Document Title: [GottleibBoards.html (html file)]
Last updated: November 27, 1996 Gottlieb Video System Boards * GV-100 Reactor uses a MA-289 board which looks very similar to the GG-III system board with 2 noticeable exceptions, no battery & smaller 2732 type program roms near the edge connector (instead of the 2764's). It should be possible to adapt this game to run on the GG-III system board. GG-III system board are marked C-22248-3 and will run the following games... * GV-102 Mad Planets * GV-103 Q*bert * GV-104 * GV-105 Krull test16, step 17 * GV-113 Three Stooges test -16, step 17 * GV-119 Q*bert's Qubes (I don't know if this fits the "system" or not) * GV-134 Curveball (C-22248-2) Some games use RAM (2128's) in place of BG roms & change the jumpers accordingly. * GV-109 MACH 3 is a 22399-1 board with a extra connector for the additional controllers but it appears that it may be down graded to act as the above boards Gottlieb games that are not part of the System * ?????? No Man's Land * ?????? New York, New York * GV-122 Juno First (Konami harness) Soundboards used for the GG-III Video System. Video Game A6 Sound or Piggyback Amp Voltage A3 Power Sound/Speech Supply Reactor MA-216 Not Used +30 VDC MA-303 Q*bert MA-216 Not Used +30 VDC MA-303 MA-430 Q*bert late production GV-103B MA-486 MA-483 +16 VDC MA-492 Q*bert Cocktail GV-103CT MA-486 MA-483 +16 VDC MA-492 Mad Planets MA-484 MA-483 +16 VDC MA-492 Krull MA-487 MA-483 +16 VDC MA-492 Three Stooges MA-495 ? +12 VDC MA-479 For replacement of the LM379S (U23) amplifier used on Gottlieb's Sound and Sound/Speech Boards, a Piggyback Board Substitute been designed to replace the amplifier. The new amplifier is mounted in a piggyback configuration using a LM2002T or a TDA2002T which operate at approximately one half of the voltage required by the LM379S. This voltage requirement necessitates minor changes on the A3 and A7 Sound/Speech Power Supply Boards, because the 2002T cannot operate at the +30VDC level supplied by the present Sound/Speech Power Supply Boards. The new MA-481 and MA-492 Sound/Speech Power Supply Boards supply the correct voltages to operate the piggyback amplifier. A3 Power Supply Board Modification To update an MA-303 or a MA-430, A3 Power Supply Board to the new MA-492 Board, please make the following changes to the circuit board. * Delete C22 Capacitors, 2200 uF, 75V * Delete R21 Resistor, 1.8K Ohm * Replace D26 1N5363B, 30V Zener with 1N4745A Zener diode (16 V) * Replace R23 200 Ohm Resistor with 1K Ohm, 5% Resistor. A6 Sound or Sound Speech Board Mod To repair a Sound or Sound/Speech Board requiring a replacement for a defective LM379S, the new MA-483 Piggyback Board must be used. (Thus I haven't bothered to document this but it demand dictates I will try to scan in the pictures but I don't know where you will find a "piggyback" board). Q*bert's Qubes This seems to be a pretty elusive game here on the net but we are getting closer. Jess Askey has found a manual and provided me with a little info. I am confident that we can hack the additional daughter board that was used with little effort. Now to find the chips....