    GX620
        Double Dribble                  GX690
1987    Combat School                   GX611
        Battlantis                      GX777
        Flak Attack                     GX669
        BAW                             GX604
        Devil World                     GX687
        Hyper Crash                     GX790
        Blades of Steel                 GX797
        Fast Lane                       GX752
        City Bomber                     GX787
        Typhoon                         GX770
        Labyrinth Runner                GX771
        Super Contra                    GX775
        Rack 'Em Up                     GX765
1988    Haunted Castle                  GX768
        Chequered Flag                  GX717
        Vulcan Venture                  GX785
        Kitten Kaboodle                 GX712
        Devastators                     GX890
        The Main Event                  GX799
        Hot Chase                       GX763
        Gangbusters                     GX878
        Konami '88                      GX861
        Thunder Cross                   GX873
        Final Round                     GX870
1989    Missing in Action               GX808
        Crime Fighters                  GX821
        Special Project Y               GX857
        Cue Brick                       GX903
        Block Hole                      GX973
        T.M.H.T                         GX963
        Gradius 3                       GX945
1990    Aliens                          GX875
        Lightning Fighters              GX939
        Punk Shot                       GX907
        Over Drive                      GX789
        Surprise Attack                 GX911
1991    Rollergames                     GX999
        Bells amp; Whistles             GX060
        Golfing Greats                  GX061
        The Simpsons                    GX072
        Vendetta                        GX081
        Thunder Cross 2                 GX073
        Sunset Riders                   GX064
        XEXEX                           GX067
        T.M.H.T. 2                      GX063
1992    Asterix                         GX068
        X-Men                           GX065
        G.I. Joe                        GX069
        Bucky 'O Hare                   GX173
        Hexion                          GX122
        Potrio                          GX174
        Lethal Enforcers                GX191
1993    Premier Socceer                 GX101
        Mystic Warrior                  GX128
        Cowboys of Moo Mesa             GX151
        Martial Champion                GX234
        Violent Storm                   GX168
        Metamorphic Force               GX224
        Entapous/Gaiapolis              GX123
        Run and Gun                     GX247
        Polynet Comm.                   GX305
1994    Brain Busters                   GX170
        Monster Maulers                 GX170
        Racing Force                    GM250  - GM number!
        Sauroid Cabinet                 (not a game)
        Funky Monkey                    no number
        Konami's Open Golf Chmp.        GX218
        Fantasic Journey                GX321
        Gun Fighters                    GX312
1995    Soccer Superstars               no number
        Magical Twinbee                 no number
        Dragoon Might                   no number
        Premier Soccer '95              no number
Finally, a list of the games and dates that have no number
or are not boards :
Date    Games name                      GX board number
----    ------------------------------  ---------------
1978    Block Game                      no number
1980    Astro Invader                   no number
        (Side Winder)                   no number
        The End                         no number
        (Missile X)                     no number
1981    Space War                       no number
1981    Journey                         no number
        (Invelian Type 106)             no number
1983    Finaliser                       no number
1994    Sauroid Cabinet                 (not a game)
        Funky Monkey                    no number
1995    Soccer Superstars               no number
        Magical Twinbee                 no number
        Dragoon Might                   no number
        Premier Soccer '95              no number